Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodwraith ❯ Recognition? ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The sound of running water awoke Aidan the next morning. He rubbed his eyes as he tried to pinpoint the sound. It wasn't rain because it sounded much faster than rain. What in the world was it? He blinked his eyes a few times as he realized just what the noise was. It was the shower. Jett apparently was up and using it. He thought about how nice it would be to make love in the shower again and smiled. That was a fantasy he hadn't experienced in awhile. Back when he was unsure where his next meal would come from, he and his partner would share the shower to save energy. Somehow the showers ended up lasting longer than necessary and they usually had a lot of excess water to mop up afterwards. Of course, that was never his fault. His partner had a tendency to get forceful in the shower but he had enjoyed it. He closed his eyes for a moment as he forced himself to think about the present instead of the past and sighed. He stood up and stretched then began making up his bed.
Aidan wasn't sure what time it was but he felt drained. He felt as though he had done an abnormally long dance routine or done a two hour concert. He shook his head at the memory as he tucked the edges of his blanket underneath his mattress. He then took off his shorts and stretched his legs in relief. He was not accustomed to sleeping with something on. He preferred to sleep in the nude but he had chosen not to since he had a guest in the house. Aidan turned his attention to the bathroom door which had just opened as he crumpled up his shorts in his hand. Jett stepped out and stared at Aidan who walked past him and opened a dresser drawer. He was well-endowed and Jett suddenly found himself feeling quite inadequate. He wasn't sure why he was comparing himself to Aidan but he felt that somehow the difference in size mattered even though nothing had been said to bring up the subject.
“I'm sorry. It's a force of habit when you live alone,” Aidan said as he put on a black leather thong.
“What sort of entertainment do you do again?” Jett inquired as Aidan pulled on a pair of dark blue jeans.
“How was the shower?”
“Fine, thanks. You're quite…muscular.”
“I've been told it runs in my family. Unfortunately, I'm not using it the preferred way and certain members of the family are upset over that. Don't ask about it because I'm not saying anything more on that subject. However, I didn't think size would be of any interest to you considering your preferences. Now when would you like to go back to your apartment? As long as it's before eight, any time is fine with me.”
“I guess I'll go back in about an hour if that's all right,” Jett said as Aidan pulled on a muscle-tee.
“That'll fine. Here's my number in case you end up needing a place to stay,” Aidan said and Jett a piece of paper. “In any event, I do hope to see you again. It's been fun talking with you. It's been awhile since I've had an actual conversation with someone else. Would you like something to eat?”
“Sure. What do you have?”
“Let's go to the kitchen and look. I won't have a lot since I'm so used to eating alone but you're welcome to whatever I've got.”
“You know, there are still some really nice people in this world. You're one of them.”
Aidan smiled as he picked up his keys then walked out of his room. Maybe one day they would actually be living together. He had no interest in romance, he reminded himself because of events in the past but he wouldn't mind having someone as a roommate again. Perhaps things might be different a third time around. In any case, he thought as he placed his keys into his pocket, it was a nice dream.
“What side of town do you live on?” Aidan inquired and Jett looked at him.
“I live on north Spencer. I had to take the bus to my girl's place since I don't actually have a car. It's in for repairs right now. I don't even have the money to fix it. I am such a loser,” he said and Aidan shook his head.
“No you're not. No one in this world is truly a loser. You're just having some bad luck. I'll ask around at the club tonight. Maybe I can get you something. Maybe the band needs someone.”
“Your club has a live band?”
“We don't get cheap clientèle. That's part of the reason why I can afford my car.”
“Wow. I wasn't aware clubs paid that well.”
“They do and like I said last night, I still have the money from my previous job. Would you like some toast?”
“Sure. Thanks for doing this.”
“Well you have to eat too.”
“Here's a fork. You can take it into the living room. Coffee?”
“Sure. I need something to wake me up. I wonder what state of hell the world is in today.”
“Probably the same state it's always in. Is that enough for you? I don't normally go shopping until tomorrow.”
“It's fine. I can get something at home if I need to.”
Aidan watched him walk out of the room and smiled. He hoped that Jett would end up living with him. He frowned at his thought and shook his head. Perhaps he was more withdrawn than he realized. It had to be something if he was willing to offer a room to a complete stranger he knew very little about. Aidan was fully aware that Jett had absolutely no interest in men and he was hesitant about jumping into a new relationship but there was something about him that interested Aidan. He wasn't sure what it was but there was something about him that managed to get through the defenses Aidan had set up to protect his sanity and Aidan had to know why. The notes of a familiar song floated across the room as Aidan looked up in shock. Why was that on television? He ran out of the kitchen and stared at the television screen.
“What's wrong?” Jett asked then stared at the screen as Aidan reached for the remote control. “That's you, isn't it?”
