Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Bloody Mess (Working Title) ❯ Toryn ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“I'm ok don't fuss come with me to the kitchen so I can get Kira's food”
Got to love Toryn for caring so much, but sometimes it really gets annoying he acts like my father more than my friend most of the time.
“Can I ask what exactly are you doing with that?”
“Kira likes his blood heated so I heat in on the stove for about a minute for him”
“Oh my mistake didn't realize he had to have it a certain way.”
“Well I'm awake now and obviously ok so are you going to go now or are you just going to bother me all day?”
“Sage I'm worried I know you didn't go out last night again. What am I going to do if my best novelist ends up dying this time?”
“I'll be fine I've only missed two days. Is that the only reason you are worried is so you and the rest of your family in the future don't lose their main way of earning money?”
“Look I have to go now Sage, but you know that's not it I would still be here regardless of whether or not you were a client of mine. Now just take care of yourself yes it has only been two days, but the less you get the weaker you are and the less likely you will go out to get any blood.”
“Yeah, yeah see you”
I know he's right, but sometimes it really pains me to hurt another person even if that person does not deserve to live on this earth any longer. It is what it is I guess everyone has to do what they need to, to survive people hunt and kill animals and I hunt and kill people to survive only natural.
“What are you nudging my hand for Kira?”
Its like he can tell when something is wrong with me because every time I get sad he looks up at me with the saddest eyes you have ever seen and whimpers till I put a big smile on my face. These days it's hard to even put a smile on my face for Kira.
“Ok you win lets go finish the library alright.”
I only got half done yesterday? Man, I'm getting lazy guess I better get to work then before it gets too late. If I don't stop buying just every book I find the least bit interesting I am going to have to have a bigger library built. Just about every inch of this room is filled even with me putting my own novels in my room which reminds me I'll have to get a new shelf for that room. Hmm… maybe its just time to remodel the whole place I've been looking at the same things for about twenty or so years. When Toryn comes by later tonight, because I know he will, I will ask him what he thinks about it.
“Look Kira its Jane Austen's Emma… remember when I read one of her books to you? You really liked it didn't you? I'll have to pick another book for me to read to you soon we haven't done that in awhile.”
DONE! Finally and only took most of the day. I wonder what time it is.
“What is it Kira? Is Toryn here already?”
It's only 9pm and he's here already. Damn he really needs a life hopefully he finds someone else to annoy soon. Probably trying to make sure I go out tonight, but anytime he does that he ends up falling asleep before I can even go out.
“Hey anyone home?”
“Yeah I'm in here again Toryn.”
“What still? I would have figured you would have finished this yesterday. Are you alright? You are really slacking recently I even found some typo mistakes in your pages.”
“Just have some things on my mind is all.”
“Like what exactly? You know I'm always here to help.”
“For one thing I can't decide if I should have a bigger library built. Another thing is I'm kind of getting tired of all this furniture I think its time for something new.”
“Ha, ha”
“What are you laughing at?”
“I wish I had money like that I was just a kid when you decorated last time and always thought how lucky you were.”
“So are you going to help me with this or not? I can just order new furniture online, but for someone to actually come in here and build a bigger room and a extra room that may be a little difficult, but whatever if you don't want to help I can manage.”
“You know I will help you with whatever you need no matter what it is, Sage”
God, his warm embrace I need to start pushing him away before either of us get too close even though I think that might be too late. I care about Toryn too much to let him have a life like this, but for now, for now I'll let him hold me just a little bit longer that's all I need is just a little bit longer in his arms and I'll be fine.
“Well then no more standing around lets get started Toryn.”
Every time I pull away from him like that he gives me the same look Kira gives me when he can tell that I am depressed. This can not be though I promised his mother when he was young that I would not let him get absorbed in my life like her father did.
“If you could get rid of this furniture for me as well I would be really great full.”
“You really should of thought about remodeling before you put all of your books back, but at least taking them down won't take as long as it did putting them back.”
“Yeah I guess, but I think its time for everything in my life to change.”
Including our relationship, but I can't tell him that because I know he will take it the wrong way. My dearest Toryn if only I could truly be with you for even a short amount of time, but if I give in to what I want the most not only will I break my promise to a long time friend, but also you would never let go and I can't let you have this kind of life there is too much misery which I know you could never bare.
“Are you going to stay here again tonight, Toryn?”
