Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodwraith ❯ Plane ( Chapter 11 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Aidan awoke with a start then glanced beside him. Nikki's head rested on his shoulder and he awkwardly shifted in his seat. Why was Nikki acting this way? It was obvious that he had feelings for Skye so why...?
“Now that's a sweet picture,” Kei commented and Aidan looked up. “I'm surprised his feelings for you run so deep. He fooled us all by claiming he didn't care when you vanished. A few days after you disappeared, Skye claims he started browsing fan sites trying to find clues to your whereabouts.”
“Why didn't he just come out and tell me?”
“Pride. Has he ever liked to admit when he's wrong?”
“There you go. I pity him because he's let himself become divided on his feelings. Whatever fire that fueled your relationship still exists but now he's got someone else he cares deeply about. When you found happiness with Brett, Nikki was dealing with the fact that he had lost you for good. Then when you disappeared shortly after Brett's death, Nikki was sure that you had killed yourself.”
“He said you thought I had died,” Aidan said and Kei sighed.
“The thought of suicide did cross all of our minds,” he replied. “The police couldn't find you and the tabloids were having a field day. They were printing stuff that I didn't leak out.”
“Do you think they'll run with the idea about me and Jett?”
“They might. He is cute after all.”
“But he's completely straight and there seems to be no way of swaying him. Not that I want to sway him, mind you, but I don't see how the tabloids will work the relationship angle.”
“If they want to play it that way, they will. I don't see how they will be able to do it considering how vocal Jett is about our lifestyle.”
“Where is Jett?”
“Restroom. You know one complaint I have about long flights is that they force you to stay in one spot. I know that's difficult for you because you're the most physical one in the band.”
“I'd like to move but Nikki's in the way.”
“You could wake him up if you really wanted to,” Kei said and Aidan sighed.
“How long have we been up?” he asked and Kei glanced at his watch.
“Almost six hours. You were pretty tired last night weren't you?”
“Well I also had Nikki call me in the middle of the night and then my mind decided to assault me with images of the past.”
“You really cared for him, didn't you?”
“Right now I just wish he'd move. He's getting heavy.”
“You can make him wake up,” Kei said and Aidan nodded his head.
“I know...” he replied and tried his best to stretch his legs. Nikki stirred and Aidan glanced at him.
“Oh. I guess I fell asleep, didn't I? I had forgotten how comfortable you are,” Nikki said as he sat up. “Skye would be jealous if he saw me right now.”
Aidan stood up and stretched then glanced at Nikki who was watching him with interest.
“Too bad they don't have an exercise room on these things,” he said then looked at Jett. “So how are you doing?”
“Okay I guess. I'm not used to being in one place for so long,” Jett said as he sat down.
“It's not that much different from a regular job,” Kei said. “In a regular job you'd have to stand around for six to eight hours.”
“You've got a point there but it feels different when you're working.”
“Hey Skye. How are you feeling? No we're not anywhere near the airport. I think we're over the ocean right now. What? No I'm fine. I just woke up. Yeah I didn't sleep well last night. Something was bothering me. Of course not.You would never bother me. Yeah. I'm still torn about that. I'm sorry. What? Yeah he's right beside me. He wants to talk to you,” Nikki said and Aidan looked shocked.
“Why?” he asked and Nikki glared at him.
“Humor him,” Nikki hissed and Aidan took the phone from him.
“Well this should be interesting,” Kei commented. “Two people that love you are going to talk each other. Are you sure that's safe?”
“Aidan's met Skye before.”
“Have you discussed your past relationship with him?”
“He knows how Aidan and I used to be. He sympathized with me when Aidan disappeared. He really is a great guy. I just wish he could be around for longer.”
“Here,” Aidan said and handed the phone back to Nikki.
“What did he say?” Nikki inquired.
“Ask him.”
“So?” Kei asked and Aidan shrugged his shoulders.
“He just told me to take care of Nikki while we're on the road. Why am I getting stuck with babysitting? I have no feelings on feelings.”
“That makes perfect sense. How many of those little bottles of wine have you had?”
“Not enough to get drunk. I don't really drink to get drunk, Kei. I like the taste of wine.”
“I wonder if he knows something I don't,” Nikki commented as he closed his phone. "I'm going to have to keep a close watch on him once we're home.”
“Then I guess you won't be coming over for awhile,” Aidan said and Nikki looked at him.
“I didn't say that. If something is wrong with him, I'm going to need someone to go to.”
“I didn't have anyone.”
“Yes you did. You just left without giving anyone a chance to help you.”
“Why would you have cared?”
