Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Baby Kaulitz ❯ 8 ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

TOM….I don't think in need to say anything else, except perhaps that David does need to survive, so it won't be that bad, unfortunately…
Thank you to cardio hip hop, for keeping me awake while writing this chapter And my fingers for not refusing to type this up. As always a BIG thank you to my beta Kuh-laire, and GodSentAnAngel, I had a lot of fun with this chapter…
Isabella screamed with excitement when she opened her front door. There in front of her was the one thing she never would have thought that her father would have gotten her for her birthday, and the one thing she truly wanted. Bill Kaulitz was standing outside her front door.
“I Love you daddy,” she screamed over her shoulder as she rushed forward to hug the man of her dreams.
Bill was more than slightly stunned, he had definitely not expected to be recognized, let alone attacked. With a shriek of surprise he tried to duck from her embrace, he was immediately thankful that Saki was only a few steps behind him and he used his bodyguard to his advantage, with a fancy little spin and a few steps he was hiding behind his personal wall of flesh and muscle.
Save me, Saki!” He almost shrieked, and Bill made a mental note to try not to sound so much like a girl in the future. Isabella stopped in front of the burly man hiding her birthday present form her, “who are you?” She spoke sassily as she placed her hand on her cocked hip, lips thrust out in a pout.
“Who are you?” Bill called cautiously over Saki's shoulder.
“I am Isabella Marita Epp, and you are my birthday present,” she spoke her name in a flourish and the rest of the sentence in an it-is-fact tone. Bill pulled back from Saki a bit, completely shocked, she thought he was here for her?
“Um, sorry but I'm looking for Dani Milton, is she here?” He questioned instead of commenting on her statement. The Bitch's (that is what Bill had decided to call her) face fell into a sneer.
“Why would you be looking for her, shouldn't your brother be here instead?”
Just then a slightly familiar man made his way out the open door, before Bill could even register what was going on, Saki was gone, and the next thing he knew the older man was on his butt nursing his jaw, with a very angry looking Saki standing above him.
“S-saki!” Bill stuttered, completely taken aback by his bodyguard uncharacteristic behaviour.
“What the hell was that for!” The man groaned out between clenched teeth
“Daddy!” Shrieked the Bitch. Saki quickly rambled off in German, he turned to Bill to translate, and Bill blushed darkly, he wasn't going to repeat those words in English, no way. When Saki explained just who the man was, Bill's mind clicked and he translated Saki's entire rant word for word with a grin on his face. When he was done the man and his daughter looked at him like he was insane.
“So, where is Dani?” Bill finally asked with a very large grin, now he felt that he had the couple's absolute and total attention.
“She moved out, the day that that reporter showed up, I think she's still living in that crappy apartment that she had us send her things to,” answered the Bitch, who it seemed had finally understood that Bill was not her birthday present. She quickly mumbled the address to him; at least she had been good for something.
Bill turned to leave but was stopped by Saki's voice, he rumbled to Bill, and an even bigger smile moved across Bill's face, he turned to the man and his bitch of a daughter. “Here is my lawyers business card, I assume you'll be hearing from him fairly soon, he will be representing Dani. You might want to rethink your employer ethics it's against the law to confiscate anyone's personal mail.”
With that done Bill headed back to the car, Saki not far behind.
“Hey David, how's it going?” David gulped when he saw the look on Tom's face; this wasn't going to be pretty.
“N-now now, Tom please try to remain calm, perhaps we could work this out in a way that doesn't include your fists and my face?” David stuttered as he backed away from the enraged teen.
“Yeah, how about my knee, your stomach, or my foot, your groin, or,” Tom sang, “we can settle this like modern men, and Bill and I will see you in court.” Tom's face darkened, he now had David up against the wall.
“It's against the law to confiscate personal mail, you bastard,” Tom flashed an evil grin, “I think a good beating would be so much more gratifying that a couple days in court, don't you?”

He let his fist fly.
