Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ A Secret revealed ❯ when she found out ( Chapter 1 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
By: jdawg12 Jasmine hates her life more than anything and yet she has no idea of what her life is going to reveal. To her on her journey through high school those who say that high school is the best years. Well they probally didn't go to Jasmine's high school she has been made fun of, because of how she dressed, and she acted but little did those who made fun her know that Jasmine was a powerful witch no one know except her two sisters. Who were also witches but they did not except that, and are trying to live their lives as normal as they could. Until an evil no man or person faced came across before this evil had a name that was almost impossible to say without someone screaming this name was Katrina and this evil went to Jasmine's High school and she had deal was this evil the very same way that her great grandmother did and also her grandmother who was also a witch and know about her 3 beatiful granddaughters. Jasmine's mother did not have any powers and did not know about her children. Her oldest daughter Samantha was married and exspecting twin girls and second daughter Buffy was involved with someone who Jasmine did not a prove of simply because the guy was a jerk who did drugs and didn't really love her sister. Jasmine had a enough problems then that on her hands she was in love with her best friend yet she was involved with somone else but the person she was involved with was cheating on her for over a year and at first she was happy with the realationship but now she is not so sure of anything other than the fact the fate of the world was in her hands. The one thing that she keeps asking herself is she ready to take this responsiblity.
Miscellaneous: Original Stories Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Fantasy | Type: Songfic | Uploaded On: 11.24.2006 | Updated On: 11.27.2006 | Pages: 1 | Words: 133 | Visits: 207 | Status: Completed
Jasmine is a 15 year old girl that is in High school and she just recently found out that she has powers she also found out that her 2 older sisters Samantha and Buffy were witches too. Jasmine did not know who she could trust so she went to the one person who she knew would never lie to her she went to her grandmother who also revealed she was a witch to. Her grandmother told her the reason why she didn't tell her that she was a witch was because she wanted to protect her and wanted her to decide if she wanted to use her powers or live like her own sisters who did not wish to use their powers and are