Original Stories Fan Fiction / Horror Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction ❯ A Shadowlander's Dream: Book 2 - Policy of Love ❯ Chapter 52

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A Shadowlander's Dream: Book Two - Policy of Love
By Kathryn K Williams

Chapter Fifty-two

Kim curled up on the bed next to Penny in a nightshirt that she found in her suitcase, she still had no memory of bringing the case with her and yet it seemed to be filled with many of her own clothes. She decided not to worry too much about it and tried to concentrate on the book in her hand. After a time she found that her mind would not focus on the words before her so she closed her book on her index finger and watched the girls as one by one they drifted off to sleep. Sarah had already crawled up on the top bunk while Amber lay on the mattress on the ground with an arm protectively around April while Caitlin had made a bed from the pile of clothes in the closet and was now curled up deep in the corner. And lastly, Penny snuggled up close beside Kim, not leaving her side.

Kim smiled happily, never before had she felt like she belong somewhere, here she had many sisters and although it was crowded she found her new home cozy and somewhat of a comfort. Before she always felt as if she was running from something, as if she had no place to call home. Now she felt as if she finally found her home. She felt Penny�s arm move around her waist and turned to look at the girl.

Penny gave a small, weak smile, �How are you doing?� She inquired softly.

�Alright,� Kim waved the book she was reading, �I�m just about caught up.� She replied with a smile, �How about you?�

Penny nuzzled into Kim, �Better now that you are here.� She said with a sigh and squeezed Kim.

Kim set the book on the ground and moved closer to Penny before flipping off the light attached to the bedpost. The moment the light was out Amber�s eyes flickered open.

�You finished reading?� She inquired in but a whisper, as to not wake the others.

�Not really.� Kim replied, peering over the edge of the bed, �I�ll finish the rest in the morning.� She said softly, �It shouldn�t take too long.�

�Yeah.� Amber admitted with a smile that turned to a frown, �Are you finding the story creepy?�

�I don�t like that nurse.� Kim remarked in distaste.

�She reminds me of Ma�am.� Amber stated miserably.

Kim shook her head, �Ma�am is not that bad.� She remarked, �My father was much worse, trust me.�

�You will change your mind soon enough.� Amber assured, �You should try to get some sleep.�

�Alright� Kim curled up under the blankets and pulled Penny in close, �Night Amber.�


�Sweet dreams, Penny.� Kim said to the girl in her arms.

Penny frowned sadly, �Not likely.� She replied with another sigh.

�Try to get some sleep.� Kim soothingly suggested, �I�ll watch over you and protect you.�

Penny�s eyes glistened in the night, �And who will protect you?� She inquired worriedly.

Kim placed a hand gently upon Penny�s cheek and gazed into the girl�s eyes, �Don�t worry about me. I can handle myself.� She tried to reassure the girl.

Penny shook her head, �I can�t help it.� She stated, her eyes darting around the room, �The night always makes me nervous.�

Kim smiled tenderly, �Maybe I can help.� She offered lightly stroking the girl�s cheek.

Penny nuzzled up to Kim hand at first then pulled away, �W... we... can�t...� She stammered, her eyes flicking wildly about the room as if in search for someone watching them.

�Why not?� Kim leaned forward and lightly brushed her lips against Penny�s.

�Kim...� Penny let out a shivered sigh and was about to kiss the girl when the sounds of foot steps interrupted them, �N... no...� Penny stammered, huddling into Kim as they silently watching the door.

�Please don�t come in here.� Amber softly prayed and held April close to herself. They heard the lock on the door unlatch and the girls froze.

�I wish Jessie were here.� Penny whispered squeezing Kim tight.

�I�ll protect you.� Kim hugged Penny in return and watched the door, finding it impossible to turn away. She could feel the terror from her sisters fill the room and she feared what may be behind that door. The door slowly opened a crack and a set of dirty fingers snaked around the edge of the door. �You girls should be sleeping.� Came a hissing from behind the door. The sound was low and gurgled, almost like that of a lizard. Kim almost wished it were a lizard because that she could handle, however as the door opened more it reveal the shadowy form of a tall, thin man, his dark eyes quickly scanning the room in search of who was not sleeping. They came across Kim and she felt as if his eyes were crawling over her skin. A streetlight shone through the window lighting up his teeth as a grin broke out across his face.

�Do you see that new girl?� Another man with a slightly husky voice inquired as he entered the room behind his brother. This second man was larger then his brother and looked a lot stronger.

�Yep.� He stated as he entered the room and started towards Kim and Penny. He suddenly stopped as if something startled him and stared at Penny as she clung to Kim�s arm. �It seems our Penny has become quite attached to the new girl.� He remarked with delight. His smile broadened at the sight of the two girls. A smile that made Kim�s stomach sink. She knew that grin all too well and knew exactly what these men were after.