Unfortunately Georg and Gustav burst their way into the room before Tom could do too much damage and reluctantly pulled Tom away from their still mostly conscious manager. “Wow Tom, you really gave him a nice one,” Georg congratulated Tom on David's newly minted set of black-eyes and Gustav grunted his agreement.
Jost groaned as Gustav gave him an experimental nudge with his foot, “I think we should call the hotel nurse,” he stated, “he's pretty bad Tom.”
“He deserved it,” Tom offered.
AN: Yay! I love saki and I love Bill! But you know what has really got me writing? All of your awesome reviews, I honestly thought that no one would like this fic `cause it wasn't a slash, but you ALL proved me wrong, thank you so much!
It was getting really dark, and Dani had seen that same black Sedan pass by twice now, she was beginning to get nervous. The Sedan slowed to a crawl so it would be level with her as she walked along.
"Excuse me," a heavily accented and strangely familiar voice called, it startled Dani enough to cause her to trip, and as she felt the burn of cement across her knees and hands, she watched her boxes of ice-cream break free of the cheap plastic bag and began to tumble down the slanted street.
She heard a car door open and footsteps quickly making their way towards her. "Are you okay?" The same voice asked, as the person bent to help her up. Dani was still frightened and so separated herself from the person as soon as she gained her feet.
Saki had been driving in circles for what seemed like hours but was probably closer to a few minutes, Bill was getting inpatient. He looked out his window to see a house he was sure they had passed several times. "Saki, maybe we should stop and ask for directions," he offered. The bodyguard just grunted.
Just then Bill spotted someone walking down the sidewalk a little ways ahead. "Saki, slow down, I'm going to ask this person," he called.
"Just roll down the window, I don't want you getting out, this doesn't seem like a good neighbourhood," Saki replied.
As the car slowed to match the pace of the person on the sidewalk, Bill rolled down his window and called, "Excuse me?" Bill could now see that the person was a girl, and he watched as she stumbled and her bags of - was it ice-cream? - tumbled away. Despite Saki's demands that he stay in the vehicle, Bill quickly climbed out to help the girl gather the things he had caused her to drop.
"Are you okay?" He asked as he helped her up.
"Yes thank you," she mumbled, keeping her head down as she tried to pass the person and gather her things. The man, she could now easily see that he was indeed a man, despite his long hair, turned to help her gather what remained of her purchases.
Bill laughed when he saw the magazine, it wasn't often his face graced an American tabloid. "I'm so sorry that I startled you, I'm looking for a friend of mine but I can't find her house, would you be able tell me where to find 226 Carlton house on 78th street?" He handed the girl her magazine and tried to catch a glimpse of her face but his view was obstructed by her over-large sunglasses. Where had he seen that apple-red hoodie before?
Dani froze when the man mentioned her address, after a moment she straightened her posture and adjusted her sunglasses; they were making it very hard to see more than shapes and shadows, and with a sigh she removed them and turned to look at the man. "Dani?" Bill gasped
"Bill?" She managed to breathe before she was nearly crushed in a hug.
"God, I should have recognized you by your hoodie alone," he gasped over her shoulder. He fingered her blond shoulder length locks as he pulled away, "you died your hair," he added.
"I'm less recognizable this way. Why are you here?" She asked as she pulled away from his hands, she had been uncomfortable with any form of contact since the whole press thing had started.
"I've come to bring you home with me," he answered as he trotted a little down the street to reclaim one of her ice-cream boxes. "David was hiding your letters from me. I was in an interview when they showed the clip of you at that man's house, I came here immediately. Tom and I want you to come live with us." He took the rest of her purchases from her hand and made his way back to the car.
Saki was standing beside the driver's door, watching their surroundings. Bill didn't think letting Dani know that Tom hadn't exactly agreed to her coming home with him would help much. Tom just needed a little prodding and in no time he would agree to her staying, even if Bill had to bribe him.
