Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Bliss ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
“What do I do?”
After a moment's pause, the man dressed in black replied, “Never scream.” And with that, he was gone.
She didn't know where he had disappeared to so quickly, but she had more pressing matters, like how the hell she was going to save herself.
The dark club was in absolute turmoil. Tables and chairs had been tossed around and tipped over while broken shards of glass and liquor adorned the floor. All around her, she could hear people running… and screaming. The room she was in was pitch black, so she honestly had no idea where she was, and her sense of direction was long gone. It was all a blur. Where's Kat?
It was Kat who had suggested they come to this place. On any other day, she would have brushed her friend's idea off and convinced her to just rent pizza and a movie, but today was different. Today she was feeling spontaneous and had obliged Kat's request because she needed excitement and fun. She needed to shake things up.
Jesus…is this shaken enough for you?
She was so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't noticed that the screaming and the sound of constant shuffling feet had subsided. She was alone.
Flush against the cool cement wall, she began to inch her way to what she thought would be the exit before running into what had to have been a stool. Shit! With a painful thud, she fell on her bottom.
That's when he found her.
In the next instant, she was pushed onto her back in the darkened room of the Club Sub Zero while the hem of her white cotton tee-shirt was pushed up until it rested just below her breasts. She wasn't sure when it dawned on her that she could feel a sharp pain in the middle of her abdomen, but as soon she as she came to this realization, the pain stopped, replaced my an overwhelming sense of serenity and warmth. It was then that she could feel his skin on her skin, his soft hair lightly ticking her stomach, his hands tightly gripping her sides and hips, his lower half firmly nestled between her thighs, his mouth silently suckling the area of her abdomen where his elongated canine teeth were buried deep within her.
This creature… this man was making her feel more alive than she had ever felt before as he slowly drained her of her life force, and she couldn't suppress the small moan that escaped her lips as she suddenly wrapped her legs around his waist and entwined her fingers in his down feather hair. The throbbing between her legs had turned to flames threatening to consume her body and soul.
She knew what he was doing to her. She knew that he was killing her. But the man dressed in black had told her not to scream. He told her not to give them the satisfaction. No. She was not going to scream. Besides, she felt no fear. At first, she wasn't entirely sure just what she was feeling, but she knew she couldn't fight.
Instead, she could feel herself dying, and at the same time, she was filled an unmistakable bliss in the wake of desire.