“No,” Aidan said as he changed the channel. “It's just someone who looks like me.”
“Come on, do you think I'm stupid? That was you. What were you doing on-stage?”
“That wasn't me. I'll get the coffee. I can't sing and large crowds terrify me, remember?”
Jett watched him walk back into the kitchen and folded his arms. Who was he trying to fool? That had been him on the stage. Was he staying with a famous entertainer? Was that why he seemed so familiar?
“Here's your coffee,” Aidan said and placed a mug on the table. “I've got some sugar but I'm afraid I don't use cream. Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Who are you really?” Jett asked and Aidan looked at him.
“I told you, I'm just a male entertainer in a club. That's all that matters.”
“I don't get it. I know that was you on that video. Why would you hide something like that?”
“Why should I explain my reasons to you if I was hiding something like that? We don't really know each other.”
“You're really cold all of a sudden,” Jett said and Aidan turned away.
“I'm sorry but you kept pushing. My problems are my own and no one else's. If you end up living here then perhaps I'll tell you a few things but not before. Are you ready to leave?”
“I guess. I'd like to come back here. You might be able to help me get a job. I need the money after all.”
“Let's just see where all this leads,” Aidan said and smiled slightly. He opened the front door and gazed out at the hall. At least he didn't have to be immediately subjected to the aftermath of the rain.
“Should you take your phone?” Jett inquired and Aidan glanced at the phone that sat in the charger.
“No. If anyone wants to contact me they can call me again. I really don't get a lot of calls. Sometimes I wonder why I bought it in the first place. Besides, it's not going to take me that long to take you to Spencer. Traffic shouldn't be too bad at this time of day.”
“I should thank you for all the trouble you went through last night.”
“It was no trouble. It was actually nice to have someone else in this apartment.”
“Is the accident the only reason why you've lived by yourself for so long?”
“You're asking questions again,” Aidan said as the elevator doors opened.
“Sorry,” Jett said as Aidan selected the button for the parking lot. He said nothing as the elevator doors closed and leaned up against the wall. He didn't want to think about the past and he especially didn't want to think about the band. He refused to return to that sort of life no matter what anyone else thought. He did not want to think about the death of his lover and he certainly didn't want to see his face. He could never return home. He tightly shut his eyes for a moment then took his keys out of his pocket when the elevator doors opened.
“You all right?” Jett inquired and Aidan nodded his head.
“I'm fine. I'm just a little tired I guess,” he replied as he unlocked his car. “Get in. You've got to get home.”
“I wish my girl could have been like you.”
“Well perhaps you're interested in the wrong gender.”
“What are you trying to say?”
“Nothing. Tell you what. I'll give you the club address and you can visit tonight if you want.”
“Sure. I'll come down if I can't set up anything with a friend of mine. There's always one person I can turn to whenever I'm feeling down.”
“That's good,” Aidan said as he drove out of the garage. “Close friends are always needed. I wish I had some. Forget what I said. I didn't mean it. Once I get onto Spencer, let me know where the entrance to your place is. I don't want to miss it.”
“Well the easiest thing to do is to get in the right lane once we get onto Spencer. When we get closer, you'll see a sign that says Cabana Club. It's a pretty stupid name but the apartments are nice,” Jett said.
“I don't judge apartments by their names. Just out of sudden curiosity, how long have you lived in this city?”
“I've been here for a couple years,” Jett said as Aidan stopped for a traffic light. “What about you?”
“I've been here for about a year I guess. I came here after the accident,” Aidan replied as he placed his foot on the accelerator.
“Where did you use to live?”
“No place special. I originally came from a small country if you must know. I chose to come out here to forget but I haven't been able to. He was very close to me. When I get to the complex, which apartment number will I be looking for?”
“It'll say fifty-six A on the side of the building. Wow. It's like no one is on these streets. Just delivery trucks.”
“It's still fairly early. It's nice not to be surrounded by a lot of traffic. Traffic seems to be a problem no matter what country you live in. The sign is quaint with the palm trees. I just hope your apartment is a little more modern than the hut painted on the sign.”
“It is. The management just likes the island theme,” Jett said and pointed to a driveway. “Turn in there.”
“I'm assuming you live in a single?” Aidan inquired as he turned into the driveway.
“Yeah but I share the kitchen. I guess the management gets more use out of the building if they have a couple people sharing a kitchen as opposed to having two separate ones. The only flaw with that is the alcohol gets used up fast.”
“That makes sense. I'd like to see your room if it's possible.”
“It's a basic apartment but you can come up for a drink. I just hope Alex hasn't had one of his parties in his apartment and used up all the booze. There it is.”
Aidan pulled into a parking space and turned off the engine. He got out of the car and placed his keys into his pocket. Jett pulled out his key and Aidan looked at the apartment building.