“Might as well there isn't anything for me to go home to.”
“Why don't you get a pet? I don't know what I would do if I didn't have Kira for when I don't have anyone else.”
“Because I will always have you to go to when I need someone to talk to about something. That's more than I could ever ask for.
“That's what your grandfather used to say.”
“He was an idiot.”
“Maybe I should have a spare bedroom built because your whole family seems to like to sleep over at my house. Then your daughter or son will have a nice comfy bed to sleep in after they take over your business.”
“Not now I'm tired Toryn you know where the extra blankets and pillows are. Good night.”
I don't need Toryn's sentimental talk right now it is just all too much to bare.
“Come on Kira time to go to bed”
Who am I chasing after? Gavin or is it Toryn? I can see something ahead a street lamp… what's going on over there? It's a little boy…
“Where's your family little one?”
“Why are you crying? Here take my hand we can go look for them.”
He's looking at me with such disgust why? I don't know this little boy, but I feel like I've met him somewhere before, where I do not know.
“Its ok I won't hurt you.”
“Liar! Look what you did, what you did to my big sister!”
“What? Wait, I didn't do anything I promise.”
“Get away from me.”
“No wait don't go I don't want to be left alone here.”
He's gone… my hands are covered in blood what did I do? The rain is washing away my blood covered hands…
“Oh morning already? I'm so glad for some reason I was just so very sad in that dream. I barely even remember what it was about just the rain and blood.”
This is the first time I've never been able to remember my dream maybe not “eating” is getting to me I'll have to go out tonight.
“We might have to meet some people today Kira so make to be on your best behavior.”
“Hey where you going? Shit, it's already noon he's probably hungry must be the reason he's being grumping today.”
My head feels like I have the worst hang over of my life. I'll have to tell Toryn to watch over Kira tonight if this feeling doesn't go away.
“Ok Kira here you go sorry for not getting up sooner.”
Guess I should go find something suitable to wear besides these faded jeans and white tank top so I can meet the people who are going to over see the building of my new rooms. Hmm… nothing really in my closet I want to wear. I try not to take to long to get dressed otherwise I see how horrible I really am. When I look in the mirror I can see every scar on my body whether it be from scars I have inflicted myself, scars people have inflicted on me while trying to get away, or the worst of all the many, many scars I have gotten from Gavin. This disgusting body of mine doesn't deserve to go on anymore.
“What is it Kira, is someone here?”
I know Toryn has no life, but couldn't he try to have a normal life and stop coming here.
I should get a new door…This is going to cost a lot.
“What do you want now Tor…”
“Um sorry to bother you, but I guess Toryn didn't call you to tell you I was coming over.”
Well now I need a security gate or something because if I thought it had been anyone else besides Toryn I would have put something on besides my tank and panties not only that, but I don't even have my sunglasses on so this guy wouldn't see my eyes.
“I'm guessing you are here to discuss what I want done to my property.”
“You would be correct. My name is ______, you must be Sage pleasure to meet you.”
“Uh yeah. Well come on in we can discuss what I want in the living room and don't mind Kira he shouldn't bother you just don't touch him.”
“Sure would you like to get dressed first though?”
“Oh I almost forgot I'm not used to unexpected company I'll just be a second.”
Its weird that Toryn didn't call me yet and even more so since he isn't here this isn't like him. Guess he has his reasons though maybe he's mad about last night.
“Please have a seat.”
“Actually I came quite a bit earlier than what Toryn had arranged, but I just wanted to kind of overlook the property before I started any work and than I heard something inside so I decided to go ahead and introduce myself.”
“May I ask what time you were supposed to stop by?”
“Around six pm actually.”
This guy is really weird and why is he blushing? I put some shorts on.
“Since you are here I guess I can tell you what I want than give you a tour. I have to warn you though you might not want to take this job on because I seem to be adding to the list of stuff I need done everyday.”
“That's alright with me.”
“And I have to money to pay you so don't worry about that.”
This guy keeps staring at me maybe I should have put on my sunglasses, but I guess it wouldn't do any good now since he already saw my eyes at the front door.
“I also won't be around to observe you and your workers Toryn will be handling all of that.”
“Is he your husband?”
“No, just a very dear old friend.”
“Ok then lets get started. Just tell me what you want then you can give me a tour and I'll give you a rough sketch of what I was thinking so we'll be on the same page.”