Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodwraith ❯ Photo Shoot ( Chapter 29 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
“Jade wake up,” Kei said and Jade blinked his eyes. It was a few minutes past six and the band was currently standing in a photography studio with some members more alert than others. Jade yawned widely then shaded his eyes when the photographer turned on some lights.
“Jade! Is there any way to get some coffee?”
“I can get some,” the photographer replied and Kei nodded his head.
“Please do otherwise it's going to be a long day for you. Jade is not a morning person,” Kei said as Jade yawned again. Aidan stretched his arms and Nikki watched him with extreme interest.
“You look so good in the morning, Aidan,” Nikki said and Aidan glanced at him.
“Don't come onto me Nikki,” he replied and Nikki held out his arms.
“I'm not coming onto you. I just said you look sexy. Is that bad?”
“We need to have a talk later.”
“I'll tell you later.”
“Why not now?”
“Leave him alone,” Jett said and Nikki stared at him in shock.
“What?” he asked in disbelief.
“You heard me the first time. If he doesn't want to talk to you now then he doesn't want to talk to you. You should respect that and stop trying to pressure him into doing something he doesn't want to do.”
“Wait a second. Let me see if I understand. You are telling me to shut up? You? What right do you have to tell me what to do? Do you even know half as much about Aidan as I do? Where do you get off...”
“Let it go Nikki,” Kei said and Nikki glanced at him.
“I can't just let it go. A foreigner is telling me what to do. Oh god. I just thought of something. The rumors...are they....?” Nikki began to ask and Ty folded his arms.
“Kei can't you do something about all these damned rumors?” he asked and Kei looked at him.
“Like what? If I make a big deal out of it, that will only substantiate their claims,” he replied.
“The entire concept is sickening. I mean why would a normal guy want to sleep with...”
“Watch your mouth Ty. I'm not going to put up with your comments today.”
“I have a right to express my opinion just as much as you believe you have a right to go against nature.”
“You don't have a right when I can hear you talking. I'm tired of hearing your insults. You think we want the persecution brought on by people who think like you? Also don't give me that not natural crap. It does exist in nature. It's just not something you'd see on the nature channel.”
“Here's the coffee,” the photographer said and Jade blinked his eyes.
“Thanks I guess,” Jade replied and Kei shook his head.
“Just when did you get home last night?” he asked.
“Four I think. I don't know. I haven't slept since yesterday.”
“Kei I can't go out at night, sleep, and be expected to wake up at an ungodly hour just to go to a photo shoot. You're lucky to have me like this.”
“Drink the coffee Jade.”
“I'm drinking it.”
“Kei are we going to be doing work soon?” Aidan asked and Kei glanced at him.
“Be patient Aidan,” Kei replied and Aidan folded his arms.
“Can I at least run down the stairs or something?”
“How about I give you a massage?” Nikki offered and Aidan glanced at him.
“Where?” Aidan asked and Nikki grinned.
“Oh Aidan don't give me openings like that.”
“Forget it. You have someone that deserves your love.”
“Aidan dear, what are you talking about?”
“I'm talking about Skye. What do you think I'm talking about? Look I've given it a lot of thought and I think...”
“Not now Aidan. We're here on business,” Kei said and Aidan glanced at him.
“I know that Kei but...” Aidan said and the photographer clapped his hands.
“Please people. I have other appointments today. You all have worked with me before so let's try to make this as painless as possible okay?” he asked and Nikki folded his arms.
“Well I'm not going to leave here until I find out what's going on,” Nikki said.
“Fine but will you work with the photographer first?” Kei asked and glanced at his phone. “Hey Mark. How are you? No I'm in the studio making sure the children behave themselves for the photographer. What? No. I couldn't get any further than a reluctant first base. I wish I could convince him otherwise. He is just so damned cute.”
“Shut up Kei!” Aidan cried and Kei glanced at him.
“Aidan you belong to the photographer until the session is over. Shut up and let the man do his job.”
“I may charge you extra for this,” the photographer commented as Kei walked over to a window.
“What Mark? No, they're just acting like children. Why do you think women go through torture just to have one? I don't know. I'm just trying to make conversation. Finally they're starting to do some work. God Aidan is fine. Hey here's something odd. I just remembered it. Jett, the foreigner told Nikki to shut up. It was so odd. Maybe Aidan's rubbing off on him. I'm not sure if I would want extra competition.”
“You really should make a career out of this,” the photographer said as he watched Aidan pose.
“No thanks. I like singing,” Aidan replied and Kei watched him flex his muscles. He was so exciting...
“Do you think you can pull your pants down for a bit? I'd like to give your fans a little something to look at,” the photographer said and Nikki opened his mouth to protest.
“If you think it'll sell more copies then fine,” Aidan said and laid a hand on his pants.
