Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Baby Kaulitz ❯ 15 ( Chapter 16 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The trio arrived at the studio, where the conference was to be held, with two hours until the interviews began. They were rushed into the large non-descript building and into the minimalist lobby, where they were greeted by their escorts for the day.
"Hello! My name is Hialeah, and I will be showing you around today." a sweet looking girl in a knee length dress said, holding her hand out to Dani
"Hi," Dani blushed and shyly took the girls proffered hand. "I'm Dani, but I'm sure you know that. So what am I supposed to do, I'm utterly clueless with all this." She was surprised at the girls flawless English, Hialeah spoke better English than she did.
"Well, that is quite alright. We aren't all professionals at first, right boys?" Hialeah asked flashing a smile in Tom's direction.
Tom was startled by the girls question; she was a sweet looking thing. “Nope, it's always hard the first few times. “ He smiled at Dani and touched her cheek with his hand. “You'll do fine.”
Tom and Bill were escorted away to wardrobe and makeup, leaving Dani and Hialeah standing in the lobby. Dani took a steadying breath. “So what should I expect?”
"Nothing extravagant, just a few specialists are going to do your hair and makeup, if you would just follow me this way?" Hialeah asked, lightly touching Dani's arm and leading her in the opposite direction of the boys. She noticed how Dani was staring after them.
Dani followed Hialeah as she led her across the large mostly empty lobby, through a door and into the hubbub of the news studio's main hall. She led her to a brightly lit room that was obviously used for hair styling. There was a tall man standing at the back of the room mixing something by the sink.
"Jared is going to touch up your color and cut your hair a bit. Tell him how short. Is that alright?" Hialeah introduced Dani to the hairstylist with a flourish of her hand..
“Okay, thanks,” Dani trailed off as she was gently pushed into the room. The man turned around to great her, but stopped when he caught sight of her hair.
“Oh, shit I thought you where a brunette?” he stated eloquently, but in such an endearing way that it didn't bother Dani too much.
“Oh, I naturally have black hair, but I died it to help hide from the press, if you don't mind could you take me back to black?” Dani figured it wouldn't hurt to ask, seeing as he was here to make her look better, and she always did feel the best when she was she natural colour.
Nearly forty five minuets later Dani had black hair once more, and Jared was in the middle of cutting it into an adorable bob. Dani grinned at herself in the mirror, she felt so much more herself now, she couldn't wait to see the boys' reaction; it would be priceless.
When Jared was done he called for Hialeah again who took Dani down to makeup, and finally wardrobe, where Dani felt more like a demented child's Barbie doll than a human being. Soon she was dressed to the nines in a white empire waistline summer dress that fell to just below her knees, showing off her legs.
Dani was slightly upset that the high-heals hurt her feet so much, and she almost didn't give them up, but then she was offered an adorable pair of flats that she couldn't refuse.
Somehow the two hours had flown by and before Dani could catch her breath she was being ushered onto the set, with a mic pack taped under the back of her dress, the wire fed up behind her back and into her ear. She noticed that the boys were already out on the set.
They were sitting on a comfy looking couch and when Dani heard her name called, it stuck out clearly in the German sentence, they both turned to look at her and Tom's eyes nearly popped out of is head, but Bill only smiled and patted the space between himself and his brother.
"So Dani, I'm just going to start with a few simple questions. I understand this is your first actual TV interview, correct?" the interviewer spoke in almost perfect English and once again Dani was surprised as the rest of the show continued in English.
"Yes," Dani replied, shifting slightly, she was uncomfortable as the twins were awake and unfortunately kicking.
"Alright, well tell us, how are you enjoying your stay in Germany?"
"It's nice; I've only been here a few days, so I'm still getting used to it all. You have no idea how happy I am that this interview is in English.” The twins were still kicking, so Dani grabbed Tom's hand, forgetting the cameras, and put it on her belly, right where a small foot embedded her skin. Tom looked up at her his eyes were nervous.
Tom's heart nearly flew form his chest, he could feel the little movements under his hand, one definitely felt like it could be a foot or something, he could hardly keep himself form smiling like a fool, instead he let his eyes sparkle and absently played with his lip ring.
He looked across to Dani, she wasn't looking at him but at the interviewer, her name was Chelz and she was very well known in the entertainment world for being the dream interviewer, David had finally done something right.
