Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ A Missing Trifle, a Fright, and a Death ❯ The Presented Case ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A Missing Trifle, a Fright, and a Death
Author's Notes
SK: Despite my initial plans of doing a Naruto fanfic, I have decided to write this mystery story that I came up with recently. If you like this chapter, please review so I can improve on my writing since, I am still very new to writing fanfics and that's it…(recorded 5/1/08 Happy May Day!)
Disclaimer: This is my little mystery story. All characters, fictional/ slightly non-fictional places and items belong to me, SenseiKowai (SK). If you like it review, and don't even think about stealing the plot. Thank you for reading.
Chapter 1: The Presented Case
SK View
The omniscient parts will be in your regular text. So please remember that. On May 1 at 8:35a.m., Mrs. Ilena Lee, age 46, was found dead in her home on 49 22nd Street in San Mateo. Mrs. Lee had filed two reports for a robbery one week ago and a stalker 3 days ago. Accordingly, Mrs. Lee is a widow, lives with her problematic 15 year old daughter Jenny, and is known to be somewhat wealthy. Until recently, she was in possession of a strange trinket known as the Glass Gem which went missing one week ago. She has a neighbor and longtime friend Ms. Lauren Kwak, age 43, who happens to live across the street in house 52. Lastly she has a, 19 year old, nephew who visits her often named Kevin Tom who lives in South San Francisco.
Last night she had invited Ms. Kwak and Kevin were invited to stay at Mrs. Lee's house for the night. That night under unknown circumstances, Mrs. Lee was killed by one of the three other people or an unknown party. At the moment, the police only have a terrified and anguished faced and dead Mrs. Lee, and three prime suspects. Since the police have way too many cases to take care of, they are hiring private detective, Gale Wong to investigate…
Gale Wong (GW) View
May 1 8:48 35b 11th Street, San Mateo
Another morning on 11th Street and I'm enjoying my break from investigation. All of it's great until *ring* the phone rang. I let it ring on my answering machine with the message, “Hi you have reached Gale Wong Private Detective (PD). I am not here at the moment since I'm probably working on something or doing important personal stuff. Leave a message and don't forget to call back later”
Smiley emoticon aside, most of the message is true. The slightly untrue part was that personal stuff meant buying manga, going shopping, watching TV (mostly anime), watching DVDs, talking to stuffed animals (did I say that… ?_?), and reading books (and manga). Personally I would've preferred to just ignore the call and go on playing Wii bowling but it just had to be…
“Wong! Get your lazy body over to 49 22nd Street now! You better come now or…” the phone's message said before quickly unplugging it. I really hate it when Mr. Chief Police gets the nerve to call me early. Oh well, I wonder what all the trouble is anyways.
After walking down the stairs, I saw our friendly stray Shin, Shiba Inu, eating some dog food that the manager left for him. The little guy always seems to know when I do some investigating. Most of the time, I don't let him come along, but since he seems well behaved, I'll bring him along to the case.
Author's Notes
SK: So there you have it, chapter 1. Next chapter will be in progress, might be delayed because of parents, friends, family, and testing. Next chapter, Chapter 2: The Crime Scene.