Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Wolf Clan ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter Two
My dream began with my dad, he was smiling at me. Then all of a sudden he was standing over a woman who was on the ground, bleeding. I looked closer and saw that she had been stabbed through her heart. I woke screaming. I looked around and saw that it wasn't real. It felt like I was really there. I heard footsteps coming down the hall. I knew that I had woken everyone up. The first ones in my room were my best friends Lily and Luna.
“Are you okay?” asked Lily and Luna, breathless.
“Yeah, it was just a nightmare,” I replied, calmly then I pointed to the chairs in my room (indicating for them to sit down).
After a few minutes everyone had calmed down. Most of the clan had showed up. The people who had showed up: Enju (my betrothed), Moonshadow (my father), Windstar, Firestar, Luna, Tears, and Lily.
“I'm okay. It was just a nightmare. So, just go back to sleep,” I said strolling back to my bed going back to sleep. Lately I have been having nightmares about anything and everything. Most of them about a wolf who was just like me. Her name was Chun. In the morning I woke and got in the shower. I stood there trying to piece together my all of my nightmares. Wondering if this wolf was real or not. After I got out and dressed I went to breakfast. My father was waiting to eat with me.
“Koon…the other clan is requesting a meeting with our head and our little princess (something that they all called me). Are you going to be up to it?” questioned my father.
“Yeah, what is it about? Don't tell me that I'm going to be the youngest there again,” I sighed.
“It's about a murder that took place on the battlefield. Their princess's mother got murdered and they think that we did it. So we are going to see if we can keep you out of the battle,” said my father Moonshadow who returned to his food after he was finished talking.
(A/N: They have other clans that are out to destroy them. So they don't know who did it. They assume that it was the Kainiru clan but they can't be sure. So they want to have a meeting to discuss it.)
“Oh, how old is she?” I inquired, interested.
“We have no idea. We assume that she is your age but we cannot be sure of that. So eat breakfast and get into your formal outfit,” said my father who got up from the table, thus ending the conversation.
“A girl like me, hunh?” I thought while quickly eating. I ran upstairs after eating a small breakfast and got on my formal clothes. I hated them but I had to obey my father and the leader of the clan, who was a woman. Our clan leader's name is Rosebriar. She is a very wise and protective woman. To me she's like my grandmother even though I don't have one. I went to the mirror to fix up my hair which I had to put into a ponytail rather than have it down all the time. I looked closer and examined my eyes…they were a light green almost blue but still a really light color. I had pure white wolf ears and tail. I also had a small frame and light brown hair that I was tying up in a ponytail. Once I finished I fixed my bow on my dress that had been made on size too big just in case I happened to grow too much. Wolves didn't traditionally wear clothes. We had no need for them. Usually we just wore shirts and jeans. But before a wolf turns thirteen she (or he) has to spend a year in human form. For the people that weren't thirteen yet they still had their ears and tail. The year designated for me to be in human form was my twelfth year.
“Knock, Knock, Knock,” went my door.
“Yes, come in,” I said finishing with fixing my dress.
“Koon…,” said a voice from behind the door.
“Enju, you can come in I'm not getting dressed,” I said running to the door and pulling it open.
“Oh, sorry,” said Enju coming in and hugging me.
“You should stop apologizing. You did nothing wrong,” I said hugging him back.
“Okay. I'll miss you today,” he said pulling away.
“Yeah, I'll miss you too,” I replied sadly then added, “It's only for today though. I'll be able to hang out with you tomorrow.”
“True, but I'll miss you all too much,” said Enju then adding, “I'll be okay though. I was sent to get you though. So you should leave.”
“Okay!” I exclaimed suddenly excited about this girl who lost her mother. I turned to go on my way out but Enju grabbed my arm and pulled me into a kiss.
“Just in case we never get to see each other again,” he said breaking the kiss.
I walked out and downstairs to where Rosebriar was and we walked out the door to go see the other clan leader whose name I've just learned is Fireshadow. I can't wait to meet the girl though. Maybe we could be friends!