Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodwraith ❯ Afternoon ( Chapter 26 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kei folded his arms as he watched the boys pack up their instruments. They were sounding better but they hadn't regained that old magic. Mark lay a hand on his shoulder and Kei glanced at him.
“They're getting better,” Mark said and Kei nodded his head.
“Yes but they're not ready to go on tour. I just hope they improve fast. We also have a hell of a lot of promos to do next week. I hope they'll be ready for that,” he said.
“I'm sure Aidan will look great. He's a beautiful man.”
“I get to spend the afternoon with Aidan. That's going to make my day. I love him so.”
“I can tell. You always watch him so fondly.”
“I don't always watch him fondly. I have to make sure he performs correctly. I don't mean that in a sensual sense even though God knows I've tried. He's agreed to come home with me so I'm hoping I get lucky.”
“If you do, call me.”
Kei grinned as Aidan walked up the aisle. Aidan looked suspiciously at him as he placed his hands in his pockets.
“What are you planning, Kei?” Aidan asked as Kei extended a hand.
“Nothing. Are you ready to go?” Kei inquired and Aidan nodded his head.
“I guess. Where are we going?” Aidan asked as Kei put his arm around his waist.
“We can stop for a drink. Are you up to a visit to the bar?”
“At this hour?”
“You're right. All the gay bars are closed. When do you plan on going clubbing again?”
“I don't know. I was a stripper you know. I don't know if I'm ready to do that scene again. I want to feel real excitement again but I don't exactly want to go looking for someone.”
“Well I've got a king-sized bed that's rarely seen action.”
“Kei...” Aidan said and Kei smiled.
“Give me a chance please. I love you and I'd do anything for you. Get in the car, love,” Kei said as he opened his car door.
“You've got a car that looks nicer than mine.”
“I paid more for it. Do you want to stop somewhere and pick up a good bottle of wine?”
“That's tempting. That's really tempting. What would you buy?”
“Anything you want,” Kei replied as he started the motor.
“You've got a hell of a lot of money invested in me,” Aidan said as Kei backed out of his parking space.
“One of these days I plan on cashing in. I think you know what I want.”
“Unfortunately, I know exactly what you're talking about.”
“Do you want to be serious? Start talking about Nikki and your concerns.”
“You certainly change subjects fast.”
“That was the reason why you agreed to spend the afternoon with me, isn't it?”
“It was. I'm concerned about Nikki and what might happen on the tour. I've never seen him like this before and I don't know what to do about it. I think I'd like to feel him holding me again but...oh Kei maybe you were right about us not being a good match. I wonder if I ever really loved him.”
“You did. I could see it in your actions. You cared for him as much as I care for you,” Kei said and Aidan forced a smile.
“You never let up, do you?” he asked as Kei took out his phone.
“I just want you to be happy. You have excited me ever since I met you. You are a beautiful person and you have a lot going for you no matter who you end up sleeping with.”
“Kei how can you love someone you barely know?”
“What are you talking about? I know you. I'm not some random buy you meet in a bar.”
“I don't run off with older men. I didn't mean you, Kei.”
“I hope not. I'd like to think I'm not ready for a retirement home yet. I certainly hope I'm still good for a few years,” Kei said and Aidan grinned.
“At least you're still in your twenties,” Aidan said as Kei laid a hand on his leg. “Move it Kei or I'll break it.”
“Don't threaten me Aidan. You owe a lot to me. Without my guidance you wouldn't have the money you have today.”
“You're so logical Kei. I'm sorry for how I reacted. I just don't like anyone putting their hands on my legs.”
“I'm not just anyone Aidan,” Kei said as he turned a corner. “So does Jett know that the two of you are lovers?”
“It's not funny Kei,” Aidan replied and Kei nodded his head.
“Maybe the media will make him change his mind.”
“I told you not to joke. Hey, can we stop by Jade's?”
“Well maybe I need advice from an outsider. Your advice is a little biased because of how you feel about me. Also Jade's been out with him a few times so he knows more about Jett's personality than I do.”
“Why do you want to know more?” Kei inquired and Aidan sighed.
“I still don't know why I so willingly took him in that night. I had never let anyone else in so why him? Why did I offer a perfect stranger room?”
“I don't have an answer to that. Do you want to go to Jade's right now? I've got to get in the right lane to turn around,” Kei said as Aidan took out his phone.