"Come on Dani, lets go pack your things," he called over his shoulder, Dani hadn't moved from her spot on the sidewalk. She was stunned beyond words; Bill wanted her to come home with him? Hold on, what right did he have to make her decisions for her?
"Who said you could tell me what to do?" She snapped, unbidden anger rising in her voice. Bill turned to her and she could see the surprise on his face. She was right; he hadn't stopped to think of what she wanted.
"Please?" He tried, she crossed her arms but got into the car, Bill sighed.
"You can take me to my apartment, I'll think about coming back with you once I've had a good night's rest." She gave directions to Saki as needed and in less than a minute Bill, Saki and Dani were making their way up a dingy flight of stairs, Dani was in front, Bill behind her and Saki in the back carrying Dani's groceries.
She unlocked a series of deadbolts and her door swung open with a loud noise of protest. "Home sweet Home," she called. Bill stepped into the excessively bare room. It was a kitchen, living room-slash-bedroom. The kitchen part consisted of a mini-bar and a hot plate. The living room was basically an impromptu bedroom; and there was a door on the right side of the room that was open to show what looked like an extremely small bathroom.
The place was surprisingly neat despite a few moving boxes stacked against the `kitchen' wall. "Sorry for the mess," Dani offered, "I'd offer you coffee but I don't have any, how about some ice-cream?" Bill followed her into the 'kitchen' area, and Saki placed the bags of ice-cream on a box that was closer to the mini-bar.
"Sure," he agreed and watched as she took two spoons from a nearby box, opened two of the boxes of ice-cream and debated over which one to give him, she settled on the rocky-road and took the Tin-Lizzy-cheesecake for herself.
"Here," she passed him the box, and Bill hesitantly took a spoonful, it was mostly mushy now. Dani made a grunting sound and bent over to open the mini-bar, she pulled out half of a red pepper and proceeded to cut it up with her spoon and drop the pieces into her ice-cream box. Bill watched horrified as she tried a mouthful of the mix, she chewed for a moment, nodded her head and commented, "Not bad."
Bill felt queasy just looking at the food combination. "So, how is it going?" He asked trying to take his mind off of her food of choice. Her eyes fluttered to his for a moment before they fell back to her feet. "Not bad, how much exactly did you hear from the press?" She asked nervously. Saki made his way to the one window in the room and looked out at the dark street one story below.
Bill swallowed his mouthful of mostly melted ice-cream, "just that your employer sold you out, I met him today, and by the way, Saki gave him a bruised jaw, thought you might want to know."
"Good for him," she interjected, and Bill laughed. "Did you see any ultrasound pictures?" She asked, and he could hear a slight quaver in her voice.
"Yeah, but they just look like static to me," he took another mouthful of ice-cream; it was helping to calm him form the adrenaline rush he had gotten when he realised that she was Dani. "I have one that looks more like a picture, if you'd like to see," she offered hesitantly.
"Oh my god," Bill was completely shocked, he held the ultrasound picture in his hand, it kind of looked like an orange jello sculpture but Dani had assured him that that was how the ultrasound made the images 3-D. he stared at the image, it didn't take much brain power to see the two tiny bodies. He felt like jumping and laughing for joy at the same time as crying and biting his nails, a habit he had given up many years ago. "Oh my god," he repeated
"I know," Dani offered, "I nearly fainted when Dr. Schultz told me, she said that the prenatal paternity test is known for being one of the causes of monochorionic monoamniotic or MCMA twins." Bill stared at her, he had no idea what that meant. "Identical twins that share the same placenta and amniotic sack," she clarified and began to chew on her fingers.
Identical twins, he understood that part, and that was the only part that he really needed to hear, he and Tom were identical. He began to shake. Dani lead him to the mattress that served as her bed and directed him to sit down. He began to calm as soon as she started rubbing circles on his back. If I'm freaking out, how must she feel? He thought to himself.
