Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Both As Hateful As the Other ❯ Mother Knows Best ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
R&R everyone! Next chapter will definitely give you something to sink your teeth into. ;D
Chapter 2 by Loup- Garou
The day had actually turned out quite pleasant. After the encounter with his brother, Marco seemed more like his normal self. Save the few time he seemed a bit spaced out; as if in deep thought about something or other. Every time Schuyler questioned it, he'd smile and perk up. Always stated it was nothing important. Nothing important doesn't cause a person to stare off blankly for a few moments, or miss a chunk of convo. But perhaps Schuyler was too damn nosy for her own good. Nosy and concerned. Marco wasn't the type that stressed over things. He was the most carefree of the two, with Sky being the more analytical and observant type.
They day was drawing to a close, and the museum, like many, was closing around dinner time. The school children had long ago left. They would already be home by now prepare for a meal or watching their favorite TV program. Speaking of food...
Her stomach gave a lurch. A common feeling, telling her it was time to fill it. Being close to six, she hadn't eaten in almost six hours. Again Schuyler's stomach growled. Marco stood next to her, but was fiddling with his cell phone, absorbed in a message. She couldn't here the words, but it sounded like irritated woman babbling away in a not so friendly message. The petite girl glanced at her boyfriend. A bit miffed that a woman was calling his phone. And even more miffed that there wasn't any food yet.
Soon enough the tall young man hung up his phone. “Ready?” He asked, totally overlooking the dark stare his girlfriend gave him.
“Been ready,” she snipped.
All she got was a chuckle and shake of the head. “I know how you get when you're hungry, and I have an idea. Care to dine with my folks tonight?”
The look of shock replaced her irritation. As long as they have been going out, which was close to a year, Marco had never offered to take her to meet the folks. When ever she pushed the subject, he'd decline her, but never gave a good excuse to why. And all of a sudden he was dying to have her meet his mysterious family? First her brother, and now his parents?
“Hmm... Does that phone call have anything to do with this? Why?” She didn't mean to sound suspicious and ungrateful, but...
“It was my mother, she can get just as angry as you when someone is keeping her from eating. She's waiting for me to return home so we can all eat. It's important that you come to,” gently he took her hand in his, and rubbed his thumb over the back of hers. Still a bit confused, but pleased, Schuyler grinned and nodded her head indicating she accepted his offer.
“Then let's move before she cusses me out again,” said the good natured boy. Despite being yelled at, he still seemed quite happy.
The ride to his house was a quiet affair. Sky knew where it was, for she had been there a few times. Only when none of his family was about of course. Even with holding down his own apartment, Marco had an active spot in his family's life. He still went home often and even stayed the night. It looked like his parents would never give up or redo his room for some other use. He was always welcome. This Schuyler had found a bit odd in the beginning of the relationship. She thought he was the typical mama's boy or never grew up, since he returned home so much. And though she still didn't get everything, she understood that he was quite capable of standing on his own two feet. Family just meant a lot to him, and obviously the family needed him around very much.
Marco De Luca came for a very privileged home. Though unsure of what his parents did as jobs, Sky knew that they had old money. They were born rich from centuries of business passed down and kept safe. Who knew, maybe his family didn't even work at all...
The house was a large one. Old fashioned, but well kept. It had several turrets, reminiscent of a castle. With large windows that curved with the turrets allow the view of the whole neighborhood. Many of the houses here where older homes that had been taken cared of well. The De Luca house was tall, perhaps containing four floors, not including an attic. It was painted a buttercup yellow with white trim. And as of current the house was illuminated with many lights. Giving it a warm feeling, and not at all creepy like many houses its size tended to be.
Pulling up to the drive way, Sky noticed a large detached garage. Large enough to have perhaps four extra cars. It stood to the right of the house and sat on thick cement. Going by the smooth state of the concrete. It was newest addition to the home. The pulled into the drive way of the home though. The house itself still help it's own two car garage. One car besides Marco's was out. A shiny silver jaguar... Sky felt the twinge of envy. Damn these people where lucky. Schuyler came from a comfortable home, but nothing like this.
