Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ All Star Dreams (Ver. 3) ❯ Chapter Forty Six ( Chapter 46 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
All-Star Dreams: Chapter Forty Six
By Bekka Mouri-Hibiki

Lotte walked Branslav down the hallway towards Coach Sweet's office, the barrel of the gun urging him forward. Once they reached the office, Branslav could see Daniel sitting in one of the chairs across from Coach Sweet's desk. " Sit, " Lotte shoved Branslav towards the empty chair.

Branslav felt like he was moving in triple slow motion, his eyes fixed on Daniel. The young man looked more scared than Branslav had ever seen him before. Daniel's eyes followed him as he moved towards the chair. He looked like he wanted to say something but couldn't.

Once Branslav sat down, Lotte kicked the door closed, revealing that Martin had been standing behind it. He walked to Coach Sweet's desk and sat down on the edge. " Hello boys. "

" Why are we here? " Branslav couldn't believe he was able to speak.

" Oh I think you know why, " Martin said icily. " Care to tell me why you think you're here? "

Branslav looked at Daniel. He decided to play dumb and act like he knew nothing about the blackmailer. He looked at Martin, " Don't you think this is a bit harsh? I mean, Betty's just here to watch... "

" It has nothing to do with that damn woman! " Martin shouted, cutting him off. He growled, " You have a one track mind Korbel. "

" Then what is this all about then? " Branslav tried to sound confused.

Martin rolled his eyes, " Don't even try it. You just can't mind your own business, can you? "

" They know, " Daniel muttered. " I told you we should have left it alone. "

" That's right we know, Hill. But what we don't know is how much you know. Do you care to fill us in or do you need a little encouragement? " Martin glanced at Lotte. She still had the gun pointed at them.

" What good will it do if we tell you? " Branslav asked. " You will kill us either way. "

Martin looked at the floor then at Branslav again, " If what you know helps us figure the mystery out, I may just let you go. "

" Forgive me if I don't believe you, " Branslav narrowed his eyes. " I've made the mistake of trusting you before. "

" Have it your way, " Martin reached into his jacket. He pulled out a revolver and aimed it at Branslav, " You know, I never really liked you. "

" There's a whole arena of people out there that will hear you if you do that, " Branslav tried not to show how scared he was. He knew Martin wouldn't think twice about shooting him just by the look on his face.

" There's a game going on, " Martin cocked the gun. " They'll never hear anything. "

Branslav swallowed hard as Martin aimed the gun at his head and cocked the hammer. He shut his eyes, certain it was the end...


The arena was quiet as The Turquoise scored another two point shot. It wasn't that far into the game but they already had twelve points while the Supernovas had nothing. Robert had hit the floor like a man on mission, making all the baskets himself and leaving the players who had attempted to guard him in the dust. He tried not to smile when he caught a glimpse of Coach Sweet, who was obviously angry with his teams' poor performance.

Jakob passed the ball to him again and he set his sights on the basket, deciding to slam it in. He wasn't the best at slam dunking but he felt like he was going to make it. He dodged the guy guarding him, jumping up and jamming the ball in the basket. The rim made a loud pop as he let go of it and landed on the floor.

The air didn't seem right though and no one from the Supernovas came to inbound the ball. No referees came to retrieve it either. Robert turned to see what was going on, finding everyone frozen in place, looking at one another with bewildered faces. Robert walked over to Jakob and tapped him on the shoulder, " What's going on? " He asked when Jakob looked at him.

" Didn't you hear that? " Jakob looked a little more than freaked out. He was white as a sheet and his eyes were wide.

" Hear what? " Robert couldn't remember hearing anything except for what he thought was the rim snapping back.

" I think it was a gunshot, " Jakob said as a second pop could be heard. Jakob looked at Robert, " Now I'm sure. "

A third shot soon followed, making the crowd get to their feet and head for the exits, the security guards scrambling to gain some control of what was sure to be chaos. " All of you! Get off the floor! " Coach Hooker yelled. " Get to the benches! "

Both teams did as they were told as the crowd moved onto the floor. The spectators seemed like they were going to leave through whatever exit they could get to. Robert didn't stop at the bench, making his way over to where Mr. Shaver and Betty had been sitting. They were standing up, Betty leaning on the older man for support.

