Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Akasaka Moon ❯ Ice ( Chapter 27 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
December 23rd, 1950.
That was the year that everything changed. My demonic fox angel,
Juriko, died that year. They say it was an accident, but I don't
believe that for one minute. She was murdered and I know who did
it. The day played out like this:
It snowed that day which was strange because the forecast didn't
call for it. I didn't really think much about this pleasant
“Mother,” I said. “Can I go out in the snow
today?” She sat at the table smiling with her flowers in her
“Of course, just be home for dinner,” she said.
“Alright,” I said. With that, I put on my snow gear and
headed out the door. On that morning, I had only one place I wanted
to go. There was an old pond near the woods in our neighborhood. I
found Juriko and Haruka waiting for me there, or rather, the former
was waiting for me. Juriko smiled as she stood up to greet me.
“Hello, Iwao-kun,” she said. I blushed at her
angelic-like voice.
“Hi…” I mumbled. Haruka sneered as she rolled her
eyes. I smiled and waved.
“Hello Haruka-chan,” I said. She glared at me and
looked away. I felt a sweat drop form on my head. Bitter as
Juriko twirled about in the snow, laughing. “You like it? I
whispered for it to snow on our birthday today and it came
At first, I didn't get it. “Huh?” I asked. She giggled.
The snow fox princess walked over to me and leaned in close to my
“My powers have manifested today,” she bragged. Her hot
breath made my heart jump. I looked at her.
“Really?” I asked. Juriko nodded.
“Uh-huh,” she said. I glanced over at Haruka.
“And what about her?” I asked. Juriko tried not to
laugh as she shook her head.
“No,” she said. “Her powers haven't come
yet.” I happened to notice Haruka glaring at us. My heart
went out to her.
“You sure it's okay to talk about this in front of
her?” I asked. Juriko shrugged.
“She's fine,” she said. “She doesn't really care
by this point!” Her giggles sailed to the high winter sky. I
laughed in a nervous way as I looked over at Haruka. She snorted
and looked away.
Haruka didn't seem to fare well from Juriko and me talking about
her for the rest of the morning. She stood off to the side in the
snow as her twin sister skated gracefully on the ice. I could
understand how she felt. Everyone always focused on Juriko. She was
more popular than Haruka and she had it all-- looks, charm, grace,
brains, and a strong sense of independence. On the outside, she
looked like an angel, but Haruka and I knew her much better over
the years. Juriko could be as cold as the snow that almost came on
their birthday every year. She had no trouble with killing a
sparrow for me to resurrect. I hated to see what she would do if
someone got her angry. That's how the whole Eda clan was.
I bit my lip as I watched Haruka watch her sister skate on the ice.
Despite it being a cold birthday, I could tell by her face that she
burned hot with envy. Too many years she had been ignored, sixteen
too many to be exact. The hateful look in her eye at her had me
worried. Juriko She looked like an ideal winter princess as
appeared to be having a good time. The weak winter sun gently
kissed and caressed her long flowing midnight blue hair. The boys
from down our street came to gawk at this dark angel as she skated
around on the ice.
Haruka clenched her fists as she watched on in hate. Sure, she
looked just as beautiful as her sister, but did anyone ever notice?
No! It was always about Juriko! Her sister saw her as a burden in
her life. But, I noticed her. She constantly complained to me about
how badly she wanted to kill her sister.
“My life would be so much better without Juriko
around,” she said on many occasions.
“You don't believe that,” I would say, brushing her
“Yes, I do!” she snapped. If Juriko's powers manifested
today, what if Haruka's powers manifested and killed her
Suddenly, the ice cracked and broke under Juriko's feet. She fell
right into the icy black water below, screaming. I leapt in shock
at the sound of her voice. The boys all ran forward to save
“Help!” Juriko cried as she struggled in the icy pond.
“W-W-Water… too cold! Can't swim here! Help! Help! Help
me!” Two boys ran home to get rescue. Throughout the chaos, I
happened to look up and notice Haruka standing off in the distance.
She didn't move an inch and her face was drained of any emotion.
She watched as her twin sister was drowning in the black icy cold
Right then, I figured out what really happened. You did
it, I thought to her. You really did it. You really
killed your own sister. For one brief second, I thought I
saw Haruka smiling at my realization. But, my memory is the only
thing fuzzy about that particular second.
By the time rescue arrived, it was too late. The water and cold
claimed Juriko's life. By the time the adults could pull her out,
she had already drowned with hypothermia. Eda Juriko was only
sixteen on her birthday.
Things had never been the same ever since that morning. The day
after Christmas, Haruka ran away from home and never returned to
Nara. Naturally, nobody noticed her. Her parents didn't even report
her missing. I don't even think that they noticed that she was
gone. As for me, I buried myself in school and studying to become a
priest. However, that wasn't the last time I would cross the Eda
clan or Haruka in my lifetime.