Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Baby Kaulitz ❯ 19 ( Chapter 20 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
“Mom?” Bill asked nervously, clutching at his cell phone like it was his lifeline. “What's wrong?” he was relieved to hear his mother answer that nothing was wrong; she just needed his help planning something. He listened to his mother explain her idea and soon he became excited about it as well. He talked his phone for the rest of the afternoon, calling different people to make sure his mothers plan would move smoothly.
Simone drove up the half kilometre long driveway to her boys `house' if it could be called that, the main entrance was large enough to host a ball, and three of the five the bathrooms were large enough to throw pool parties in them.
After pulling up to the door and jumping out, She jogged up the few steps to the front door and let herself in. once inside she placed her coat on the foot bench that rest against the wall for visitor convenience and began to climb one of the curving staircases.
“Dani?” she called, she was sure that Dani would be in either her room of the nursery but she wanted to be sure.
“Here!” she heard the answering reply, which strangely enough came from the opposite end of the hall than Simone had been expecting. She found Dani in the office at the computer. She smiled when she saw the newly fleshed out girl sitting daintily on the edge of the desk chair, wearing a blanket. Her bones no longer stuck out and her cheeks weren't hollow like a wraiths.
“Hunfrith?” Simone asked.
“Day off,” Dani replied and held a finger to her lips, giving Simone a faux secretive look. “Today its Mark, the American. He's in the family room watching football,” She rolled her eyes. “I'm not surprised he didn't stop you on your way up here, he's useless,” she finished with a half sardonic smile.
“Oh?” Simone smiled and moved around the desk to look at Dani's computer screen; she was looking up baby names. Simone raised an eyebrow but decided not to comment.
“I have surprise!” she clapped her hand in a way that reminded Dani of Bill, and her eyes shone with glee. Dani immediately joined in on the fun, smiling a little broader than usual.
“Ja?” she asked, Simone's surprises were the best, like the cheesecake she'd brought Dani last week, or the accessories she's gotten for Liebe to wear, both she and Dani had giggled at the adorable picture Liebe made dressed in a Harley Davidson leather jacket and a studded collar.
“I have tickets, to concert.” Simone Smiled broader, barely able to contain her excitement, she was sure this would help Dani feel better. “Mine boys will be in Hannover Tomorrow nacht!” she giggled slightly. Over the last few weeks Dani found out that Bill got his bubbly personality from Simone, but she had no idea where Tom had gotten his from, mind you she hadn't met his father yet.
Dani was instantly ecstatic, she and Simone started packing their things immediately. She made a call to Chelz to tell her that she would have to skip the spa appointments on the next day, but that she would make it up to her. In the end Chelz ended up coming over to help Dani pack and choose her outfit for the concert.
The show had been an absolute success; half way through the first set Bill had invited Dani up on stage and introduced her to the crowd of twelve thousand people, then as a special gift to Dani the boys played one of their new songs for the first time dedicating it to the twins; it was a lullaby like melody; Bill introduced it as something tom had written when Dani first began to live with them.
The song was beautiful and it had Dani in tears before the end, when it finished she had gone over to Tom and tried to give him a hug, he had slipped his guitar behind his back and pulled her into a quick kiss, to which the majority of the crowd cheered, he then helped her off the stage and into Hunfrith's care.
Dani was still dazed by the kiss; it had been their first since their one night together. Tom had appeared completely unaffected by it, and it drove Dani somewhat frantic; what was wrong with her that a single kiss would mean so much, when to him it had obviously been just a show.
They were at the after party now, Tokio Hotel had their own private room at the club, one side of the room was completely open to the dance floor, but heavily guarded by Saki and his team.
Bill was out on the floor with Gustav; despite rumours to the opposite, they were quite the partiers. Sometimes Dani would catch a glimpse of them and laugh, Bill had a different girl grinding on him every couple of minutes, and Gustav seemed to have a little crowd following his every move. Georg had disappeared to who-knows-where almost as soon as they had arrived; but Tom, strangely enough, hadn't moved from the table.
