Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Andy's Films ❯ Indigo Kids Tour Pt. V ( Chapter 28 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Indigo Kids Tour Pt. VI
What do the fans think? They are there for a good time. They came
from all over Japan to hear the music. There are mostly people in
their twenties here. Some of them in the late teens. The youngest
had to be about fifteen or sixteen. Who can tell? We've got a mix
of men and women here. They come from all walks of life. There are
even some foreigners here. Americans mostly with some Europeans and
Australians. A handful of Canadians with South Americans. Maybe a
handful of Asians. Look at all of these people here. They all have
one thing in common.
"Why do you love the Indigo Kids?"
"They just rock."
"Love their music."
"I love their songs."
"They rock."
"Jenny is hot.
"I just do, man."
"Ryan is hot."
"Jenny is hot."
"The music rocks my sox."
"I love them!"
"They are awesome!"
"I just love the music! Whew!"
"Their music rules!"
"I just love them!"
There you have it. It's all about the music and the band. Well, the
fans are going to get a treat for two long weeks. The camera
focuses on the fans and the band on stage.