Original Stories Fan Fiction / Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction ❯ Revenge of the Descent ❯ Twelve - Invasion of the Mind ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The ship had left shore around 8 in the morning, giving the group plenty of time to give the battle plans one last look. Kai leaned comfortably against the front of the ship, her eyes closed as she focused on becoming one with the element she controlled, which was currently rolling lightly beneath the ship. She seemed to be meditating, clearing her mind of all things—good and bad. Feeling someone's presence behind her, she tried her best to ignore it for the first few minutes. But before she got a chance to tell whoever it was to leave her alone, a surge of power shot through the sea below, instantly reaching the boat and knocking nearly everyone over. Kai stumbled, but was thankful that it was Florian's presence behind her, for he had saved her from falling backwards.
After quickly recomposing themselves, the group saw a darkening cloud form above the castle. Portentous energy was emitting from the highest tower still intact, swirling violently to create a harsh storm surrounding the small island. Florian cursed and along with Eryk, hurriedly murmured difficult but effective barrier spells. He grabbed a small bag with red dust inside it, untying it and grabbing a handful to sprinkle around the ship. Eryk followed suit, each man running around the ship in a frenzy. Once they had covered the edge of the railings with a sparse amount of red dust, they muttered a few more words, putting their fore- and middle-fingers to their mouths briefly before forming an alien-like symbol onto the main deck, the power of the spell burning it into the formerly polished wooden floor.
Florian guardedly stood up once the ship had stopped rocking, and looked toward the island that was still a little over an hour away. The barriers he and Eryk put up would shield the ship as well as its passengers from the storm, but it would take a bit longer than expected to reach the island with the way the once calm sea had reacted. He sighed, squinting his eyes, searching for something more than the shadowed energy coming through the sole window upon the tallest tower. He gasped as soon as he spotted a small string of red energy flowing within the overpowering black energy. “Guys, I don't believe this is a good sign,” he said nervously, pointing to the rapidly growing amount of red energy. It mixed itself within the black energy, creating a bigger and more powerful cyclone than before. Chi tugged on Florian's sleeve, her innocent dark eyes filled with concern. He pulled her to him in a small hug, patting the girl on the head as he said, “Don't worry. As bad as it is, I'm sure all four of you can handle it.” She sniffed, but nodded, trying not to worry herself more.
Just as the group was starting to think it couldn't possibly get any stranger, a bloodcurdling scream reached their ears from the castle. “No!” shouted Ilias, running to the front of the ship as the ominous energy exploded above the castle. “Cassiel is giving her powers to Rika! I can feel it!” He clenched his fists, his head hung low as the screams filled the air a moment longer before suddenly dying down. “Dammit…”
Cassiel had always known she would one day have to give her powers to her master. She knew it was her destiny, for she certainly had no use for them. Granted, her powers had helped her out quite a few times when she was in tight situations, and although her ancestor, Edric Balin Elias's, powers had somewhat diminished when passed down, the true strength behind it was always imminent deep within her heart. By giving the remaining of her strength, her life force, Edric Balin Elias's power, to Rika, whom had better control of it, she knew her ancestor's plan from so long ago would be carried out appropriately. She felt her bones growing weak, her once beautiful and shining silver hair falling out, her skin crumpling into dust… With one last, very faint smile, she whispered, “Lady Rika, I bid you farewell… As a last request, take out my brother, Ilias…” Her eye lids slipped silently shut as her decomposing body fell limp to the ground.
Rika smirked, feeling the awesome power rush within her. She felt all the power, combined with her own, becoming much stronger than even Gilead. Of course, back then, she was still stronger than him anyway, though she could feel it throughout her body and mind, that this power was ten times the power she had three years prior. She allowed a small, malevolent chuckle to escape her lips, her grin continuing to widen as she felt her own cracked and dry skin returning to its smooth, youthful stage. Her dulled, red eyes were quickly replenished, glowing bright enough to almost light up the throne room. Rika laughed and laughed, until she felt the power completely transfer from Cassiel's body to her own. She smiled at the girl, who was now so weak she could barely hold herself up on her knees. With her pastel white hand, she gently ran her fingers over her most loyal servant's crumbling face. “Dear Cassiel, you indeed have not failed me. You shall be rewarded in the after life for your loyalty.” Her eyes widened slightly as she heard Cassiel's whispered last words, her last request… An impious smile graced her lips as she quietly replied to the dying woman, “I will make sure I take care of Ilias, just as you asked.”
With one last fleeting look at the still decaying body, she drew her black, tattered robes over her new young body and left the throne room. Now, what is proper for me to wear when greeting my new guests? she thought scathingly, a low cackle filling the quieted halls, startling her weakest minions into the dark shadows of oblivion.
The five demons and Guren had been waiting in a small, withered clearing about a few hundred feet from the shore, well concealed under the darkened sky as the vicious storm rattled the tall, fresh trees. Lady Rika had made sure that her few earth demons assembled a fine hideout for them; when she had first set foot on the island, the trees had mostly died out or burned down, leaving the castle, as well as her, very vulnerable. Presently, the true mind of Guren lay dormant within the shadows of his own mind, though he soon felt his cursed mind developing a sort of personality. He was staggered, to say the least, when his own looming voice roared in his ears, causing him to stumble into what he believed was the floor. Groaning, he slowly pushed himself up, though he found it to be very difficult.