“Don't do it Aidan,” Nikki said and Aidan glanced at him.
“Would you shut up?”
“Fine. If you want deranged females drooling over your picture that's not my problem.”
“I'm not doing this for you Nikki.”
“If he shows too much skin, I'm going to leave the room,” Kei commented.
“If you guys are going to act more insane than usual, I'm leaving,” Ty said.
“Be patient Ty,” Jade said and Ty glanced at him.
“Jade you're running on no sleep. You don't know what you're talking about.”
“Yes I do. The sooner we get done, the sooner I can get home and get some sleep. Only insane people get up at this hour.”
“City officials get up around this time,” Kei commented.
“Politicians are insane,” Jade replied.
“Don't get into a political discussion here.”
“All I said was that politicians are insane.”
“That's a prime point for an argument. Don't get into it.”
“I'm starting to get a headache,” Ty muttered and Kei glanced at him.
“Tough it out. Jett, why don't we wait outside? I want to ask you a few questions anyway,” Kei said and Jett nodded his head.
“All right,” Jett replied and Kei glanced at the photographer.
“Hopefully you'll be able to handle them while I'm gone,” he commented and the photographer nodded his head.
“I'll be fine. Professional models are even worse than them,” he replied as Kei and Jett walked out of the studio.
“What did you want to talk to me about?” Jett asked and Kei leaned up against the wall.
“Why did you tell Nikki to shut up?” he inquired and Jett sighed.
“Why does he constantly try to come onto Aidan? You don't know how it bothers him.”
“I think I do. I've known him longer after all. I'm just surprised that you're concerned about him.”
“Well I'm staying with him. I can see facets of him that he doesn't show publicly. He really doesn't like what Nikki does to him or Skye. Can't you do something?”
“What about the rumors about you? Doesn't that upset you?”
“They do but I'm an outsider. Your country is bound to make assumptions about me. Aidan's not like that. He's been kind to me ever since I first met him. Of course, I wasn't sure how to react at first. I didn't think normal people offered you a place to stay the first time they meet you.”
“Well you know Ty thinks we're not normal.”
“I wonder about that to a certain extent. I don't agree with your preferences but you're still human just like the rest of us.”
“Is that why you stood up for Aidan?” Kei inquired and Jett shrugged his shoulders.
“I guess so. I don't really know why I did it. I just had to say something,” he replied.
“Perhaps you're not aware of the true reason yet.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Well perhaps there is some truth to the rumors.”
“No way. I'm not like the rest of you.”
“Love is love regardless of what sex your partner is. It doesn't change and what people think has no bearing on reality.”
“I'm not in love with him.”
“I'm not saying you are now but time can change a man.”
Jett turned away from Kei in a huff and Kei folded his arms. Had his face just turned slightly red? So there was a feeling deep within his heart that he was unaware of. Kei wondered if Aidan was aware of it as Jett walked awkwardly towards the window at the end of the hall.
“Sex is sex Jett. As long as it feels good, who cares what gender your partner is?” Kei inquired and Jett shook his head.
“It does matter otherwise so many people wouldn't be so upset over the issue,” Jett replied.
“Have you ever wondered what it would be like to kiss another man?”
“Not recently, no.”
“Not recently?”
Jett lowered his head and Kei took a step forward. So there was a reason for his views on a same sex lifestyle. He wasn't just touting a religious cross like Ty was. Could it be possible that Jett had experienced a bad relationship with another man? He didn't seem to be the type but looks could be deceiving.
“It was a long time ago. I was in high school and there was a guy that really looked like a girl. I wondered what it would be like to kiss him once or twice but that was it. I didn't want to cross over into a realm of nonacceptance. Even the girls were jealous of his looks. The guys wouldn't have anything to do with him. He was an outsider and I didn't want to lose my social position just because I was slightly curious about something.”
“Is that why you look down on us?” Kei inquired and Jett sighed.
“I don't know but it's not just me. All of society does it too. You've got the short end of the stick. Why can't you just accept it?”
“If circumstances had been different, would you have gone out with him?”
“No. I can't picture myself sleeping with another man. I don't think like you.”
“You're making us sound like a terrible disease again. We are not trash,” Kei said and Jett sighed.
“It just isn't natural,” Jett replied and Kei folded his arms.
“Then why did you blush when we were talking about Aidan?”
“Blush? I didn't blush.”
“Aidan is cute. Surely you realize that.”
“I don't have fantasies about men. I've never thought about such things since that time in high school.”
“If you found yourself falling for another man, would you stop yourself?” Kei inquired and Jett glanced at him.
“What are you trying to imply?” he asked.
“Nothing but you may see my point in the near future. Now shall we go back into the studio?”
“I think that would be best.”