" Do you know what's going on? " Robert asked.

" No more than anyone does, " Mr. Shaver replied. " All I know is we need to get to the locker room. "

" I know we do but we'll have to wait for this crowd to clear some, " Robert replied then looked at Betty. " You'll have to go with us. "

" Well there was no question there, " Mr. Shaver interjected. " She's in no shape to fight this crowd. Wait a few minutes and then take her when things clear a little more. I'll go over and let Coach Hooker know the plan if you'll wait here with her. "

" Yes sir, " Robert nodded once. He watched as Mr. Shaver walked over to Coach Hooker then turned to Betty. " Do you want to sit back down? "

" I'm fine, " Betty looked around. " What do you think that was? "

" Jakob's saying it was gunshots, " Robert shook his head. " I'm not sure. I was so into playing. "

" I think he's right, " Betty said quietly.

" I think so too, " Robert agreed.

Betty looked around, " Where do you think the shots came from? "

" Probably outside. You know this is a rough part of town, " Robert thought they sounded closer than outside but he didn't want to scare Betty. He looked over to the Supernovas' bench. The players were standing close together, trying to keep out of the crowds' way but something didn't seem right. In fact, someone was missing. One of the assistant coaches held the play board and Coach Sweet was nowhere to be seen.

The crowd had started to thin some and Robert looked for Mr. Shaver. When he made eye contact with him, the older man motioned for Robert to take Betty to the locker room. " Come on baby, " He nudged her towards the tunnel. " Mr. Shaver wants us to go now. "

" Okay, " Betty nodded once. She reached for her crutch and got it under her arm. " Lead the way. "

Robert put an arm across Betty's shoulders, helping her navigate through the row they were in. He wanted to avoid the crowd that was still on the floor and figured he could cover most of the distance to the tunnel by following the seats. They reached the tunnel and headed for the locker room…


Br anslav was in shock, not sure what to make of the scene before him. He was certain Martin was going to blow his brains out but Lotte had acted before Martin could. Martin lay dead at Branslav's feet, a bloody hole in the side of his head. Lotte had shot him twice more in the chest, probably to make sure he was dead.

Daniel blinked twice then threw up, probably the only reaction he could muster. Branslav still wasn't for sure what was happening but he did manage to find his voice, " Lotte? "

Lotte let the smoking gun fall to her side and she took a deep breath. " It was me all along. I was the blackmailer. "

Branslav just wasn't processing her words. He had heard them but they just weren't registering. When they finally did, he said the only thing he could. " Why? "

" I did it for you, " Lotte shook her head. " I let him screw you over with that horrible contract. I didn't have the guts to stop him but I thought I could make it better with the money. If you did have to go home, at least you would have something to show for these last five years. "

" Lotte, " Branslav whispered. He was stopped from saying anything else for the office door slammed open. He looked towards it, blinking at the sight of Coach Sweet standing in the doorway. " Coach… "

Coach Sweet looked at the scene before him, obviously figuring out what had happened. " You bitch!!! I knew it was you all along! " He said then reached into his jacket but Lotte was faster. He fell to the floor after Lotte shot him twice in the chest. she then turned to Branslav, " You two had better go. The police are bound to be here soon. "

" Yeah, " Branslav nodded. He turned to Daniel, " Come on. "

Daniel nodded but said nothing for he seemed like he was in shock. He looked like he was going to vomit again but didn't. He stood up at the same time as Branslav, looking at the two men on the floor. He followed Branslav to the door, the two men stopping when Lotte said Branslav's name.

" Yes? " Branslav turned to look at her.

" You'll find the bag with money in the equipment room behind the stereo cabinet. Take it and get out of here, " Lotte said quietly.

" Right, " Branslav nodded once.