Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ A life with Gorillaz! ❯ The story about the sad girl with the Cat ears.... ( Chapter 4 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: Sweet_Gorillaz Gurl 
Disclaimer:I don't own the Gorillaz Just Pooki3!
It's ok there's no romance...(RATS!!)
Anyway this is when she tell Noodle her past life.....
So I hope you like it!!
It's a Gorillaz story I don't them except Pooki3
Pooki3:DON'T AT LOOK AT ME!!!! I'm a freak........*Sob*......
Noodle:*Touching her cat ear*They're sooo cute!!!!!!!! Are you Neko????
Pooki3:No!!! I'm not neko....I use to be human.....but something happen......*Look down*
Noodle:Just tell me Pooki3-sama........
Pooki3:Well ok.....You see.....I was very young when my parents die....I was rape by this dude.....who couldn't stop follow me....I thought I was gonna die but a lady came and I look at her and she look at me......but than she put a spell on me....to have these cat ears......because they can make me have 9 lives as a cat.....so this is how I got them....
Noodle:Such a sad story.....but in the end you're alive!!!!
Pooki3:Thanks.....*smile and cat ears went down*Oh finally.....
Noodle:Huh how come it went down...??
Pooki3:Because When I calm down...The ears will go down....
Noodle:But when will this spell wear out...??
Pooki3:Umm*Blushes*Well.....if true love come than the spell will wear out...
Noodle:That's it....??? Wow that might sound hard........
Pooki3:Yeah......do you know anyone who can be my true love....??
Noodle:N-Ummm...*Thinking*Umm..Maybe..come to lobby!!! I'll show you the mens!!
Pooki3:Oh goody....
Miscellaneous: Original Stories Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Hentai / Fantasy / Romance / Comedy | Type: Alternate Universe | Uploaded On: 05.15.2007 | Pages: 1 | Words: 5 | Visits: 129 | Status: Completed

Disclaimer:I don't own the Gorillaz Just Pooki3!
It's ok there's no romance...(RATS!!)
Anyway this is when she tell Noodle her past life.....
So I hope you like it!!
It's a Gorillaz story I don't them except Pooki3
Pooki3:DON'T AT LOOK AT ME!!!! I'm a freak........*Sob*......
Noodle:*Touching her cat ear*They're sooo cute!!!!!!!! Are you Neko????
Pooki3:No!!! I'm not neko....I use to be human.....but something happen......*Look down*
Noodle:Just tell me Pooki3-sama........
Pooki3:Well ok.....You see.....I was very young when my parents die....I was rape by this dude.....who couldn't stop follow me....I thought I was gonna die but a lady came and I look at her and she look at me......but than she put a spell on me....to have these cat ears......because they can make me have 9 lives as a cat.....so this is how I got them....
Noodle:Such a sad story.....but in the end you're alive!!!!
Pooki3:Thanks.....*smile and cat ears went down*Oh finally.....
Noodle:Huh how come it went down...??
Pooki3:Because When I calm down...The ears will go down....
Noodle:But when will this spell wear out...??
Pooki3:Umm*Blushes*Well.....if true love come than the spell will wear out...
Noodle:That's it....??? Wow that might sound hard........
Pooki3:Yeah......do you know anyone who can be my true love....??
Noodle:N-Ummm...*Thinking*Umm..Maybe..come to lobby!!! I'll show you the mens!!
Pooki3:Oh goody....
Miscellaneous: Original Stories Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Hentai / Fantasy / Romance / Comedy | Type: Alternate Universe | Uploaded On: 05.15.2007 | Pages: 1 | Words: 5 | Visits: 129 | Status: Completed