Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Baby Kaulitz ❯ 14 ( Chapter 15 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Tom phoned his mom just before crawling back into his bed for the rest of the night, well early morning really. Dani was already mostly asleep on the far side of the bed.
“Hello?” he heard his mother's voice, and for a bit the emptiness and loneliness was not so severe.
“Mom?” he knew it was her, but for some reason he felt compelled for her to verify it.
“Tommy, is that you Hun?” he could hear the uncertainty in her voice, it pained him slightly, they had not called her within the last few months, and it made him feel horrible.
“Yeah, do you think you could come to the Hamburg house this weekend? Bill and I have four weeks off, but we can't make it up there. And there is someone I want you to meet too.” He smiled thinking of his mother meeting Dani, and he couldn't wait to hear his mother's reaction to being told that she was going to be a grand mother.
“Of course baby, I'll be up on Saturday, okay? How's Bill?” he smiled, his mother would be up tomorrow, he could barely wait, he felt his nerves jump and he felt like fidgeting.
“He's fine mom, sleeping if you must know.”
“Oh, alright then Hun, I guess I'll let you go. I love you.”
“I love you too mom.” He hung up, with a smile on his face. He climbed into bed next to Dani.
“Dani?” he called softly into the dark of the room, unsure if the girl was still asleep. He heard her grunt in reply. “Can I hold you?” Strangely enough he had never uttered those words to a girl before, they made him feel vulnerable. He felt her scoot next to him and burry her head in his neck.
“Ja,” she whispered sleepily, her breath tickling his neck. He wrapped his arms around her, silently glorying in her touch, unwilling to admit to him-self how perfect this moment felt, but willing to take pleasure in it.
When Dani awoke the next morning, she untangled herself from the loose grip of Tom's limbs, sometime during the night he had practically wrapped himself around her, she hadn't minded as it made for a much warmer night after Tom had kicked the blankets off of the bed.
Once free of his embrace she ran as quickly as she could to the bathroom, thankfully her stomach wasn't bothering her as much recently, but her bladder seemed to be growing smaller, unlike her belly, which seemed to be growing by the day.
Sighing she looked at her image in the mirror, it was easy to see that she was pregnant, her belly even stuck out slightly sideways, she still wasn't as large as she had supposed she would be by now, but her mother had carried her to nine months looking barely over six, perhaps she would be the same way?
She quickly showered and blow dried her hair, forgoing makeup as she knew the stylists at the photo shoot and conference would want to do that for her. Once done she headed back to Tom's room to awake the sleeping beauty.
She stepped into his room to see him sprawled on his back, with his elbows bent and hands under his head, he was awake, but had a lazy half asleep look in his dark eyes.
“Hi,” he called; his voice still husky and dry from sleep, it made Dani shiver slightly.
“Hi,” she replied, “I just came to wake you up,” she smiled and he beckoned to her.
“Well, come and do it properly then.” His smirk was positively sexy, and Dani felt a fluttering in her belly, it might have been the twins fidgeting, but she doubted it. She crawled onto the bed and kneeled beside him, smiling down at his sleep darkened eyes. He beckoned again with a crooked finger.
“Kiss me good morning?” he asked, the question was innocent enough, but the sound of his voice made those words into some of the sexiest she had ever heard. She replied with a swift kiss to his cheek, and he pouted at her, his lip ring biting into his upper lip. He did look very kissable, but Dani refused to get caught up in his game playing again. Instead she placed her finger over his lips and smiled cheekily at him, before flying from the room to go wake Bill.
Bill hated waking up, he loved being awake almost as much as sleeping, but waking up was something he would never enjoy, especially not when it was because of someone landing on him. He let out a loud `oomph' and curled in on himself and the being who had rammed him giggled and flopped off the other side of the bed.
He had almost fallen asleep when his bedroom door burst open and bounced off the wall. Tom came in dressed in nothing more than his boxers and a pair of sleeping pants. He looked around quickly before his eyes landed in Bill, then he gave a deviant smirk and rushed the bed.
Bill groaned again as his entire bed shifted and jumped with the sudden impact. Soon Tom also had rolled off the other side of the bed to join the person already sprawled on the floor.
Bill fell asleep again, only to be woken minuets later by two goofily smiling faces and a down feather, which had apparently worked its way out of his pillow, dancing across his nose. He refused the urge to scratch and instead glared at his attackers.
“Ooh, someone is grumpy today,” Dani laughed and stroked the feather across his cheek. Bill just groaned and tried to roll over onto his stomach, but found it rather hard as he was being side-blocked by his Twin and Dani.
“Why the-fuck are you waking me up? Can't a guy get some sleep on his vacation?” he grumbled nastily, mornings were not his cup of tea; he preferred the night.
“We have a photo-shoot and conference today. You have to get ready, seeing as you will take the longest,” Tom teased, knowing that today his twin would leave hair and makeup to the professionals, but that he would insist on wearing his own clothes.
Bill bitched and grumbled but actually got out of bed and stumbled off to the bedroom. Tom and Dani giggled at his awkward steps.