While rubbing Bills back, Dani felt a familiar nausea rise; she excused herself quickly and thanked the fates that she had remembered to keep the bathroom door open. She barely had time to scoop her hair away from her face before the ice-cream and peppers made their re-appearance.
As she retched, she felt Bill kneel beside her and take her hair for her, he rubbed her back as she had done for him, and murmured comforting words in German. He called to Saki for something, and when she finished puking, he handed her a glass of tap water, she drank it greedily and felt her stomach settle, she hadn't tried drinking water to ease her nausea before.
Suddenly hot she struggled to remove her large hoodie but got her head stuck once her arms were out; Bill helped her out of the tent like garment and set it to the side. Underneath she was wearing a tank top that stopped above her belly. He was shocked by how thin she was, the bones in her shoulder stuck out, and he could see the outline of her ribs and spine through the skin tight fabric of her top. Her now obviously pregnant belly was in sharp relief against her bony torso. `And people say I'm too skinny,' he thought.
She crossed her arms over the toilet bowl, too tired to do anything about the mess inside. She heard Bill say something else to Saki and then he was speaking to her, “Dani how long has this been going on?” She could hear the worry in his tone.
“Pretty much since the begginning, sometimes it's fine and then other times I just can't keep it down,” she whispered onto the toilet bowl. Bill's mind raced, this couldn't be healthy for the baby, or babies rather. He called to Saki again and motioned for his cell phone, he had left his own in the car. He quickly dialled his brother's number and listened as it rang a few times before a tired Tom answered.
“What is it Saki? Did Bill run away again?” His brother's voice sounded panicked.
“No, It's Bill here, I'm just using Saki's phone, do you have the number for that nutritionist that David made us see?”

Not long ago, tabloids had started rumours that Tom and he had eating disorders, and David had forced them to go to a nutritionist to try and gain some weight. Turned out they just had really fast metabolisms and the nutritionist had simply suggested they eat a little more protein.
“Yeah, why?” Tom's voice didn't sound as worried but it still portrayed his unease.
“I'm with Dan, and um…she kind of needs to see him.” Bill didn't really know how to word what he meant to say but he knew Tom would understand him.
Dani listened to the soothing sound of Bill's voice; she wasn't able to understand much of his conversation, save the few words that were similar to their English counterparts. His voice had a calming quality to it and she found her self dozing lightly on the rim of her porcelain idol.
She woke to the sound of the cell phone snapping shut and Bill giving what sounded like instructions to Saki, the man's deeper voice replied and then she felt herself being lifted.
“Dani, I'm going to take you to my hotel room okay? We can come back tomorrow to pack your stuff, but I'm exercising my rights as an uncle,” she could hear the frown in his voice, “or a probable uncle,” he added. “You can yell at me all you like tomorrow, 'kay?”
Bill grabbed her keys from the hook by the front door, and did his best to lock her apartment door once Saki had carried her out. He only managed to get two of the three deadbolts locked, but figured it would have to do for the night, who would want to break into a place like that anyway.
He ran down the stairs and helped Saki with the front door, and then the car door. Dani had fallen back asleep during the walk outside, and so Bill climbed into the car first so he could hold her when Saki put her down. The drive to the Hotel was quiet, and Bill was filled with worry, she seemed to be sleeping peacefully but he couldn't help but check to see if she was breathing every few minuets.
When they reached the hotel he began to feel a little better, no matter where he was in the world hotels always felt the most like home, they all worked the same way. He helped Saki with the doors again, and finally Dani was sleeping peacefully in his bed, blankets up to her chin.
Dani awoke to a very strange sensation, it was not one she was used to waking up with, one she had not experienced since she was four years old and she had snuck to her parent's bed after a nightmare. It was the sensation of someone sleeping beside her.
She stiffened as the person's nose dug into her neck; she then noticed that there was an arm flung over her side, its hand resting on her bare belly. She experimentally opened her eyes. She was in a hotel room, why couldn't she remember why she was there? The room was almost identical to the one she had stayed in the night she became pregnant, why was she back here?