He'd had quite a few drinks and Dani could tell he wasn't feeling too well. She scooted along the long couch that acted as a bench, until she was right beside him. “Tom?” she called his name and he turned his bleary eyes to her. She could see an odd emotion in his eyes for a moment before they became blank.
“Are you okay?” She searched his eyes again, looking for that elusive emotion he had hidden too well. He looked away, out into the rest of the club.
“No,” he slurred slightly; then he paused and corrected himself. “I mean yes.” She could tell by the way he fidgeted that he was lying.
“What's wrong Tom?” she tried again; he turned back to her, letting a heavy sigh escape his lips, The light in his eyes changed and She could see that he was opening up; suddenly his eyes were no longer blank but brimming with pain and sadness.
“I missed you,” he spoke so softly that she could barely hear his words even sitting right beside him; she moved closer and leaned as near as she could. He was looking directly at her, as if trying to memorize her face. He raised a hand and brought it to her cheek; she was cool to the touch.
His eyes moved to her lips and before Dani knew what was happening he was kissing her again; it was not a kiss like he had given her while up on stage, but a full blown kiss, with tongue and all.
His hand moved to cup the back of her neck, as his tongue explored the roof of her mouth. She tasted sweet, not like the alcohol he had been drinking; in fact she tasted unlike anything he could remember tasting; except for that one elusive memory of a night more than six months before.
She was making soft noises, and her hand had moved to cup his cheek. She still seemed so innocent in this; her touch and sounds portrayed something he had only ever experienced once before. She was of a whole different breed than any other girl.
His kiss had started out rough and passionate, but within seconds she had calmed him and turned the kiss sweet, as if she was trying to pass along a message. It felt like what he imagined a loving kiss would feel like.
He broke away.
She sat still for a moment, eyes still closed, and tongue repeatedly tasting her lips. He couldn't help but watch her pink tongue as it darted continually in and out of her mouth, it was a mesmerizing movement.
He felt like dieing, his heart was hurting too much; he couldn't bear to look at her any longer. “I have to go,” he whispered and he stood to leave, but she grabbed the hem of his shirt.
“Don't, Tom,” she pleaded, and he made the mistake of turning to look at her; he froze. The lights from the dance floor flickered across her face, creating patterns on her pale cheeks and illuminating her ebony hair. It might have been the alcohol, but in that moment she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, and it broke his heart. He felt the dam break.
All the pain he had been trying to hide away came gushing forth; pouring out of him like so much blood poured from a wound. And then she opened her arms to him, fingers spread wide, and in her eyes he saw the thing he had been looking for. He tried to memorize the way she looked; her soft smile calling to his heart, her eyes to his soul and her arms to his body.
Somehow he found the strength to propel himself into her arms. He buried his face in her neck and felt the tears finally break free. He cried silently as she held him, finally everything he had been holding inside was breaking free, his heart was aching with the release.
He knew later he would feel like a fool for crying, but right now it felt so good, she felt so good.
Slowly his tears began to dry, his silent sobs lessen but Dani did not release her hold on him. She was rocking slightly side to side in a soothing motion. After a few moments he was breathing steadily.
“Will you take me back to the hotel?” he spoke into the skin of her neck, and felt her nod in response.
She motioned to Hunfrith to ready the car they had rented for the trip down, and only slightly shifted her hold on Tom. He began kissing her neck, and she felt her toes curl. His lip ring more than just tickled, it sent shivers down her spine.
She licked her lips and turned her head slightly to kiss his neck. She was barely able to reach his ear but managed to kiss just below it. He like sweat and alcohol, but underneath was his natural scent. It was a masculine yet sweet smell, it was indescribable.
Fillip led them out the back entrance of the club, and into the waiting sedan. Dani did not let go of Tom throughout the ride and he continued to leave little butterfly kisses on the skin he could reach.
He had never felt so complete, so wanted.
Somehow, before he could fully emerge from the fog caused by his emotional release, he found himself in his hotel room. Dani stood before him, a look in her eyes he only half recognized, lust, the other half was an unknown; it was warm and inviting, it looked like how he imagined love would look.
