Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Blood, Sex and Magik ❯ Chapter 9
Blood, Sex and Magik: Nine
Jess washed her hands, picking up the ink brushes before going back into her work room. The young lady sat on the table dressed only in her panties, her short blonde hair falling around her face. Her breasts were shadowed by her posture, but they were well shaped and perky. Half in shadow her face was lovely, delicate and almost elven.
And she was also partially a he. From what Jess heard she didn't work the streets for her money; instead she operated out of one of the highest priced establishments in the city. That was why Jess had been a bit surprised to see this woman at her door, and even more surprised at her request.
"Thank you for agreeing to do this," Lane said quietly.
Jess set the bowl that was partially filled with black ink down on a work tray that was sitting near the table, a bit of water in a cup where the brushes waited to be used. "My door is open to all," Jess said. A slight smile twitched her lips, "Though I must admit I had to think about it a moment when you came in."
Lane chuckled softly, "I do that to a lot of people, I think." She turned her head slightly and smiled, "You aren't quite what I was expecting."
Jess took one of the delicate brushes from the water, pressing down gently to get all of the fluid out. She twirled the point up against the edge of the glass, and then dipped it carefully in the black ink. "Bend forward a bit," Jess instructed Lane gently, "I need to get good light on your back." She carefully traced the brush across the slim shoulders to form the upper edge of a wing as she asked, "How was I unexpected?"
Lane shivered slightly at the feeling of the brush on her skin. "Do you have a reputation, you know," she murmured softly.
Jess leaned forward, blowing lightly on the ink to dry it a bit quicker. "Oh?" she asked, dipping the brush into water, preparing it, then gathering more ink.
"Ah!" Lane shuddered as Jess blew, hot flesh meeting cold air. "You're a mystery, the enigmatic tattoo artist who seems to know so much more than she should. The city's powers walk cautiously around you," she finished, "as if you were a power yourself."
"I'm not a power," Jess said firmly as she painted, carefully creating the illusion of wings on the slim girl's back, "not anymore."
"That's not true, you know," Lane said looking over at her shoulder at Jess with a sad little smile, "or else I wouldn't be here."
Jess leaned in to work on the fine details, hiding her face from Lane's gaze as she said, "You might be right, but I hope not."
The work went on mostly quietly, Jess changing brushes as she went. The outside structure was done first, the shape of the wings designed carefully, arching up at the edge of her shoulder blades the sweeping down to the base of her back, stopping just below the top of the delicate panties. With even more care she filled in each wing, delicately designing each feather for the wings. It took some time, Lane laying there on her stomach for much of it, but finally the painting was done.
Jess took a mirror, moving to hold it so that Lane could get a look at her back. "What do you think? She asked with a slight smile.
"It's lovely," Lane sighed softly.
"Too bad it's just going to disappear," Jess said with a shrug.
"I'm ready," Lane said, her voice dropping to a whisper.
"Trust me," Jess said seriously, "there's no way you're ready."
All around the darkened room carefully placed candles flickered to life, bright flames glowing golden and red. Around the table Jess moved, writing with one of the brushes on the tarps and sheets laid out on the floor. A circle, inscribed with runes in many tongues, a soft glow shimmering from the lines of oddly glowing ink.
Jess laid her hands on the bare back, tracing the painted on wings delicately. The words that she spoke were soft, guttural, and violently different than any known language of man. It almost seemed to predate human language, sounds with greater meaning and depth, sounds that carried mystical power in their very structure. The black ink shimmered darkly, sinking down into the woman's flesh leaving no trace of their passing.
The woman on the table shifted, a shudder wracking the delicate form. There was a soft noise from the back of Lane's throat, a weak gasp. "It.. pinches, aches," she managed to choke out.
The flesh of Lane's bare back shifted beneath Jess' fingers, the woman's voice rising as she chanted onward. The skin bulged outward, Lane crying out with agony as her body seemed to twist, her flesh and even the bones beneath shifting.
"Brace yourself," Jess had a scalpel in hand.
"Do it," Lane groaned.
Jess cut into the flesh in a decisive gesture, sweeping the blade down one side of Lane's back. Blood and gore splattered the tall woman as a single white wing exploded from the wound to stretch up to the ceiling, flopping down to the ground. Ignoring the groans of pain Jess went around to the other side, setting another burst of wetness free. The twin wings were blood splattered, oil and gore soaking them, but beneath it they shone purest white.
"Oh god," Lane murmured weakly, trying to push herself up off the table. She took in the wings, hanging limp and wet, and her eyes widened. Breathlessly she managed "You did it."
"I said I would, seraphim," Jess helped her sit up, noticing the woman had bit down so hard on her lower lip that it was bleeding. "You are going to need to get cleaned up," Jess said as she ducked to avoid a wing. They were nearly as tall as Lane herself, and it was clear the woman didn't have much control over them.
"Thank you," Lane managed, sweat running down into her eyes, blood dripping down from her wings onto the floor.
"Come on," Jess took her over to the small shower attached to the tattoo parlor, helping her climb in. Lane was about to start the water when Jess nodded to the little panties, "You might want to take those off first." With that she shut the shower door, a few moments later the panties fluttered over the door to land on the ground as the water started up.
Jess made her way to her workroom, looking around with a frown. She rolled up the now blood splattered tarps off of the floor, bundling up the cloth and tying it up. A gesture put the candles out and she reached over to flip the light switch back on. She carefully made her way around, wiping up any remaining blood and mess from the ceremony.
"That's better," Jess said with satisfaction.
There was a soft sound at the doorway, and Jess turned to see Lane standing there dressed in just her panties, smiling happy. Still damp from the shower the wings arched up on either side of her, almost glowing white in the light of the room. "I never thought I would ever regain these," Lane said, reaching up to stoke a white wing delicately.
"If you hadn't once had them," Jess said simply, "it wouldn't have even been possible."
Lane closed her eyes a moment, "It was so painful...."
"Much like a birth," Jess agreed, "and as necessary, I think." She smiled slightly, her eyes shining with a certain amount of pride, "They look beautiful."
"Thanks to you," Lane agreed, walking over to where Jess stood. The scent of soap and shampoo swirled around her, her smile gentle as she looked up at the taller woman. "You said you didn't want to acept money," she said softly, "but could I...pay you back another way?"
Jess smiled down at Lane gently, taking the smaller woman by the shoulders. "The chance to do something like this is payment enough," Jess said quietly. With a shrug of the shoulders she added, "Not to mention there's someone I'm seeing."
"Not because I'm...?" Lane made a gesture downward.
"You're lovely," Jess said to her simply. "If I was interested in trying, I'd call you first."
Lane shushed her, stepping up to kiss her gently on the cheek. "I will not forget what you have done for me, gallant one," she said, then walked over to collect her clothes that had been put aside in a neat little pile.
'Helping a transexual angel regain her wings,' Jess thought to herself with a smile, 'This is something for the memoirs.'
Author's Note: The idea of the wings coming forth so messily isn't my original idea, it's inspired by the first episode of an anime called Haibane Renmei. However, I've taken the idea and tweaked it a bit, hopefully making for an interesting little story.