Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Baby Kaulitz ❯ 7 ( Chapter 6 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
AN I have to honestly say, I had no idea David was so young, I imagined him as this forty-something balding dude, but no he's even kind of hot…
I listened to `Run' by snow patrol and `Every You Every Me' by Placebo through this whole chapter, it just put me, oddly enough, in the right mood. Anyway loves to my beta Kuh-laire, and all my readers, reviews really do get me writing faster. ;)
Thank you to tokiokiss for the favourite on my story.
Dani had taken to wearing her father's oversized hoodie again, only this time it was to hide her stomach's obvious bulge. She had found it very hard to hide form the press since the unfortunate incident at her former place of employ, she had quit that very day.
She had been bombarded by reporters for weeks until she had finally found a way to remain unnoticed, she felt ridiculous wearing sunglasses at night but it was the only way, she had also died her hair, it was more of a honey blonde now and it fell to just below her shoulders.
The eating habits had gotten worse, she was on her way to a nearby convenience store to buy ice-cream to go with her red bell peppers, and something about the combination just seemed so…right, she hadn't tried it yet, mind you. Sometimes her weird cravings ended up tasting really, really good, and other times she actually had an excuse to throw up afterwards, which happened often enough despite the compatibility of her foods of choice.
She was always hungry but had a really hard time keeping things down, and it wasn't just morning sickness, the Dr. explained that she was probably having mild allergic reactions to certain things she was eating, and to keep away from certain foods, some of which were easier than others.
Gummy-bears were a regular staple, not only were they cheap, they managed to stay down, as long as she didn't pair them with ketchup. Pickles were a definite No-No; they gave her the most embarrassing case of gas.
With a grunt Dani managed to open the glass door to the mini freezer, they really did place these things too low to the ground, she began rummaging through the different boxes of ice-cream and finally decided on three that looked like they would go well with peppers.
The clerk looked at her strangely but didn't say anything. Dani noticed that the tabloids were sporting her face again, along with Bill's, frowning she picked up one and added it to her purchase.
The clerk looked at her picture on the tabloid and then back at Dani. “Are you, Dani Milton? Can I have your autograph?” The girl exclaimed as she reached below the counter to pull out a sharpie.
Dani smiled nervously, no one had asked for her autograph before, and the girl seemed nice enough, she wasn't shouting obscenities at her and calling her a whore. “Sure,” she signed her name on the girls own copy of the magazine, the girl then said that her purchases were on the house and handed Dani her bags.
Dani felt much better; for once she had received a smile and kindness instead of insults and a sneer. She felt a tear make its solitary way down her cheek, for once in a very long time life didn't seem so bad.
“Bill, I need to talk to you.” David knocked on Bill's hotel room door.
“Yeah, just a second.” He heard Bill's sleepy voice answer, and a couple of moments later a dishevelled Bill opened the door, rubbing at his eyes. “What?” He asked irritably. David held out the stack of letters he had in his hand.
“These are for you, I had thought it best that I keep them, but since this all got out of hand I figured that because you know her the best, you should be the one to go and get her.” Bill ripped the stack of letters from David's hand, they were all addressed to him, and he opened one and quickly scanned the lines. It was a letter from Dani.
Quickly he opened all of the envelopes, they were all from Dani, and the large one held the results from the paternity test sampling. “You're a fucking bastard David. I can't believe you confiscated my personal mail! This could have all been avoided if I had only known,” he held up a letter, “in this one she says her parents kicked her out, If I had known about this I could have gone to get her, this whole press catastrophe could have been avoided David,” he turned form his manager walking further into his room, scanning the lines of each letter.
David followed him in; he had only been trying to protect his band, now everything was a mess. “Go get her Bill,” he spoke softly, an angry Bill was not a pretty sight, and he didn't want to provoke him any farther.
“Don't think I won't. Tom and I will be taking a month break; I'm going to take her home to Mom. You can go now, have a plane ready first thing in the morning.” Bill couldn't believe the nerve of the man, no one had the right to keep his personal mail form him. With an irritated sigh Bill began packing his things.
David didn't usually let Bill tell him what to do, but in this case he felt it was best to do as he had said. A break to take care of the Kaulitz baby would be accepted by the public, he flipped his cell open to call Universal (tm).
Bill actually felt like slapping David a good one, the man was insufferable. When Bill had told him to get him a flight in the morning, he didn't mean three am. Thankfully his seat was first class and at least he could aspire to sleeping in the mostly comfortable chair.
His mind though, wouldn't let him settle down; it kept running in circles shouting and all around being happy at the prospect of seeing Dani again, if it wouldn't have seemed so strange he would have laughed at himself, but there was an elderly gentleman that was already giving him strange looks, he didn't want to attract anymore attention.
The last letter he had from Dani was just before the press got a hold of her, he memorized the return address. Soon, very soon he would see her again, soon he would be able to wrap her in his arms and make it all better, soon he would take her home to his Mom and everything would work out.
Bill hadn't spoken to Tom before he left, it was such an ungodly hour, he instead left him a text message, he really hoped his brother wouldn't flip out on him like last time, at least this time he had David's permission to be doing this. He closed his eyes.
When he opened his eyes, he could see the sun rising over the icy ocean, it was a beautiful site. They were flying somewhere over the Arctic Ocean and were about half way through the nine hour flight. He had fallen asleep, he was greatly thankful for that. With an almost silent grunt he rose and made his way to the bathroom.
After cleaning up his appearance he decided to give Tom a call. Deciding not to risk using his cell phone he made his way back to his seat and used the courtesy phone that was provided. With a quick swipe of his credit card and entering of the digits, he finally heard his brother's voice.
“Who the hell are you and why are you calling me?” Bill almost laughed; his brother was just as much a morning person as he was.
“It's me, Bill; I'm on a plane to Nanaimo.” He waited for his brother to explode, it didn't happen.
“Yeah I know, David woke us all up at the crack of dawn, he explained the whole situation, I just wish that little miss needy didn't have to come home with you, which reminds me we have a four week vacation too,” Tom's voice answered calmly.
“Oh,” was all Bill could say, until his anger at David resurfaced, “did he tell you how he had been confiscating my personal mail?”
“Nope, but he will,” Tom stated, Bill could almost see the `beat on Jost' fest that was going to begin as soon as he hung up.
“I'll be going then, I'll let you get to whatever it is you're going to do, have fun, and give him a knuckle sandwich for me okay?” Bill laughed, and Tom agreed.