Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ ={[ Wolf's Blood ]}= ❯ = {[ > Our World < ]} = ( Prologue )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Written by: Zelix
A/N: Okay, for those who remember, I once had an original story going on this site titled: “The Sinner” which I sadly dropped and deleted.
Well, after writing Inuyasha fanfiction for a while, I suddenly after reading and writing was hit with this idea for a story, details about what the story is about will follow next, this is sort a new version of that fic, many names are different and so is the scenario.
Now, the first chapter is a prologue, telling us what this story is all about, what this world is, what is going on… all that, so in the first chapter nothing really happens, it is just to give you all a picture of what this is all about.
Oh yeah, instead of using `chapters' I will use `episodes', just to make things more different, even by little.
Now, here are some details about what this story will have and what you should be aware off:
Story length: Long
Contains: Action, adventure, erotica, drama, blood, death and romance
Time and Place: Fantasy world
Warnings: Action scenes are bloody and brutal, sex scenes are graphic, long and steamy… so in other words, if you're under 18 and are reading this, I am not responsible for what for what happens since I've warned you by now. Hehehe… though, that has not stopped anyone before has it? LOL
Now, to explain certain marks that appear during the story:
*Switch in time/place*
=When mentioning something important/Techniques=
[Check at the bottom for details]
Also: I am a boy, 19 years old and still a virgin so if you're reviewing do not mistake me for a girl… it seems like a LOT of people do that to me. Oh yeah, I am from Finland so English is not my main language, which means there will be some spelling/grammar errors.
Lastly, if this was a TV-show or an Anime:
Opening Theme: Shadow skill - Born Legend
Ending Theme: Vandread - Himegoto
> ={[ Wolf's Blood ]}= <
Prologue: = {[ > Our world<]}=
In this world, =Elcaria=, the race known as humans does not exist. This is not a world of humans but instead it is inhabited by creatures similar to humans in looks, they are called =Youkai=… which would mean “Demon” in human language.
The Youkai are creatures who look similar to humans to certain degree, especially with their body structure but that's about all. Youkai with difference to humans have animal like aspects and traits, such as ears, fangs, claws, eye colours, even natures of animals and they possess twice as much strength, speed and reflexes as a human would, not to mention they also have heightened natural senses like sense of smell, hearing, seeing, etc. They also hear a lot faster than humans do.
Youkai also have a longer life-span than humans as well, where humans can barely live to be 100, the average age for a Youkai to die in is 150 years old and the longest has been known to be 250 years. Now, the age system works rather differently as well, where a human who has turned 18 is considered an adult, a Youkai must become at least 50 years old before he/she is considered to be an adult… also, lying about yourself being adult is also impossible, for when a Youkai becomes 50 years old his/her body goes through a rather large amount of changes, which alters the scent they emit from their bodies, kind of like when a raw fruit becomes ripe.
The Youkai in this world are divided into several races, each with their own special traits, purpose and all that, they may sometimes seem similar but even if there is no other way of recognising them, each race has a specific eye colour which never changes so they can be recognised from that. Here is a list of races that appear in this story:
=Wolf (Ookami)=:
Wolves are a strong, proud and noble race, most of the time it is the wolf who is the leader for they are natural born leaders.
Physically wolves are very balanced in speed, strength and reflexes, they are not superior in any of them but neither are they flawed in any of them either, the one weakness they do have however is that their numbers are limited, so wolves are well balanced and leaders but they are small in numbers when compared to other races.
The eye colour for wolf is =Storm like grey=
As a special note about wolves, they are extremely protective of their packs/groups, so they can be angered easily if someone insults their packs.
=Dog (Inu)=:
Dogs are physically on the same level as a wolf is, though they lack a bit in pride in comparison, a dog is often a natural born guardian or a warrior.
Like mentioned above, dogs are most of the times on par with wolves when it comes down to combat ability… yet, dogs cannot become leaders most of the time because they often become loyal to a single person which means they tend to be biased on the matter, while wolves are leaders who have to be loyal to the entire pack, that's the difference between the two, wolves have more responsibilities than a dog does… though most of the time, a dog is the second-in-command.
The eye colour for dog is =Deep brown=
As a special note about dogs, their loyalty to a person is unbreakable, which is why they make excellent confidants and bodyguards.
=Cat (Neko)=:
Cats are physically different than dogs and wolves, cats the kind that rely on speed and reflexes rather than physical strength, they are quick and rather… seductive when need to be.
Female Cat Youkai are naturally born with excellent reflexes and with a body that is flexible, agile and very… nicely formed, so to say, heheh. But their body structure is not as sturdy as dogs and wolves are, it is flexible and agile but not so durable, which is why cats are not frontline soldiers but instead they are often used as assassins, scouts, spies and… sad to say, as harlots/prostitutes. Of course, cats naturally have a VERY active sex life, especially when they go into heat, which is why those who want to have a cat Youkai for life often have hard time keeping them in line since they are… well, mischievous, to say the least.
As for male cats, they are quite the same as females, except that males are often used by female soldiers to... hehehe, `get rid of sexual frustration' if you know what I mean and of course, male cats and female cats mate very often.
The eye colour for cat is =Amber gold=
As a special note about cats, you must never piss them off… for they are quite vindictive.
