Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ A life with Gorillaz! ❯ Waking up in Kong Studio ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: Sweet_Gorillaz Gurl 
Disclaimer:I don't own the Gorillaz Just Pooki3!
**:What's wrong my dear?? why are you all sad..??
**:W-who are you??
**:I'm yours my love.....come and give me a sweet and warm hug...my princess....
The girl was awake, she know it was a dream.......
(Now going to the girl)
As I look around I see I was in the place I saw early....
**: I wonder what happen....wait I remember I was almost rape.....well at least I'm safe now let's see where am I......in a studio??? Huh
I look at the sign and it said..
**:Kong Studio??? that's a weird name.....
now let see huh a door??
Noodle:No don't-
~~Door open~~
scary Shark:HEE HEE!!!!
Murdoc:Oh go fuck a fish!!!! *Kick the door*
**:*Holding a tall blue haired yet dents eyes(No eyes)* Huh???
**:*Blushes* Ummm....Hi???
Noodle:Are you ok??? Lady??
**:Oh yes.....Thanks for saving me..ummm what's your name sir?? *Looking at Murdoc*
Murdoc: Murdoc Niccals.....*Taking a smoke*
Noodle:I'm Noodles and this is 2D and Rus So what's your name lady???
~~Next chapter!!!
Miscellaneous: Original Stories Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Hentai / Fantasy / Romance / Comedy | Type: Alternate Universe | Uploaded On: 05.15.2007 | Pages: 1 | Words: 5 | Visits: 143 | Status: Completed

Disclaimer:I don't own the Gorillaz Just Pooki3!
**:What's wrong my dear?? why are you all sad..??
**:W-who are you??
**:I'm yours my love.....come and give me a sweet and warm hug...my princess....
The girl was awake, she know it was a dream.......
(Now going to the girl)
As I look around I see I was in the place I saw early....
**: I wonder what happen....wait I remember I was almost rape.....well at least I'm safe now let's see where am I......in a studio??? Huh
I look at the sign and it said..
**:Kong Studio??? that's a weird name.....
now let see huh a door??
Noodle:No don't-
~~Door open~~
scary Shark:HEE HEE!!!!
Murdoc:Oh go fuck a fish!!!! *Kick the door*
**:*Holding a tall blue haired yet dents eyes(No eyes)* Huh???
**:*Blushes* Ummm....Hi???
Noodle:Are you ok??? Lady??
**:Oh yes.....Thanks for saving me..ummm what's your name sir?? *Looking at Murdoc*
Murdoc: Murdoc Niccals.....*Taking a smoke*
Noodle:I'm Noodles and this is 2D and Rus So what's your name lady???
~~Next chapter!!!
Miscellaneous: Original Stories Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Hentai / Fantasy / Romance / Comedy | Type: Alternate Universe | Uploaded On: 05.15.2007 | Pages: 1 | Words: 5 | Visits: 143 | Status: Completed