The person behind her made a funny little noise in their throat as Dani tried to remember what had happened the night before. She remembered going to the store for some ice-cream, as soon as she thought of the ice-cream everything flooded back to her, she had been sick and Bill had said he would be taking her to his hotel room. At least now she knew where she was and who was behind her, but not why he was.
“Bill,” she whispered, he just grunted and moved a little closer, `this is so strange,” Dani thought to herself. “Bill,” she tried again.
“What?” He mumbled into her neck, the movement of his lips against the hairs at the nape of her neck tickled like mad, and she had to stifle a giggle, “what time is it?”
“Morning.” She answered, “Bill, why are you in bed with me?” She breathed a sigh of relief when he rolled onto his back, she could feel the bed move as he stretched.
“There was no way I was sleeping on the couch, I haven't had to do that since I was twelve and my aunt Tobi stayed over for the weekend, that woman stank like a wet dog,” he rambled in a gravely, sleepy voice. Just then Dani heard the beginning notes of 'Barbie girl' float across the room, Bill jumped out of the bed and answered his phone before the first words even began, he sported a dark blush.

Dani watched him begin to pace and rub his hand over his face, he looked different without makeup on and his hair was a terrible mess. It was then that she noticed he was only wearing a pair of boxers with `Bill' embroidered on the waistband. “I am probably one of a very small number of girls that have ever seen Bill Kaulitz this naked,” she thought as a slow smile made its way across her face, Bill turned to look at her as he said something to the person on the other side of the phone, and he smiled back at her.
The few hours before they boarded their plane were rather uneventful, Dani had managed to keep down a pair of waffles, and Bill was secretly proud, he didn't really understand why, but he was. He had arranged for someone to go to Dani's house within the next few days, pack up her things and send them to the boys' new pad in Hamburg. Now they were comfortably seated on the plane and flying somewhere over northern Canada.
Bill was practically glowing with excitement; Dani was sitting next to him, talking animatedly about Q-tips, of all things. ”We used to use them in art class to push the India ink around, and Herb decided it would be funny to stick one with ink on it in his ear. He got the most horrible infection from that...” She trailed off. Bill smiled and just watched her; he liked watching the wheels turn in her head.
“Is there a bathroom on this plane?” Her question startled Bill out of his stare.
“Yeah,” he was about to mention that the stewardess had explained that in her introduction, but remembered that most of it had been in German. “At the back, behind those curtains,” he offered instead.
“Oh, I was just wondering, for later and stuff…” she trailed off again, “have you ever, done anything in an airplane bathroom?” She finally drudged up enough courage to ask.
“I've used them before, if that's what you mean,” he cocked an eyebrow at her odd question, and turned in his seat so that he didn't have to turn his head to look at her.
She was feeling decidedly naughty, but she couldn't get the thought out of her head. “No I mean, like have you, you know, joined the-mile-high club? You know being a rock star and all.” She blushed darkly but didn't turn away from his gaze.
He was absolutely gob-smacked, had she just asked him if he'd had sex in an airplane bathroom? “Um, no,” he squeaked, and blushed a deep crimson; Dani hadn't thought his skin could get that dark without a tan.
“Do you want to?” She asked as innocently as possible, she didn't know where the thought had come from, but it wouldn't leave her alone.
“Have you?” He decided to ignore her last question, and instead pressed her to answer his own.
“I've never been on a plane ride longer than half an hour, the farthest away I've been form Nanaimo is Vancouver, and usually you can just take the ferries over.” She answered truthfully, Bill frowned.
“Ferries? Like the winged kind of fairy?” He asked, his face was priceless, Dani wished she owned a camera, she could make so much money off of his facial expressions.
“It's a kind of boat that carries people across a relatively short distance, some of the ones running between Nanaimo and Vancouver are actually made in Germany, but most are made right in the Nanaimo docks, anyway they are just big boats...” she trailed off, “anyway off subject, I haven't joined the-mile-high club and neither have you, do you want to?”
