Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ A Shadow of Gold: Book 1 in the Colored Shadows Saga ❯ Prologue: Color and Shadow ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Once more I'm at it again! I just can't seem to keep the stories from coming or MANAGE to finish even ONE of them. I feel so useless!!
Okay, in particular, this story I INTEND to make into a novel, hopefully to be the first in a series, which may or may not be known as the Colored Shadows Saga.
COPYRIGHT: This story is the property of Shinu Silver Dragon Inc., a one person operation. If she finds it anywhere else, she will prosecute you. This may also be appearing on fictionpress under the name Dragon_Animagus. DO NOT STEAL!!!!
All right…. Are you ready?
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Prologue: Color and Shadow
A lone figure walks down the lane. It stands out against the drab fall fields. It turns to look behind itself, and there is a flash of gold light. The figure continues on its way, walking faster than before. The large, multicolor pack on its back sways slightly as it jogs towards the next town. There is a rustle in the field, and the wheat sways against the powerful wind. The figure breaks into a run as a darker, shadowy figure leaps out of the field. The shadowy one pursues the colorful one. Soon the pack is lost over the hilltop. The remaining figure halts at the top, growling and breathing heavily. It follows cautiously after the brightly colored figure, still growling from deep in its chest. As it disappears over the hilltop as well, the rain began to fall, and the wind howls through the trees on the other side of the lane. Soon, everything but the rain becomes still again; the only sign of passage the slight trail left in the field.