The large man looked down at the girls, �Maybe she will finally be a good girl.� He said anxiously.

�What do you think Penny?� The tall man inquired, �Will you be a good girl for us today?�

Penny shrank into Kim, �Don�t you hurt her!� Kim snarled, baring her teeth at the men like an animal.

�Why aren�t you a feisty one?� The large man commented with a chuckle.

�We aren�t going to hurt her.� The tall man assured, �We just want you two to come with us for a moment.� He reached out one of his long arms towards Kim and offered her his hand, �Will you come with us?� He coaxed. �We have a treat for you.�

Penny held Kim�s arm tight, �Don�t go.� She pleaded to the girl.

Kim glanced at Penny to see the dread in her eyes, �I�m not going anywhere.� She assured confidently when the man suddenly grabbed her by the arm.

�I told you to come here.� He snarled angrily and pulled Kim off the bed while the other man grabbed for Penny.

�You come when you are told.� The big man demanded as he hauled Penny out of the bed.

�OWWW!!� Kim cried out as the thin man twisted her arm, �You�re hurting me.�

�Shut up!� The other man snapped, �You don�t want to wake up mother now do you?� He inquired with a sly grin. �If you do we�ll tell her how much of a bad girl you have been and she�ll send you to the cellar.�

Panic washed over Kim�s mind as she was dragged across the floor. She glanced around the room in search of someone to help her only to see frightened eyes staring back at her. Amber�s eyes were filled with tears as she shook her head slowly and mouthed, �I�m sorry...� before the man closed the door and relocked it.

The larger man fiddled with a ring of keys with one hand while holding Penny over his shoulder. He quickly moved down the hall until he came to the last door in the hall and hastily he put one of the keys in the door and twisted it, then pushed the door open for his brother, �After you.� He gestured with a grin.

The thin man shoved Kim into the room. It was a large pink bedroom with a large canopy bed in the corner and several stuffed animals spread across the pink bed spread. The rest of the room was nearly bare aside from a dark wooden dresser in the far corner and dark curtains that hung heavily over the windows blocking out any light from outside. The only source of light were two cone shaded lamped with their lights trained upon the bed. Kim scanned the room in bewilderment when she heard the door closed behind her and the distinct sound of the door locking. She spun around to see the large man pocket the keys while the thin one crossed the room to the dresser where he proceeded to pull out a camera from the top draw and load it with film.

�Sit on the bed.� The large man ordered in his husky voice then dropped Penny upon the bed.

Kim rushed over to the bed and hugged Penny who pulled away, hiding in the corner of the bed amongst the stuffed animals. Kim turned her angry eyes to the men only to discover she could not see them with the bright light trained on her, they were too bright and swallowed the rest of the room in darkness, making it only possible to see the men�s shadows as they moved about the room, �What are you going to do to us?� She inquired uneasily, her mind filled with the many things her father forced her to do and terror overflowed her as she realized that these two might order her to do the same.

�Just get on the bed like a good girl.� The man repeated, �If you don�t do what we ask then you can spend the day in the basement tomorrow without anything to eat.�

The other man scuffled around the room, �I hear there are a lot of bugs down there.� He stated with a laugh, �So listen to us and you won�t be hurt, alright?�

�Those clothes don�t work.� One of the men stated, referring to Kim�s long nightshirt with a print of kittens on the front.

�I think it is cute on her.� The other retorted, �The shirt captures her innocence.�

Kim watched as one of the shadows moved in closer and there was a sudden flash followed by a winding sound. She blinked as spots flickered before her eyes.

There was another flash, �I don�t know.�

Another flash, �Ummm... what is your name?�

�K... Kimberly...� Kim stammered frightened of what the men were planning in the shadows.

�Kim could you pick up one of the stuffed animals and hug it.� He inquired, �The big pink one next to Penny.�

�Why?� She inquired confused by the request.

�Just do as your told.� One of them men snapped. Kim cringed against the sound and did as she was requested, picking up a large pink stuffed bear and hugging it in her arms. Yet another flash, �I think she will do just fine.�


�Kimberly, would you take off your nightshirt.�

Kim was startled by this new request and hugged the bear tightly, �My shirt?� The request made her feel uneasy and she glanced at Penny who huddled into the corner, tears filling her eyes, �I... If I do w... Will you not touch Penny?� She inquired hopefully.

Chuckles filled the room, �Sure, just take it off. Slowly.�

Kim�s thoughts raced through her head. What would these men do if she did not comply with their demands? Would they simply send her to the basement without food as they suggested? Or would they instead move to Penny? She thought of them touching Penny, their rough hands moving over her soft skin and she shuddered. Her father had done far worse to her and she could handle the pain and the humiliation, but Penny was so innocent. She could not allow them to touch her. If it would save Penny then she would do anything.