“So you share a kitchen. How is the apartment set up, then?” Aidan inquired and Jett shrugged his shoulders.
“It's set up like a normal apartment except there's a door that leads to the kitchen. I can lock it from my side when I'm not here or I don't want to be disturbed. I don't really have a lot but I guess I'll have to start selling what I've got so I can pay for my car,” he replied, sighing heavily.
“Don't do anything rash. There might be an opening at the club. I don't know.”
“So what do you think?” Jett asked as he opened the front door.
“It's nice. Personally I wouldn't have chosen the decor but it's not bad,” Aidan said as he stepped into the apartment.
“What would you like to drink?”
“Anything is fine as long as it's quick. I need to get back home and take care of a few things.”
“I'll be right back.”
Aidan made his way over to a small couch and sat down. He glanced at an end table then stared at the CD that sat beside the lamp. He recognized the cover. He even remembered when the album was made. He tightly shut his eyes as he tried not to think of his past. He was not ready to go back. He was not ready to accept the loss of his lover. He felt that it was slightly possible for him to grow to love Jett if he wasn't so hung up on the gender issue but he was hesitant to allow himself to feel such deep, passionate emotions again. He was not ready to try again, no matter how good looking the other guy was. He did not want to be a three time loser. His existence could not handle being spurned yet again. Besides, he told himself, he had made up his mind to never fall in love again. He sighed heavily as he pushed the CD case away. Why did memories keep coming back and mocking him?
“This is my friend, Alex. He came in to get the CD I borrowed from him. He's having some people over tonight and he wanted them to listen to it. The CD is from one of his favorite bands. He has a thing for foreign groups. Don't ask me why but he does,” Jett said as he stepped into the room. He handed a beer can to Aidan and Aidan took it.
“Thank you. Is something wrong with your friend? He's staring. Do I look that odd to him?” Aidan inquired and the short young man standing beside Jett coughed awkwardly. He picked the CD up from the table and pointed at it.
“You're the singer of Bloodwraith, aren't you?” Alex inquired and Aidan looked at him seriously.
“No I'm not. I've never heard of that group before. I'm afraid I don't keep up with the trends of foreign music. Call me strange but I'd rather listen to a band that sings in a language I can understand,” Aidan said as he took a large sip from his can. “I'd better get going. I've got things to do before I go into work tonight.”
“Are you sure you have to leave?” Jett asked and Aidan nodded his head.
“Yes. Stop by the club tonight if you have nothing else to do. I'll try to talk to a few people. Hopefully I can get some sort of job for you.”
“Which club? You never told me.”
“It's called Flame. I'll talk to you later.”
Jett watched him leave then glanced at Alex, who had pulled out the cover from the CD case. He opened it and stared at the band's photograph.
“Look at the one in the middle,” Alex said and pointed to the center of the photograph. “Don't tell me that's not the same guy.”
“Why would he deny it if it was him?” Jett asked and Alex shrugged his shoulders.
“I don't know but there's plenty of rumors floating around about that. Some say it was because of an accident. Others say it's because he's in some religious cult. Then there's even others that say he left because of the government. People even think he might be guilty of an international crime. All I know is the guy that was just here has to be the singer of Bloodwraith.”
“It would clear up a few things about him. I had music videos on this morning and he freaked out over some song. He turned the TV off and when I asked him about it, he dodged the question.”
“That just proves it's him then. I wonder what he's doing way out here, though. This isn't anywhere near his hometown let alone his home country.”
“I don't know. He said he wanted to get away from some things. I don't know what though. He didn't seem to want to talk about his past.”
“So are you going to go down to that club tonight?” Alex asked and Jett shrugged his shoulders.
“Well I was hoping to get lucky with a girl tonight,” Jett replied.
“Oh yeah. Your girl dumped you, didn't she? So how did you end up with him?”
“I was walking across the street, not looking where I was going and he practically runs into me. He insisted that I go to his apartment since he felt I wasn't alert enough to be out on my own. He offered me a drink and we talked for a bit. Before I knew it, it was midnight. I was going to call a cab but he insisted I stay the night at his place.”
“You spent the night with a guy?”
“He wouldn't let me leave.”
“I never thought you were that type of person.”
“Shut up. I don't need that kind of sarcasm. Look I slept on the couch and he slept in his room. Nothing happened and it's not like I'm that much better with girls.”
“So what was he like?”
“What exactly do you mean by that?”
“What do you think I mean?” Alex asked and Jett folded his arms.
“I said he slept in his room. He was polite to me, that was all. Nothing happened. I don't allow myself to get that close to another guy,” he replied. “I've actually had nightmares about that.”
“Did he have anything in his apartment that showed he was a singer?”
“Why would he hide something like that?”
“I don't know but I'll go down there if I don't get lucky tonight. There's a lot of questions I want answered,” Jett said as he picked up his remote control.