“Hold on. We don't even know if he's home,” Aidan said then frowned when he glanced at his phone. “Damned fairy. Why is he doing this? You flipped out when I made an innocent remark about Skye. Why the hell are you shoving him to the side?”
“Do you always yell at Nikki's messages?”
“I never thought you'd refer to him in a derogatory manner. You surprised me.”
“Kei did he treat me like this when we were on tour? Was I just too stupid to notice?”
“No. There was no one else when you were together. Do you want to know what I think?” Kei asked and Aidan looked at him.
“Only if it's clean,” Aidan said and Kei shook his head.
“Maye you should stay with me while we're on tour. Anyways do you remember what you said at Brett's grave? You said that he was a replacement for Nikki. Perhaps Skye was Nikki's replacement for you. You only have a few options. One is to get back with Nikki which wouldn't be fair to Skye and your other option is to fall in love with someone else.”
“Like you?”
“Well I am available.”
“Kei I really don't know. You're like my boss. I can't sleep with you. It wouldn't be right.”
“Cut loose for once Aidan. You know something? I think you're still a child.”
“What the hell does that mean?” Aidan asked and Kei shrugged.
“I mean you're unsure of what you want. Nikki is being childish too. I think you're both trying to hold onto your past. You can't go back to the way you were no matter how much you try.”
“I just want to feel that passion again.”
“How can you if you're not willing to look?” Kei asked as he laid a hand on Aidan's upper thigh.
“How am I supposed to trust people?” Aidan asked as he moved Kei's hand.
“You can trust me, can't you?”
“Where are we going?”
“Where do you want to go? I'd like to go home eventually. Jean will need a walk.”
“Let me call Jade and see if he's in. I never did because of stupid Nikki's call.”
“Message,” Kei corrected and Aidan glanced at him.
“Fine. Message,” he said as he looked through his contacts.
“If you don't want a relationship with him, you've got to tell him.”
“He came onto me first. Why should I tell him?”
“Didn't you kiss him in the parking lot of a supermarket back in the States?”
“Did he tell you about that?” Aidan asked then turned his attention o his phone. “Hey Shea. Is Jade in? Well wake him up. I'd like to talk to him.”
“He sleeps a lot when he's not working,” Kei commented.
“That's because he's a swinger.”
“There's got to be more to his personality than that.”
“Kei I thought you knew a little something about all of us.”
“I do my homework on everyone I do business with especially the ones I have nighttime meetings with. I don't need a case of VD.”
“I don't have any respect for people that get STD's. Hey Jade. Yeah you caught the end of a conversation. Hey can I come over? I want to talk to you. Well I thought you might be able to offer an objective opinion in my problem. Yeah. You've got it.”
“So is it okay?” Kei asked and Aidan nodded his head.
“Yeah. You don't mind if Kei comes along, do you? I'm in his car right now. He wanted to take me out. Well we haven't really been anywhere yet. Can we come right over? He says yeah,” Aidan said as Kei switched on his signal.
“Good. Just give me time to turn around,” Kei said as he patted Aidan's leg.
“Kei you'd better not go any higher,” Aidan said and Kei removed his hand.
“Aidan, what can I do to you while I'm driving?”
“I'd rather not take any chances.”
Kei smiled as he made a U-turn and drove back up the street. Aidan switched off his phone then glanced at Kei's CDs. He flipped through them as Kei glanced at the stores they passed. They passed an adult bookstore and Kei took out his phone.
“I wonder if he's got a new disc for me,” he commented and Aidan looked at him.
“Who?” he asked.
“One of my friends. He does adult films.”
“You go for that sort of thing?”
“Well a man has to have some way to excite himself when he doesn't have a partner.”
“Kei you've got thousands of contacts. Why do you go for me?”
“Aidan I can't explain my love for you. I've just never felt anything so deep for another man before and I've known a lot of men.”
“Are you a swinger?”
Kei kissed Aidan's cheek when he stopped for a red light. Aidan glared at him then folded his arms.
“Damn you Kei,” Aidan said as he wiped his cheek.
“It was a friendly kiss,” Kei replied and Aidan glanced out his window.
“I swear, there's no discouraging you is there?”
“No. As I've said before, I've got way too much time invested in you.”