“Please. Don't get into that again,” Kei said as he watched Aidan stretch his body. “God you're cute.”
“Shut up Kei,” Aidan said and Kei shook his head.
“Nothing you'll say will make me change my feelings about you.”
“We can at least be friends, can't we Aidan?” Nikki asked and Aidan looked at him.
“Don't start panicking. Skye just probably wants me to look out for you while we're on the road because he won't be able to,” he replied.
“That might be only it but I worry about him. I know I said I was prepared for his death but I still don't want to think about it.”
“Well he's alive right now. That's something,” Kei said as Nikki sat back down.
“Yeah. I should be thankful for that,” Nikki said.
“You should be grateful you've got someone to go home to,” Aidan commented then glanced at his seat. “I don't want to sit down yet.”
“I don't think you want to stand for the remaining six hours,” Kei said and Aidan sighed.
“I don't like airplanes for just that reason,” Aidan said as he reluctantly sat back down.
“Did you ever get a hold of Jade?” Nikki asked and Kei nodded his head.
“I talked to him while you two were sleeping. He's glad that you're coming back,” Kei said and Aidan folded his arms.
“What about Ty?”
"I don't know."
“Still no luck with him?”
“Jade said he'd stop by the restaurant and talk to him. Apparently he's been having relationship problems.”
“Sounds familiar.”
“I don't have any problems with Skye. I'm just concerned about his health,” Nikki said then glanced at Aidan. “When you left, I was concerned about your health as well.”
“Thanks for the concern,” Aidan said and Nikki reached for his hand.
“I was being serious,” he replied and Kei sighed.
“Just don't start you two. I am not in the mood to hear you two fight,” Kei said.
“Where is your country?” Jett asked and Kei looked at him.
“In relation to what?” he asked.
“To the world.”
“Our home is in the north. Winters are brutal but if you've got someone to sleep with, they're bearable.”
“You know, it only got down to thirty degrees in the winter where I was living. I couldn't believe how warm it was,” Aidan said and Jett leaned forward.
“That's warm?” he asked and Kei nodded his head.
“It is when you're used to fifteen degrees,” he replied. “It sounds worse in Celsius. In Celsius, it's negative nine.”
“I don't know if I'll be able to survive the winter.”
“We have central heating,” Aidan said. “It's not like we live in shacks with dirt floors.”
“At least we don't any more,” Nikki said and Aidan shook his head.
“Don't listen to him. He's trying to be funny. I have electricity in my house and I have cable television.”
“Well I think that's pretty much a given. After all, we do have mobile phones,” Kei said.
“True. I really haven't done that much traveling recently so I tend to forget how advanced the rest of the world is,” Jett replied.
“There are still places with no indoor plumbing. We are quite fortunate in that respect.”
“I don't think we've had to carry water from the rivers in over three hundred years,” Nikki commented. “I wonder if that sort of life was romantic.”
“I don't think it was romantic to get water in the middle of winter,” Aidan said and Nikki smiled.
“I bet the nights were fun though. Since there was no central heating I'm sure they had to strip down to go to sleep. That would be nice, snuggled up with your lover underneath a fur blanket. I can only imagine what kind of activity went on underneath that blanket.”
“That sort of thing was expected back then,” Kei said. “If a guy slept with a young girl, the parents would have a priest standing by to marry them. Thankfully we don't have to worry about things like that.”
“No but we have other problems,” Aidan said as he closed his eyes. “We're treated differently because of who we like. In some locations we could be shot simply because we have no interest in women.”
“Are you serious?” Jett asked and Kei glanced at him.
“Why would we joke about something like that?” he inquired.
“Not every place is as free as your country is. A lot of places regulate self-expression,” Nikki said as Kei looked at his watch.
“Well we don't have that much time left. Try to get some sleep. You might not get any rest once we step onto familiar ground.”
“Sometimes you get some good ideas in that mind of yours,” Aidan said and Kei glanced at the back of his seat.
“I could give you so much more, Aidan,” Kei said.
“I don't know if he's really worth it,” Nikki said and Aidan folded his arms.
“Nikki I could just as easily point out some terrible things about your character,” he replied.
“Do I need to separate you two?” Kei asked.
“I don't trust you either Kei.”
“That's no way to treat your manager.”
“Sorry,” Aidan said as he turned his attention to the window. “I just want this plane to land. I'm sick of sitting here.”
“Try to hold out for four more hours. It won't be long.”
“That's easy for you to say. I don't like being confined to one area.”
“Your impatience isn't going to make the plane land any sooner.”
“Then let me brood.”
“Do it quietly then.”