Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ A Tale ❯ Scare ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Actually, this isn't mine. It was written by a friend of mine who is like a little brother. I'm posting it to see the reactions of people to his work.
Chapter One --- Scare
It was a cool day in June, a slight drizzle fell on to the faces of four people. Their names were, Benjamin, Jordan, Becky, and Will. Summer vacation had finally arrived, leaving the group bored to tears. Their was really nothing to do, it was cold outside,whitch was weird for summer and TV was lame. It was like the only time they were ever having fun was when they were in school. That was changed within the week, though I should probably start from the beginning.
“What do you mean there's nothing to do,” said Benjamin's mom on a late morning in June. “I told you, there's nothing to do while I'm waiting,” said Benjamin “Waiting for what,” she said. “ For Will and his dad, mom don't you remember,” asked Benjamin. “Remember what,” she asked back. “ That me and my friends are going on a road trip, I must of told you weeks ago, we wanted to do something before break was over,” Benjamin said with a, how could you forget tone. “ Oh, I new that but, is it that time already,” she asked looking distressed. “ No, it's going to take a week to get there, the Grande hotel to end all hotels, and we want to stay for at least a week,” Benjamin said with a twinkle in his eye. “ Are you at least all packed,” she asked with a, giving up tone. “ Yes mom I've been packed since the beginning of May,” he said with sharp annoyance in his voice.. “Beep Beep,” well thats them,” and mom please try to enjoy yourself,” Benjamin asked. “ OK, have fun, and behave will you please,” Benjamin's mom asked back again. “ Fine as long as I know That I'm coming home to smile, OK, I'll see you in a few weeks,” Benjamin said, and walked out the door.
Benjamin went outside, to find an impatient looking will waiting.There is a short silence before they both get in the truck.
“ What took you so long,” Will said. “ My mom decided to have a long goodbye,” Benjamin said. “ Well at least you could go, what excuse did you use this time?” “ No excuse, I actually told the truth.” “oh, for once, Will joked.” “ ha ha thats very funny, hey Mr. Cat where exactly are we going?” “ Very deep into the woods, it'll be a lot less likely for us to run into other campers.” “ Who's house are we going to go to first?” “ Becky's her house is closer, and it's in the opposite direction that we're going to go on the trip.”
The drive to Becky's house was relatively quiet. There was an occasional twitter of a bird, or a large bump on the road. Then they got there, to find a hysterical Becky frantically in search for something.
“ Hi, I'm busy, I have to find my manga, if I don't I'll have nothing to do!” “ Becky, you don't bring stuff to do when you go on a road trip, what you do depends on where you go.” said Becky's mom Mrs. Chipmunk. “You know, see the sights, visit popular places and restaurants,” Mrs. Chipmunk said with a twinkle in her eye. “Who are you and what have you done with my mom,” Becky said with a look of utter astonishment on her face. “ It seems that all you care about is your manga, but no, not this time, I won't let you.” “ Awww, but mom it's a long car drive even with stopping at the “sights”, what will I do,” Becky sighed. “ Play spot the rock or something, it'll keep your mind off all boredom.”
A sulky and quit irritable Becky joins Will and Benjamin in the car.
“ Now all we have to do is get Jordan,” said Will eagerly. “ Yeah, but his house is still fifteen minutes away,” moaned Becky. “ at least there's no traffic,” Benjamin piped in. I can't wait to get Jordan and finally get this trip started.
The drive to Jordan's house was the exact opposite of the drive to Becky's. It was loud and quick, Becky would not shut up. They get there to see a sad looking Jordan ready to go on the curb.
“ What took you so long (sniff), I thought you guys left me behind I saw several cars that looked a lot like this one,” said Jordan in a somewhat happier voice. “ Jordan, we would never leave a friend behind, you know that,” said Becky. “ What a crazy way of soothing people,” Will whispers to Benjamin.
Becky drags Jordan to the car, throws him in then goes back to get his stuff.
“ Oh yea I feel much better now,” Jordan mutters to himself. “ Well at least we can get the trip started,” said Benjamin! “ Do you notice something different,” said Becky while getting to the car.
Indeed something was different, all around it was quiet, even the birds stopped chirping. Then it happened, there was a flash and a tremor that deeply scared the four friends, they let out a scream that intern, scared Mr. Cat
“ Whats all the yelling about,” said Mr. Cat breathlessly. “ The lightquake boom blinding hurt my head,” the four said “ together as their words got all jumbled up. “ Wait wait wait, one at a time, what happened?”
The four looked at each other and nodded in agreement. In case you didn't know the four had a way of knowing what each other meant without saying any thing.
“ Nothing,” Will said “ just playing a prank on you” and his friends soon nodded in agreement “ well don't do it again you nearly gave me a heart attack.”
little did he know that that would be the exact reason the four friends end up alone wandering in their `lost' way. Though I probably stay in sequence.
“ We've been driving for ages,” said Becky cautiously, her constant talking had gotten on everyone's nerves. “ I told you, we're going to be there in three minutes,” said Mr. Cat. “ Where exactly is the first pitstop, we've been driving all day,” said Benjamin. “ Our first pitstop is at a place called Best Western in Cheyenne Wyoming.
They get there around 10:30 that night. While Mr. Cat checks in the four friends sit in the cushioned waiting room, as often times this was a popular hotel, to discuss what had happened earlier that day.
“ What do you think it was,” said Becky in a hushed voice. “ We did all see it right?” “ Right,” they all agreed. “ Shoosh my dad is coming!” “ Whats all the hush hush about, teenage gossip, I understand, but we have got to get to our room, your going to love it.” “ Where is it,” said Jordan. “ It's on the top floor, floor ten. “ Lets hope nothing happens,” quavered Jordan. “ Yea lets hope,” they all agreed in their silent language.
None of them talked the rest of the night . They went to bed so they could get up early, and start driving again.