Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Black Night Fantasia ❯ Ephemeral Phantasia! Xanis’s Raid on the Thrown. ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“Your not gonna win Erain!” Noble yelled as he leaped in the air, his blade held above his head as he began to fall downwards to her. “Humph I told you I would not go easy on you kid…Autumn Twilight!” Erain's axe shown a bright golden color as she swung it, making a hard impact across Noble's stomach. Noble flew against the wall of the room roughly, hard enough to crack it on impact. “Erain is the winner,” Jean said as she looked towards Noble's bleeding body. “Fuck Erain, you didn't have to kill him, he was just a boy, shit he was Hiro and Luna's second son.” She spoke in a dull tone as if it was a secret, in fact it was. “Just drag him into the waiting room, he will live….” Erain glanced towards Jean as she walked into the room herself.
“Heh its hard to believe our gonna be my wife little miss.” She chuckled as she drug his body into the waiting room.
“Protect the princess! Seal the main gate!” Noble awoke several hours later in a dark empty room, the yelling from the soldiers ringing threw the castle corridors. Crashing and screaming outside the castle was enough to frighten he strongest man. Noble struggled up and looked at the map on the wall. “Shit I'm almost there I should get to her room!” Noble dashed out the room, the sharp pain in his stomach only slightly hindered him. His eyes widened as he saw the bloody bodies along the way, what could have done this?
“Odaku! Looks like we have a survivor!” A voice called out from behind. He looked back to see a young purple skinned man in a yellow and blue summoner's outfit. He held the long golden staff as he chuckled.
“No Way! It can't be Hiro Archer I though we killed you! What the fuck happened to your eye?” “Hiro? You knew my father!?” Noble stood tall and raised his blade at him. “Father aha big daddy Hiro had a little baby boy! I guess you will have to follow in his footsteps!” He raised his staff and pointed it towards Noble. Before he got to Noble, a strong figure stood before him, locking with him. “Noble! Go to the princess!” “Jean But” “Now god damnit!” He nodded as he ran towards the largest door.
“Princess! Princess we need to get out now!” Noble ran to the thrown as he pulled off the sheets
“W-what's going on!” the princess looked up at him with tears in her eyes. “Come on I know how to get out.” Noble took her hand as he dragged her to a small door, before they got to it, thunder struck the floor before them. “Heh heh awwww if it isn't daddy's little pride and joy Noble, How cute trying to be like daddy” Before them stood a man in a long black trench coat, in his hand was a long golden key which he used like a cane.
“The Name is Xanis Clyne, I assume it is polite to tell you, considering the fact that you won't live past tonight.” Xanis tossed his cloak to the side, revealing who he really was. His light blue skin and the stitches on the sides of his mouth. His jacket had literally thousands of hanging keys. “Fight or die Noble!”
“Noble raised his blade has he swung a good seven times, Xanis blocking it all ease. He chuckled and kicked Noble backwards. “Heh nothing like your father, you have no use, die Noble Archer! Ephemeral Phantasia!” Xanis laughed insanely as he pointed the key like blade at Noble, the rapturous power that shot from the weapon shook the entire castle as a red and gold beam shot from it. “Ugh! Noble opened his eyes only to see himself covered in blood, a giant battle axe destroying the door behind him, leaving a rather large opening. Before him stood a familiar face. “Erain!” Noble shouted as he saw her hand still attached to the axe that laid four feet away. “Get out of here Noble, The second son of Hiro Archer can't be killed like this…Nevia Hasta!”
Noble and the princess appeared on a hill in the outskirts of town. They looked towards the castle as the room where they once stood seeing a massive beam of light shattering it, leaving nothing there. “Noble, Princess Kina hurry this way!” Stephy called out as she sat in a wagon, contorted by two black steeds. “We have to get you to a safer place!” Noble carried her into the back as they rode off.
“Noble…what just happened…?” The princess said trying to hold back her tears, resting her head against Nobles shoulder. “I don't know….I don't….know….” Nobles vision blurred as he rested his head against hers, drifting to sleep.