=Fox (Kitsune)=:
Foxes are not physically very strong at all, they are not even fast, but when it comes to intelligence and mental status, they are above any Youkai.
Foxes are similar to that of cats in many way, especially when comes to mating, yet they do not have the same physical abilities as other Youkai do but their abilities lay in their mind for foxes are more smarter and definitely more cunning than other Youkai are, which is why foxes are most of the time given place as healers, strategists, researchers, advisors, etc. any kind of position that requires cunningness and intelligence is usually given to a fox.
The eye colour for fox is =Emerald/Forest green=
As a special note about foxes, if they are needed to fight, they often use projectile like weapons since they are no good with close range combat… also, when a fox is cornered and it is wounded, it can become rather dangerous.
=Bear (Kumo)=:
Bears are physically strong like hell, yet they are not very fast or smart.
Bears are physically the strongest there are of all Youkai, they can even smash boulders very easily and lift things that weight A LOT… however, they are not very fast or quick thinkers, which is why they are often used for heavy labour or in sieges against castles, of course they are used in defence against sieges as well, bears are something to be afraid of in battle, especially if you threaten it's family and children, then they can become extremely dangerous.
The eye colour for bear is =Dark blue=
As a special note about bears, they are often quite calm and good with children, which is another reason why they are not used in combat… for their calm nature can be a hindrance during battle.
=Tiger (Tora)=:
Tigers are quite the same as cats, except they are extremely vicious during battle and if not taken seriously you can get killed before you even know what happened, not to mention they are a very proud race as well.
Physically, tigers are more durable than cats are in combat, they have the same speed and reflexes as well, which makes them extremely lethal in combat. Yet, tigers are a warrior race, male and female alike are naturally born warriors… they would be on par completely with wolves, perhaps even above them were they not so un-cooperative, you see, tigers are a neutral race and do not participate in wars unless provoked to do so and even then they take no sides in battle. So tigers are not often seen in battles and if one is seen… well, let's just say you'll be in for a fight of your life.
The eye colour for tiger is =Amber gold, like cats are=
As a special note about tigers, they are a `sister race' to cats, which is why they have the same eye colour as they do, yet a tiger can be recognised because they always have deep black or deep red stripes on their bodies, legs, arms and faces while cats often have either violet or red stripes, never black or deep red like tigers do.
There are many other races as well, yet these are all that will appear in this story.
Youkai also have many other things as well… yet I will not explain all those here and now, instead they will be told during the story itself.
Though lastly, I'll tell this:
In Youkai lore, myths and legends, it is also said that their race once possessed mystical abilities called =Kijutsu (Magic)= and =Mahou (Witchcraft/sorcery)=, of course, these are considered to be just fairytales because there has not been any kind of record of someone using any of those abilities for the past 2000 years… yet some still believe that they did exist and still do, of course, people who believe like that are often called heretics or something similar.
Now, let me tell you what this world itself is all about:
This world is quite similar to our own in many ways, except in technological development, since Youkai mostly use their physical properties they do not have much need for technology but they still do have machinery to a certain level, if compared to our own technological history this world would be equal to that of steam engine level, yet cars of any kind have not been developed, though there are trains and ships. Yet, even with the technology, the people here mostly believe in gods and all that, not too heavily though, mostly when there is a natural disaster they think that it is because two gods are battling one another for some reason.
Also, the land where this is taking place is currently on a brink of war, the northern lands of Gyuhara and southern lands of Dasakara have had skirmishes a lot lately between them and it is said that an all-out war is only a matter of time now, so there is pretty thick intensity between the two lands and it's people.
The bad thing about all these battles is that since they've been going on for so long, the military and its leaders have began think that what they need are pure-blooded Youkai since they have began to believe that cross-bred Youkai are not as strong as pure are… which has at first only affected the military and it's way of thinking, yet now it has began to spread among the people as well, many have began to discriminate those who are cross-bred and in some extreme cases they've even killed them because of it.
In other words, it has become what humans would call `racism' and sad to say, it is spreading very steadily.
Now, this story itself takes place in the northern lands, Gyuhara and it revolves around a group of people, what they do and how they survive in this world… and of course, things keep happening to make their lives more complicated and more complex than they would have thought. Yet the most amazing thing is that it all began with the meeting of a single individual, a single individual that started a chain of events that would reveal to us that there was more going on during this time of peril that one could ever have foreseen…
So, without further ado, let us begin this tale of romance, war and drama in a world where humans are an unknown race… let the tale about a world without humans begin.
To be started… Next time
A/N: Well, I hope that gave you some idea what will happen in this story, sorry if the descriptions were a bit vague… but when the story begins, more details will follow as they come. I just hope that this was enough to at least catch some of you people's interest.
Oh yes, this story WILL NOT BE UPDATED REGULARLY, sometimes there might even be a few month long gap between updates because I'm mostly an Inuyasha fanfic author, this is simply a story where I use ideas I can't use in Inuyasha fanfics.
Oh yeah, I know the words “Youkai” comes from the anime show/manga Inuyasha but it is a Japanese word so it isn't really copying or anything, I'm just using words that I find through a dictionary I have.
Now, until next time! Though I hope I'll receive a few reviews so I'll know if this story will have any readers at all.
- Zelix, see ya next time!