“So Tom, how does it feel?” Chelz asked with a large smile spreading a cross her elegant face.
“Being a father? Truthfully I'm not used to it, not at all. I'm a little unsure of what kind of parent I'll make, but I'm really happy that Dani decided to let me know,” he smiled, keeping his hand where it was on Dani's rounded belly.
Chelz laughed. “Well glad to hear that, but I meant, `how does the kicking feel?'” Tom blushed very slightly.
“It's amazing,” he enthused, speaking quickly. He turned to Dani slightly and flashed her his winning smile, before twisting his hand around to grab hers, which had lain atop his on her belly, holding it in place. Chelz then turned her questioning to Bill.
"What does it feel like to be an almost uncle of twins?" she said, trying hard to keep her gaze on the younger twin, but unable to keep her eyes away from the loving scene of the couple.
"It is mesmerizing. Tom isn't the only one who is glad she got a hold of us. The trip over to Canada to meet her for the first time was nerve wracking, but once I saw her, I can honestly say I preferred Dani over most the girls he has been with," Bill concluded, smiling at his brother and Dani.
"Dani, now there have been rumours circulating that your twins are identical is this true?" Chelz asked, with a large friendly smile adorning her face.
"Yes." Dani answered simply as she ducked her head trying to hide her blush.
“So we have all heard the rumours of what is going on, but can you tell us please in your own words how all of this came to be?” Chelz asked kindly a soft smile on her face, Dani was unprepared for this question, but was beginning to like Chelz so she tried her best.
“Well, in April, I when to the Tokio hotel concert with my friend who had gotten us after party tickets as well. We were hanging around when Georg kind of picked up my friend, he ended up bringing us back to their little section of the club and I met Tom.” Dani blushed darkly here and turned her face from Tom's; he squeezed her hand and continued for her.
“Dani came right over to me and started talking, we got along pretty well, and knowing my charm it wasn't hard to get her to come back with me.” Dani squealed and pulled her hand form Tom's, scooting closer to Bill. Tom closed his mouth immediately and thought over what he had said, `damn I'm an idiot' he thought to himself.
"Tom, would you like to elaborate on that comment?"
“No, I wouldn't. It came out wrong in the first place." Tom told her, hoping to hell that Dani would move back over to him.
"Okay. Well actually, we are going to take a commercial break. Ladies and gentlemen, the real story will continue when we return." a few seconds later and the camera man signalled they were off the air
Dani instantly rushed off the set, since the twins decided to wake up, she had to pee yet again. "Dani, wait. Please! I didn't mean it like that." Tom shouted as he stood form the couch to follow her.
"Tom, leave me alone I have to pee." She sounded angry, and Tom watched apprehensively as she stormed off to the bathroom. `Damn I'm an idiot!' he thought to himself once more. He hurried after her.
“Dani?” Tom called as he slowly opened the door to the ladies bathroom, he heard a muffled scream, and his heart skittered to a stop before beating a mile a minuet, with speed he didn't know he possessed, he flew into the bathroom.
“Tom! Get out of here!” Dani cried out form behind a stall door. “This is the girl's bathroom!” She sounded angry, really angry. He froze…literally. Instead of moving further into the bathroom he decided to simply call out his message and hope she didn't fly out of the stall to bite his head off.
“I-um, we're back on in less than two minuets, are you okay?” he heard her sigh. And he held his breath.
“Tom, I know you didn't mean it that way.” She was talking about his earlier comment. “I'm not mad at you, I just….look I'll be out soon okay? Just get the hell out of the woman's bathroom!” she finished with a shout, though through most of it her voice had been calm.
Tom literally sprang from the bathroom, and miraculously didn't trip on his over-large pants, though once outside the bathroom door he did run into Bill, causing them both to fall over.
The rest of the interview went surprisingly well, and Dani even conceded to sit beside Tom for the rest of the show. Their interview lasted a good fifteen more minuets but soon they were rushed off to the exclusive photo-shoot.
The day went by in a blur, it all happened so fast and Dani was exhausted by the time they were able to leave the studio. They were quickly ushered into the waiting car. They arrived at the nutritionists office just in time for Dani's five o'clock appointment.