Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodsport ❯ Think Harder ( Chapter 9 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter Nine: Think Harder
The truth just wouldn't let Chachi rest. It just kept pursuing him in his dreams. In fact, it was hunting him right now.
*Dreams Begins*
The darkness, cold, and smell had gotten worse. Chachi looked all around naked and unarmed. Why was he always being brought back to this place? Was this some kind of joke? “Okay,” he thought in fear and annoyance. “Why am I here again?” The lights appeared once again. The thug couldn't help but to laugh at himself. This was becoming predictable. What was the point of this anymore?
“Okay!” Chachi called out to the lights. “So you're dead. I get it! But how am I dead as well? I'm perfectly alive!” The lights began to swirl around him in a hyper rush. Chachi kept looking nervously. “Okay…” he thought. “Must have said something to offend them…” The lights kept spinning faster. The thug just couldn't take his eyes off of them. They were just like Kim. Both had become hard to figure out for his taste. But yet, he still stuck around to try and put the pieces of the puzzle together.
Drinking enough to knife to death the dumb down
Drinking yourself to death am I in touch now
You ask me how to cure your headache, use a gun
If you think you're doing something special, it's been done
So just think dumb
Think harder, sip up, sick up, your life just think dumb
Think harder, sip up, sick up, your life just think dumb
Think harder, sip up, sick up, your life just think dumb
Think harder, sip up, sick up, your life
Suddenly, the lights just stopped. Chachi kept staring at them confused. “What's happening know?” he thought as he kept on watching. The lights closed around him in a heartbeat. The thug waited for the worst to come.
“He still doesn't know!” they yelled out. “He still doesn't know!” Chachi looked all around. This was getting annoying now. The thug was really pissed now. This was now just going around and around in circles with no answers. He was now determined to break this pain in the ass circle tonight. He was going to start tonight!
“Okay!” Chachi yelled out in anger. “What do I not know? Tell me what the hell is going on here?!? I want some answers and I want them now!!!” The lights went silent and froze right in place. Chachi stared at him strong. He refused to be intimidated by some dumb lights claiming to be the “dead” this time! Then, they began to talk again.
“We must take him to her!” they all were saying. “Yes, we must take him straight to her right away! We must take him to her now! We must take him to her! We must take him to her!” Now, Chachi was really confused. Who and what were this freaks talking about now? This was beyond making sense now. The thug wasn't even sure if he even wanted to know anymore. No! He had to know the truth! He had to get to the bottom of this if he wanted to sleep at night and keep his sanity in tact!
“She?” he asked aloud. “What the hell are all of you talking about now? Who is she?” The lights instantly began to fly upwards to the black nothingness above. Chachi kept his eyes on them the entire time. “Now what are they doing?” he thought in confusion. This was all getting more awkward by the moment. The lights all formed into a long straight line. They all began flying north. (Or what he thought was the north. Chachi couldn't tell what direction he was in due to the darkness.) Chachi kept staring at the line with a blank face. “I guess I am to follow the lines!” he thought. Then, he started his walk to the ugly and painful truth.
Don't leave out the sure to itch in your opinion
The louder they come the thicker they are so dream on
If you think you got style in your limo to a club
You may feel like a kick but the coma looks more fun
So just think dumb
Think harder, sip up, sick up, your life just think dumb
Think harder, sip up, sick up, your life just think dumb
Think harder, sip up, sick up, your life just think dumb
Think harder, sip up, sick up, your life
Just Think Dumb