“Having trouble, Guren?” asked that same voice. “Well, I guess I'm the real Guren now. We shall have to come up with a new name for you. How about—” The trapped mind of Guren snapped out of its temporary daze as he interrupted his own voice.
“Who the hell are you? Why do you have my voice?” The voice chuckled and watched within its own mind, amused by the struggle Guren had while simply pushing himself up into a sitting position.
“Don't you know? I'm your other side. The cursed one.” Guren felt as if he could feel his other side's lips curving up into a smirk. “You may as well get used to the empty void. There's no way you can break this spell.”
He grabbed at the air, trying desperately to seek out the origin of the voice. He cringed as the deafening laugh of his other side damaged his ears. “You'll never admit your own feelings, Guren. Just declare your surrender, and I assure you, it will be much easier. Perhaps I'll even let you watch as I kill your companions… Well, more specifically, her.”
Guren's eyes widened as he stumbled once more, falling to the ground only to pound his fists into it. Breathing heavily, he noticed that he could see a very dim, but still visible, light pouring down in front of him. He brought his head up, his heart stopping as he looked through his cursed side's eyes, spotting the barely evident ship having trouble sailing towards where his body currently resided. No! he thought frantically, his fists and jaw clenching in anger. I have to find some way to break this spell… Or at least warn them! What can I do…? He closed his eyes, drowning out the nonstop taunting of his cursed side's voice, concentrating on how to warn the group of what awaited them at the island.
Eyes snapped open as he remembered—finding the strength and resolve to do what he had never previously done—how to willingly enter the dreams of another, whether that person was sleeping or not. His shoulders slumped a bit as he remembered the first time he found these extraordinary, hidden powers; he was a teenager at the time, though he thought he was simply communicating with Ilias telepathically. However, Ilias later told him he had suddenly knocked out and dreamt that Guren had warned him not to come looking for him. He allowed a bitter smile to form, recalling that his idiot friend had come regardless of his warning.
His eyes clouded over as his memory returned to his senses.
A sixteen year-old Guren was caught stealing bread from a village not too far from where he and Ilias were staying. He had tried to run, but they had tackled him before he could get away and tied him in a small cell. His wrists hurt terribly, as they were chained to the wall. Unfortunately, his back was facing his captors, who had come in with a whip, ready to be used. He fought off the pain with simple meditation, refusing to show that he was weak by letting petty tears roll down his face. Only once the men left had he noticed how shallow his breathing became. I don't even remember feeling their emotions, he thought sullenly.
Naturally he thought he wouldn't live for more than a week in that cell. Guren knew how the men of this village treated wrongdoers. No matter how big or small the crime, the offender would get locked up in a cell—just as he was—and whipped every night, until on the night of the next full moon, they were beheaded in the village square. It was a cruel punishment, and none had ever escaped it. Sighing heavily, he summoned the last of his strength to reach Ilias through his mind.
Ilias sat up abruptly, his eyes wide with fear and sympathy. He clutched onto the thin fabric clinging to his chest, trying to will his heartbeat to slow down. His eyebrows furrowed—he didn't remember falling asleep. He looked around to see that he had fallen a few feet from the small tent he and Guren shared; he was returning from gathering berries from trees, which now lay quietly upon the dirt path. He tried to hold back the tears as the images Guren sent him through his dreams came back. `Don't come looking for me. I got caught, and the next full moon is in a week. You know what'll happen then. It was nice knowing you Ilias,' he had said.
Later that night, Ilias snuck into the village, using his elven powers to conceal his pointed ears. In no time, he reached the small prison and easily found Guren's cell, as he was the only one held captive. He covered his mouth, fearing that he may wake the bulky guard if he let his gasp of shock escape. Guren's back was covered in slashes, all of which were dried out and probably infected by now. He shook his head, plucking a small pin out of his hair and quickly picking the lock of Guren's cell. The boy in the cell instantly looked up, his eyes enlarging when he saw his friend. Ilias put a finger to his mouth, warning Guren that if he spoke, the guard would wake. He nodded, understanding, and gave his friend a smile of appreciation.
Once the door was unlocked, Ilias cautiously opened it, then worked on the chains attached to Guren's wrists. It took a bit more time, but just as dawn was breaking, the two had already ran as fast as they could back to their hideout. They swiftly packed their things, knowing that as soon as the guard woke, the villagers would be looking for them. Ilias had successfully used his elven magic to heal Guren's wounds before they left the cell, though very light scars still remained.
`I told you not to come! Why do you think I warned you, idiot?!' Guren asked, laughter dancing in his golden eyes. Ilias chuckled as they ran through the forest, packs tied to their backs.
`I couldn't leave you like that, Guren.'
Guren relaxed his muscles, closing his eyes as his mind searched for the only one that he knew he could trust with this message…
“Kai!” Feng shouted, darting to catch her friend as she suddenly fell backwards. “Kai? Kai! Wake up!” Candis and Chi rushed over, already beaten by Florian who was only a few feet away.