Bill's jaw actually dropped, had she just asked him what he thought she had? He blinked a few times and Dani giggled. She had no clue what was prompting her to act the flirt but it was fun and she wasn't about to stop, it might have been the hormones.
She stood and touched Bill's hand then turned to the back of the plane. Bill watched as she vanished behind the curtain separating the first-class section from the first-class bathrooms, he looked around nervously and noticed most of the stuffed up business men were fast asleep, it couldn't hurt... much. He stood and quietly made his way behind the curtain, he felt naughty and yet excited at the same time. He walked to the end of the short hallway and stood before the one bathroom door that was closed.
He knocked, “Dani?”
“Yes?” He could hear her voice ask through the thin door, then it opened and Dani was standing in front of him, she had a sparkle in her eyes and was biting her lip.
Bill couldn't help himself, she was so… pretty like that, he leaned forward to kiss her, and she responded hesitantly at first, but then she licked his lips, pushing the kiss farther, he moaned, she felt so good; he opened his mouth and invaded hers with his tongue.
He moved her backward into the small stall and reached behind himself to close the sliding door and lock it, and then he pulled her closer until she was flush against him and he could feel the slight swell of her pregnant belly against his hips. He massaged her tongue with his own, putting his tongue stud to good use.
He wove his fingers through her hair to hold her closer. She was utterly intoxicating; her arms were wrapped around his torso, hands gripping the back of his shirt, Bill groaned when she ground herself into his hips.
He sucked on her tongue, pulling it into his own mouth, he savoured her taste, and she was sweet, tasting unsurprisingly of waffles and the gummy-bears she had bought at the airport concession.
Dani never thought that she would one day be kissing Bill Kaulitz, but then she hadn't even entertained the idea of sleeping with his brother, okay maybe she had thought about it a bit, alright more than a bit, and maybe she had thought of kissing Bill, but who cared if she had thought about it, she was actually doing it, and had done it, but this wasn't about kissing Bill Kaulitz the rock star, this was about kissing Bill, just Bill.
She gripped him tighter, her nails grazing his back, and she both felt and heard him groan. He broke their kiss to lay his lips along her jaw and then across to her ear. “Dani,” he gasped,”don't tell Tomi.” Before she could respond his lips were back on hers, a little more desperate than before but still sweet, she could feel the evidence of his arousal against her slightly distended belly, it was amazingly erotic.
Just when Dani had started to think that her chances of joining the-mile-high club, not to mention with a very hot man who was her babies' uncle, were becoming exceedingly high, there was a knock at the door, and she heard a stewardess say something in German in a very stern voice.
Bill broke away from her breathing heavily; he leaned his forehead against hers and breathed deeply a few times before clearing his throat and answering. “Ja?”
“This bathroom is not a hotel sir, please refrain from sexual intercourse while on this plane.” The stewardess spoke through the door her voice gave no room for argument, Bill felt like throwing a hissy-fit, but decided it was just a tad too feminine for his image.
“Sorry,” He replied, Dani was trembling slightly in his arms, he looked down at her, she was all flushed and her lips were kiss swollen, he liked the way she looked after his kisses. He watched as she swallowed a few times and licked her lips, he closed his eyes. Watching her was not helping with his erection at all, it was making it worse. “Dani, um why don't you go sit down now, I think the stewardess is gone, I'll be right there.” He had to rid himself of the embarrassing bulge before he could be seen in public again, wearing tight pants, despite popular belief, didn't do much to hide `excitement'.
“Sure,” she smiled shyly and moved past him to open the door, when she was gone Bill leaned his hands against the wall in front of him, “oh God,” he whispered, letting his head hang, he had just made out with his brother's kids' mother, and he couldn't even pull up enough shame to feel guilty about it. “This was a stupid idea,” he whispered.