Original Stories Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction ❯ A Second Chance ❯ Songs of Love, Life, And Death ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

His friends came over and laughed at us. I looked at the guns and cried out. I was scared…
Joseph growled. The men laughed. I whimpered. Becky hid. She was small enough that she could slip right through the drunken peoples legs and get out alive.
“Becky, you can get out! You are small enough and fast enough to escape! So do it! Leave! I can't have you die! It's not your time! GO!” I told her sternly. She nodded and ran. She slid through their legs easily and dashed off. I heard her sob once before she left, and I knew I may never see her again. Joseph continued growling. Then he lunged. He bit hard into the first drunken man. The man cried out in pain and waved his small gun about. Another man shot. The bullet skimmed Joseph. I watched in horror and amazement as every single bullet was dodged. Then a gun was pointed at me. I gasped. I gulped and shut my eyes, ready to die. The shot was fired. I heard nothing but felt an immense pain fly through my body. Everything was in slow motion. My eyes were blurred. I was confused. Everything was mixed together. The loud `Soulja Boy' music, the laughter from the men, the scream of Joseph, and even the beat of my own dying heart. A song was playing over in my head. `If Every One Cared'. Nobody cared. I new that. Nobody would care. Not humans, anyway. Respect was like a disease. Caring was like dying. People didn't want to. Then I heard something. Something, angelic. I opened one eye to see Joseph leaning over me, singing. Singing and crying. I felt his tears drop onto my fur. I heard claws scraping the cement. Becky brought Andrew.
“Get off her!” Andrew had yelled. I didn't want Joseph to leave me. Not now, or ever for that matter! He seemed to know this, and continued singing. He finished his first song and moved on to another. Andrew barked a threatening bark for Joseph to move. Joseph didn't budge.
“If you don't move and let her go, I swear I will kill you!” Andrew yelled at Joseph. Joseph continued singing. I opened both my eyes and stared at Andrew. The worst thing happened from there. Andrew lunged. He ripped Joseph off me and bit hard into his neck. Joseph rolled under Andrew and stood abruptly. This sucked the breath out of Andrew. Andrew yelped and bit Joseph's ankle. Joseph fell to the ground. Andrew growled. Joseph simply stared. He turned his head toward me and stared at me lovingly. I got lost in his eyes for a second, forgetting everything. My pain, the fight, the lies, even life itself. It was just him and I. I didn't want that to ever change. I had fallen for him, and there was no turning back now. It was either I stayed alive and well with him, or I died. I didn't think I would get him, so I drifted off to a slow death. I had almost fallen into Heaven when I heard Joseph scream. He hadn't left? It wasn't time for me to die? I felt him pulling me to get up. He was singing again. I realized then just how far I would go to be with him. I wanted to stay alive, but I would die one million times to be with him. It was too late. I had died. Or had I?