“What happened?” exclaimed Candis, seeing the dull look in Kai's eyes before they slowly slid shut. Chi grabbed her friends shoulders, gently shaking them as she tried to wake her up.
“I don't know,” said Florian, clearly worried. “I was going to go over the battle plans with her, and then she got a distant look in her eyes, and passed out.”
“She blacked out, definitely,” added Feng confidently. “Someone has invaded her mind.” Her violet eyes narrowed as she searched for a source on the island. “I think it's…”
Kai groaned, feeling the weight of her body crushing against her chest. She blinked, seeing lush greenery and blooming flowers surrounding her. “Huh?” She grunted, trying to push herself up, and was shaken to see a familiar hand hovering in front of her face.
A deep voice chuckled, asking, “Need some help?” Her eyes snapped up, seeing the well-known face of Guren, complete with an arrogant smirk he usually wore around her. She reached out, eagerly accepting his help. Kai was even more flabbergasted when her legs failed to work, causing her to collapse into Guren's clothed chest. “Just can't keep yourself off of me.” He laughed, feeling her embarrassment through the fabric. “It may be a dream, but I can still feel your emotions. Remember?” He gently took hold of one of the hands resting upon his chest, bringing it tenderly to his lips.
“Guren,” she breathed, feeling her face heat up. “What are you doing? Is this real? Or is this just… A dream?” He pushed her back, while still maintaining a grip on her arms, to look her in the eye.
“It's real. You can say that I'm trapped within my own mind—I guess the cursed part of me developed its own personality. Anyway…” He sighed, his head turning to avoid her bemused gaze. “I could only tell you—I guess out of the rest of your little group, I know you a little better than the rest. Cassiel has already given Rika her power. She's dead. But, Rika's powers are stronger than three years ago, meaning she is stronger than Gilead.”
Kai felt her heart sink like a rock to the bottom of the ocean, her very faint hope starting to fade. “I'm also sad to say that there are five demons, as well as myself—well… Not really myself.” He looked puzzled at his words, but hurriedly continued. “I can't stay much longer before the cursed part of me takes over completely. Whatever plans you may have, throw them out, or quickly modify them. There are five demons—I don't have enough time to tell you what types, but they're not very strong. Make sure you guys know what you're up against. Though even I'm not sure what capabilities my cursed self has…” He trailed off, still refusing to face the girl. “Huh?” He turned slightly, noticing an impulsive change in the girl's emotions. He felt her feeling hopelessness, though it hadn't lasted more than a second before she was once again determined.
“Guren,” she stated firmly. Her eyes were closed, as if she were thinking deeply. Soon, they opened, the look in them much more than just motivation. “We will break the curse.” He was confused for a moment, then shifted a little awkardly, realizing that Kai meant that the two of them would break it. He smirked once more at her reddened face. She can even be cute at a time like this, he thought, his smirk broadening when he saw she had read his mind.
“Take care.” He offered a small, genuine smile, though his eyes were almost sad to have to leave her in such a state.
“Wait! Guren!” Kai reached urgently for his disappearing form, only to be roughly awakened by a splash of cold water to her face. “Guren! Wait, where did he… Guys, did you…? Oh, man!” She whined, wiping the water off her face with the white sleeve of her shirt.
“What's wrong?” asked Candis, sitting cross-legged next to her friend as she handed her a towel. Kai nodded her thanks.
“We need to revise our battle plans.” The other three girls and Florian looked astounded at the certainty of her voice, but made themselves comfortable to listen to her reasoning.
“First, an explanation,” added Kyros, walking over to the small group and placing himself directly in front of Kai. “What did he tell you?” Kai made an annoyed noise, but was soon thankful that Ilias had stepped in.
“Kyros, don't be so frank,” he scolded, placing himself next to Candis at Kai's side. “Kai. Guren invaded your dreams by knocking you unconscious, did he not?”
She nodded numbly, taken aback that Ilias had already known what had happened. “What perils did he warn you of?” She sighed, pushing herself out of Feng's arms and into a sitting position. “Well…”
About an hour later, they had finally reached the shore of the small island. Kai had shortened all that Guren had told her, warning her friends that there were five demons, not including Guren, that would be waiting at the island. Because Guren was not sure of his own powers, it was immediately decided that Feng, Candis, and Kai would go against him. Chi was slightly hurt that they thought of her as the weakest of the Elementalists, but did not voice her complaints out loud; she simply accepted that she would fight one of the weaker demons, as Kyros, Ilias, Florian, and Eryk would also do.
Kai had attempted to slow down the raging currents to quiet their arrival, though the ship still roughly smashed into the thick sand, knocking its occupants down once more. They made sure to leave their packs behind, bringing only weapons and ingredients, for Florian, Kyros, and Eryk to use, should they need them. Chills ran down the girls' backs as they stared ahead at the misty, newly grown shrubbery. Before long, they had sensed the five demons, along with a stronger sixth one, approaching them at a very swift speed. They tried to hold back their gasps as they saw a tall, hooded figure lead five smaller demons onto the shore, as it said in a deep, silky voice, “Well, well, well, look who we have here…”