�Don�t make me come over there and take it off for you.�

Kim�s was jolted out of her thoughts, �I... I�m sorry...� She put the teddy off to the side and began to pull her shirt off. As she did she could see the flash of a camera go off a in a frenzy of flickers. Several times she hesitated as if caught in the camera�s flash like a deer in headlights. She finally pulled the shirt over her head and held it close to her chest. She felt vulnerable sitting under the lights in only her panties and hoped that this would be the extent of her torture, but knew there would be more before the night was done, there always was.

�Good girl.� She could hear the smile upon the man�s voice, �Now lay back on the bed.� Again Kim did as she was told, lying out on the bed with her hands over her chest. More flashes came from the shadows and Kim was beginning to feel as if a million eyes were crawling over her body causing her to shudder.

�Penny, remove your clothes.� He ordered.

Kim quickly sat up, �You said you would leave her alone.� She exclaimed frantically.

�I said I was not going to touch her.� He stated with a smile, �You, however, are.�

�ME?!?� Kim tried to figure out what they were implying. They couldn�t mean what she thought they meant could they?

�Now Penny, be a good girl this time.� He ordered the girl.

Penny nodded and sobbed sloftly as stripped off her nightgown, her pale skin shining in the gleaming lights.

�Now lay next to your friend.�

Kim watched in bewildered curiosity as Penny curled up next to her, �Penny?� She wrapped her arms around Penny and held her protectively.

�Now that is cute.� The voice cooed. �Kimberly, why don�t you give her a kiss?�

�A kiss?� Kim was confused by this new demand. She glanced at Penny and searched the girl�s eyes.

�On the lips.� He demanded.

�What?� Kim glanced out at the shadows. Why would they want her to kiss Penny? What could they get out of her kissing Penny?

�Just do as your told.� The man ordered angrily.

Kim stared into Penny�s eyes; there was panic in those eyes. She saw Penny take in a deep shaky breath and nod, �Please.� She whispered, �Do as they say or they will hurt you.�

�But Penny?� Kim felt confusion fill her heart, �What about you?� She did not want to hurt the girl no matter what the situation.

�Kimberly?� The man was getting irritated, �If you do not kiss her I�ll let Jim have his way with her. How does that sound to you?�

Kim stared into the dark in revolution, so that was their game. Terrified of that man touching Penny she leaned in close and lightly kissed Penny. She could see flashes of light from the shadows and closed her own eyes against them. She imagined them back at the ball, gliding across the marble floor locked in the embrace of a loving kiss. Then she felt Penny deepen the kiss, she allowed herself to fall into the depths of Penny�s lips. She opened her mouth and feel their saliva mix together in warm waves. The nightmare around her completely forgotten, but not for very long as the voice cut through their daydream.

�Touch her.�

Kim caressed Penny�s cheek as she let go of the kiss and gazed at her friend. Penny let out of shivered sigh as they parted and her lips quivered, �Are you alright?� Kim whispered low enough to only be heard by Penny.

Penny shakily nodded, �As long as I�m with you.� She stated with a deep flush.

�I will not hurt you.� Kim promised as she pulled Penny in close to hug her, �And I will not let them hurt you, ever.�

�Pet her crotch.� The voice suddenly demanded.

This command make Kim jump in surprise and stare out into the darkness in bewilderment, �What?�

�Touch her cunt.� The person reiterated, �You know exactly what I mean. I can see it in your eyes.�

�I....� Kim glanced down at Penny, �I...� She found herself lost for words. Her lips trembles as her eyes began to water, �I... c...can�t...�

Penny took Kim�s hand and guided it down her body, �If it is you...� She whispered with tears in her eyes.

Kim slowly shook her head as she allowed her fingers to move between the girl�s legs. Tears gathered at the edge of her eyes, �I�m sorry...� She buried her face into Penny�s shoulder and sobbed, �I�m sorry...� She allowed her fingers to move under the Penny�s panties and let out a weak cry of defeat.


To be Continued . . .


Note: The world of the Shadowlands, Its stories, Characters and ideas are a copyright of Kathryn K Williams.

This story is based upon my manga of the same name. If you wish to view art from this series please visit my deviant arts site at: <a href="http://shinigami-shimai.deviantart.com/ " target="_blank">http://shinigami-shimai.deviantart.com/ </a>

For more of my stories visit my deviant hearts site at: http://www.devianthearts.com/viewuser.php?uid=159

Also if you spot any typos or other errors please contact me at katwilliams @ rogers.com