Dani moved up closer to Tom, a confident hand placed on his cheek, the other taking a hold of Tom's large shirt, and pressed her lips to his, so sure of what she was doing. How she could just go from the first time they'd had sex, the time she got pregnant, to now, feeling so confident, was slightly beyond her but she wasn't going to question it. If it weren't for the fact that she already knew she was carrying his children she would.
She was nothing much to look at, no blonde hair with big boobs. Why would he possibly be with her? It was something that she'd questioned, but never acted upon. It wasn't until she realized why she wanted to do this that she realized why he had been with her.
She'd been nervous the first time, so unsure of what she was doing. It was almost comical. But now she realized that it was love that he had been searching for, even if unknowingly. The boy who professed not to believe in love was the one so dearly in need of it.
He needed loving.
That's what she put into that kiss, love.
He didn't think much as he accepted her kiss, he only followed his instincts, they were telling him to be gentle, something he often wasn't, not that he was rough but usually he was driven by lust, as would have been his partner. This time it felt right to go slow, to dawdle with the pleasure; it wasn't about what was to come, it was about what was happening right here right now, it was about the gentleness of a kiss, the softness of a caress, the emotions behind each action.
Without even realising it he found his hands under her shirt, slowly and gently caressing her pregnant belly. She was like this because of him, he felt a certain pride rise in his chest, and he raised her shirt above her belly and bent to kiss it.
Her skin was soft, like in his memory; now more than just a faded remembrance, their last time together finally brought to light in these moments. He remembered why she was so special. He remembered why she made him feel whole.
It couldn't be put to words; it was a feeling, an emotion.
She smiled, running the side of her thumb along the soft skin of his jawbone, smiling down at him.
She kneeled down and put her hands on either side of his face, looking into his eyes with that look, it was becoming unbearable for Tom, not knowing what it was or how to describe it in its entirety, and he had to know.
He pulled her shirt the rest of the way off, and paused to actually look at her; her eyes did not move from his. She was shaking slightly but her eyes remained resolute.
He softly ran his hands up her body until they both rested upon her cheeks. Her own hands began to fiddle with his shirt, she wasn't quite able to reach the hem, but she had grabbed a handful and was slowly pulling it up.
It was an odd position to be in while going through the motions that so often led to sex, or, Tom speculated, in this case love making; kneeling on the floor, staring into the others eyes.
He allowed his shirt to be pulled above his head, his hat was pulled off in the process, and he only winced slightly as his hair tie was pulled from his dreads. It wasn't often he actually allowed his dreads to be released, but he had done many things with Dani that he hadn't done with the others, like get her pregnant for one.
It also wasn't often that he allowed the girl to be in control but Dani was a first for many things; she was the first to live with him, she was the first to kiss him without lust, she was the first to give him THAT look.
Suddenly he felt the need to have her closer, he wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her as close to his chest as her pregnant belly would allow. He pressed his lips slowly to her own, moving them slightly until she responded, which was almost immediately.
He licked her bottom lip and pulled it gently between his teeth, she opened her mouth in response, inviting him inside. He loved the way she tasted, so innocent, so pure, and so unimaginably perfect.
He pulled back for a moment to study her; her normally pale cheeks were flushed with heat, her eyes shone brighter than he had thought possible for such a dark shade of brown. Her black hair was tussled.
His heart felt like it was being squeezed for a moment, she looked ready to be ravished but his mind begged a moment to understand his attraction.
She was not beautiful like so many of his previous girls, she was normal, not plain, not exotic, nothing about her could be considered unpleasant or ill fit to her, and yet she did not immediately draw attention. She was like a poppy, normal, an unassumingly perfect flower.
Roses were over rated. Where the fuck had he come up with that analogy? He didn't care, it fit her exactly.
Dani felt almost shy under his gaze, but was determined to do what she'd set out for.
