Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodwraith ❯ Glass ( Chapter 42 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Kei sat down at a table and picked up his drink. He ate a cherry then glanced up when a redhead in a low-cut dress sat down. She smiled seductively at him and Kei did his best not to look annoyed.
“I noticed you as soon as you came into the club. I find you very attractive,” she said and Kei smiled.
“Thank you,” Kei replied and the woman smiled.
“My name's Renee. What's yours?”
“Would you like a drink?”
“Martini please. I guess your name can wait until later.”
Kei stood up and made his way to the bar. He glanced at a few girls talking near the bar then glanced away. He didn't need any more trouble with women. He walked past them up to the bar. The bartender glanced at him and smiled.
“You're doing pretty good for yourself,” he said and Kei looked slightly confused.
“What?” he inquired.
“The redhead's a real babe. I bet you'll take her to your place, won't you?”
“She'll only get a drink from him, nothing more,” Aidan said and Kei stared at him.
“What are you doing here?” he asked and Aidan laid his hand on Kei's.
“I need to talk to you,” Aidan said and Kei sighed.
“Why didn't you call?”
“Talking to you like this is easier.”
“What's the problem now?”
“Do I always have problems?”
“You should move in with me so I can take care of you all the time. Come on. That woman seems to be getting impatient.”
“Why be so nice to her if you can't stand females?” Aidan asked and Kei sighed.
“That's how I was taught,” Kei replied as they approached the table. “My apologies about the delay. I ran into a friend.”
“I see that. Your friend looks very hot,” Renee said as Aidan sat down.
“If this is a pick up line, I'm sort of involved with someone right now,” Aidan said and she smiled.
“That's like being sort of a virgin. Are you also one of those?”
“You'll never get the answer to that.”
“You're intriguing.”
“Aidan what did you want to talk about?” Kei asked and Aidan paused.
“I wasn't planning on telling an audience,” Aidan said.
“Listen honey, if it's about women, don't sweat it. I can take care of both your needs,” Renee said and Aidan shook his head.
“Thanks but no. Women don't interest me.”
“Oh you're here for the band then. Death Wish is a great band but they're such a waste. They'd be better if they liked women. They are so hot but to be wasted on other men. I just can't understand why the extremely cute ones are always involved with another girl or gay.”
“It takes all kinds to run this world,” Kei said as Renee picked up her glass.
“I wonder about that sometimes,” she commented and Aidan stood up.
“Kei I'd like to speak to you alone,” Aidan said and Kei sighed.
“All right but make it quick. They should be starting soon. Excuse us,” Kei said as he stood up.
“Why didn't you at least tell her you loved me? Then she would have gone to another table and we wouldn't have to look for an empty spot. That was your table. She had no right to force us to do this,” Aidan said as they walked towards a somewhat empty corner.
“I thought this would be easier. Besides, her comments were starting to get to me.”
“You should have said something then.”
“I guess we didn't sound like the stereotype. People assume we're straight because of how we sound. Personally I find the men that talk with a lisp and act extremely feminine annoying. I like my men to act like men. I can't stand overly-feminine women either. I guess that's why I don't like girls to begin with,” Kei commented.
“Then you should have set that woman straight. You're too polite Kei,” Aidan said and Kei glanced at him.
“Are we discussing my problem or yours? You didn't come here just to talk about me.”
“You're right. I didn't. I guess I wanted to hear your advice. Your father really didn't hate you when he found out, did he?”
“So we're back on that subject,” Kei commented and Aidan nodded his head.
“It sort of got brought to light again. People keep saying I had a choice to be this way,” Aidan said and sighed.
“People tend to say that when they feel they're being threatened.”
“I haven't done anything to them.”
“We've had this discussion before. It must be close to show time. It's getting crowded.”
“Kei what should I do?” Aidan asked and Kei kissed his cheek.
“Live with it. Let your family think what they want about you. They're the ones who have to change, not you. This is not a choice for you. It may be for some but it's not for either of us,” Kei said and Aidan wiped his cheek.
“I can't help feeling guilty.”
“Then write about it. You seem to do better once you've written something down.”
“I don't know what I would do without you Kei.”
“I'd love to spend an intimate evening with you,” Kei said as the lights dimmed. “But I don't want someone to get the wrong idea. I've got to get back to my table otherwise Chaz will start to wonder what happened to me.”
“I think I'll head home. I told Jett I'd leave my bedroom unlocked,” Aidan said and Kei looked interested.
“Are you expecting something to happen?”
“The opportunity is there. I want to see if he takes it. He's still hung up on the normal issue. He refuses to express his feelings.”
“You should do it with someone who's willing.”
“Get to your seat, Kei.”
“Right. I don't want to upset Chaz.”
“Don't forget to brush that annoying woman off.”
Kei said nothing as he made his way through the crowd. He smiled at Renee as he sat down and tried to think of a polite way to tell her of his disinterest in women.
“I see you got rid of your friend,” she said and Kei sighed. “So what are your plans for the evening?”
“I plan on waiting for Chaz. He's the one that wanted me to come tonight,” Kei replied and Renee frowned.
“Chaz? Who's that?”
“He's in Death Wish.”
“You personally know someone in Death Wish?!”
“I have no prejudice against gays. Some of my closest friends are gay.”
“But doesn't that make you nervous?”
“No. Men don't bother me.”
“Wait a second. Are you trying to tell me you're...?”
“I never said I wasn't.”
“But you don't act like it.”
“I'm sorry. I'm not like the others who can just brush girls off and not care about their feelings. It's true that I have no romantic interest in women but I can't just come out and say that. I was taught to be polite no matter what,” Kei said and Renee sighed.
“Well if you should ever change your mind...” she began and Kei shook his head.
“I won't. It's not like I can choose what gender I prefer just as easily as choosing what clothes I wear.”
“Well then I guess I'd better move on.”
Kei watched her walk off then turned his attention to the stage. He wondered how Chaz would look with his new hair color. He found it strange that Chaz was willing to change his appearance for just one person. Was that the meaning of love? He thought about how he felt about Aidan and smiled. That was real love right there. He picked up his drink as the lights dimmed and wondered why Aidan's family turned against him when the news got out. Perhaps it was because of their religion. He thought about the people who believe that homosexuality was a crime against religion and sighed. If it was a crime then why did it exist in nature? Why did people always have to see reality a certain way?
“Welcome to Glass. It's been awhile since we've played here so we're looking forward to it. Also this is going to be the last night Chaz will be playing with us for awhile. He's going to be helping Bloodwraith out on their tour. It seems the manager made him an offer he couldn't refuse,” a young man with spiked black and red hair said and Kei did his best to look unmoved. Chaz glanced at the singer then sighed. He hoped Kei hadn't been offended by the remark and he began searching the club for Kei.
“Chaz!” a guitarist hissed and Chaz blinked his eyes.
“Sorry. What are we doing?” Chaz inquired and the guitarist shook his head.
“Disarray. It's not like you to space out.”
“I was looking for Kei. Ash was kind of harsh about me leaving.”
“I don't think he was.”
“Yo! Let's speed it up huh?” Ash demanded as Chaz placed his fingers on the keys. Ash had a habit of being demanding and Chaz didn't like that. Especially not since the time Ash had tried to force a relationship onto him. He didn't care for forceful people and he was glad that Kei was a little more laid back than Ash. He hoped that he'd be able to stay with Kei on the tour because even though he didn't know all that much about Kei, he knew even less about the band members. He played a wrong note and Chaz shook his head. He had to focus on playing, nothing else. Thinking about Kei would have to wait until after the performance.