She stood up abruptly, her hand on his chest, running her fingers up his chest absentmindedly, hoping that Tom would follow her as she made her way to the bed, sitting down on the end of the bed and looking at Tom with what seemed almost innocent, but if he could see into her mind, he would see flashes of what she was imagining to come soon.
Tom rose to his feet and stood in front of Dani, a hand on her temple, massaging small circles on her scalp making Dani close her eyes, leaning her face into his touch.
She opened her eyes and ran two fingers across his hip bone, feeling the soft skin before reaching up the other hand and slowly undoing his belt, pulling it out of the pant loops and letting it fall to the floor, not caring where it landed, as long as it wasn't there anymore.
He shivered as her fingers grazed the sensitive flesh of his lower abs.
Has pants were so loose that without his belt they fell past his knees, but he hardly took notice, he was too busy watching her; she seemed mesmerized by his stomach and boxers. He smirked. Of course he was standing to attention; he prided himself on his quick reaction time.
Hi smirk quickly faded though, as he remembered he didn't know how to make love, he only knew how to fuck.
“I-I don't know what to do,” he admitted. He had already cried on her shoulder. How much more could he embarrass himself? She didn't seem to mind his little weaknesses though.
“That's okay, I can teach you,” she smiled, a playful glint entering her eyes. “And when we're done you can boast that `Dani Milton taught me this'.” She laughed as she repeated the words he had said to her more than six months before.
Tom chuckled as well, letting the sound of Dani's laughter put him just that much more at ease.
"Tom, you have to get out of your pants, or this is never going to work," Dani said and Tom blushed, and stepped one foot out of the pants.
Tom went to pull the other leg out and his eyes got wide as he realized that the world had started moving... Or was it him...?
As he realized that he was no longer standing up, but on his back, listening to Dani giggled, he realized how graceful that must have looked.
As he realized that he was no longer standing up, but on his back, listening to Dani giggled, he realized how graceful that must have looked.
Honestly, he couldn't think of what to say as he lay there on the ground for those few moments before Dani stood up and held her hand out to him, one hand over her mouth to hide the fact that she was still giggling.
He couldn't help but smile up at her, he didn't let her pull him up though; instead he gently grasped her hand and pulled down slightly, signalling he wanted her to join him. She laughed and shook her head before turning and sitting on the bed once more. She patted the spot next to her and then lay down. Her legs dangling over the edge and her extended belly were all that he could see of her from his position on the floor.
He stood quickly and made sure to carefully remove his pants before lying down on his back next to her. He took her hand in his, brought them to his mouth and began kissing her fingers.
Tom was hesitant to make this move, but he put one hand on her cheek, caressing her cheek lightly before letting his hand slowly move so his pinkie finger ran along her skin, between her breast and finally down to her stomach. He leaned over, and kissed her stomach once again before undoing her skirt and swiftly and made his first graceful move of the night by doing so.
Undressing a woman was something that he did quite well.
She sighed contentedly, and shivered as his breath ghosted over her belly button. Within moments he had her stripped bare, she tried not to think about it; instead she focused on how dressed he still was.
Looking to his eyes for permission; she lifted her hand to the hem of his boxers and waited until he nodded, before pulling them down slowly, she caressed his thighs as she passed. When they were too far down for her to remove any farther he kicked them off.
He was feeling nervous now, he had had sex uncountable times, but he had never made love, he did not know how. Was it different, the way you did it? Or was it the emotions and the gentleness behind each action that made it love? He didn't know.
Dani softly laid her hand on his shoulder and pulled, he followed until he was mostly on top of her, of course her belly got in the way, but not so much as to be a problem.
Tom leaned down and kissed her; afraid that if he decided to rush into this too fast, that it wouldn't be considered making love.
What was the definition of that? Was it really just sex with...Oh god, she wasn't going to start crying was she?
Tom brushed aside the thought as he kissed her neck, softly kissing random butterfly kisses all over her body.
"Are you absolutely sure about this?" Tom asked looking down at Dani, one hand propping himself above her, the other caressing the soft skin of her stomach.
"Don't ask questions," she said kissing him, tears of love shining in her eyes. "Just make love with me."