The car shut off and the stepped out. Upon this, the rumble of her tummy changed from hunger to nervousness. It's time to meet them.... It's time! Marco must have sensed this, because he moved closer to her and gave a supportive hand squeeze and led her up to a massive porch. There wasn't anything small about this home. The veranda looked like it wrapped around half of it. Still there was no time to explore, hopefully she could later... If she wasn't totally rejected and booted. The pits of her stomach seemed to drop out. Trying not to show it, she plastered a bright smile on her full lips.
He didn't need to knock, and obviously didn't need a key. Marco twisted the knob of the front door, and it opened with no protest. They were in the foyer first. And right off the bat, Sky saw that it appeared that the whole house was done with hardwood floors. Highly glossy floors, that were a light wood in color. Too nervous to do much looking around, the girl didn't take in any details. In fact all she paid attention to was the distant sound of voices. They were loud and animated. All talking at once, sometimes not even in English. Though loud, they didn't sound angry. The jumble of Italian was jovial, just as was the English. But with all the voices she couldn't figure out a thing that was said.
“Come on!” said Marco lowly, but nonetheless excitedly. And before she knew it she stood in a dining room filled with dozens upon dozens of candles. From the brightness of the room, you'd thing there were actual electric lights turned up. But none were. It was all natural light. In the middle was a long table, and around the table, some standing and some sitting, were many people. About ten.
“And finally you make it,” said a voice that was clear, accented and most of all feminine. Everyone turned to look at them. Sky's cheeks began to burn. A woman who wasn't even facing them, turned around. Teeth dazzling in a full blown smile.
“Ma!” Marco released her hand and went over to the lady who was obviously his mother. He leaned over a kissed her cheek. She was even a few inches shorter than Sky. Stunning. Thick black curls tumbled down her back. Framing a face that looked too youthful for a woman that Schuyler assumed was at least in her fifties. Her face was smooth, but decidedly not childish. In fact one could clearly see the woman was mature and dignified. She was slim had lightly muscled. Her arms were left exposed from the spaghetti strapped dress she word. It was a light, flowing material set in a cream color. It hugged her curves and god she looked much better than any slutty teen running around at any club. And then there were her eyes. That seductive and pulling gold color like Marco's younger brother. A brother that was standing not far from his mother's left...
While attention was on Marco, who was making round around the room with greeting and kissing cheeks, his lover felt invisible and too meek to step forward. That didn't last long considering after her son moved away, the mother's eyes locked with Sky's. Pulling her in and trapping her just like Justin had did earlier.
“My dear, welcome!” The woman came forward with open arms and pulled the slightly taller youth into a tight hug. Sky was shocked by the accepting warmth, and hesitantly wrapped her arms around the older woman. Drawing back, Marco's mom cupped Schuyler's face in her warm palms and studied the girl before giving two kisses. One to each of her cheek.
“I've heard so much about you, Schuyler. Don't be frighten; You're family,” was said. Only meant for her ears. She hardly could murmur and thank you, before the older lady moved away. And then the torrent came....
“Oh what a pretty girl!”
“Look at her hair!”
“She's almost as small as Paola!”
“Feed her!”   Hands... They were all touching her. Hugging, kissing, petting, cooing... Schuyler felt like she was feed to the wolves. The rushed her as soon as the mother moved away from her. Everyone seemed happy, but Sky had never had so much attention in her life. All she could do is stand still and mumbled thank yous and smile. And her boyfriend just stood back. An impish grin on his features as if he was trying to hold back his laughter. She knew looking to him for help wasn't going to save her.
“Come have a seat, hun,” said a woman who looked identical to Marco's mom, save that she had a streak of grey in her hair. His grandmother? The lady ushered her to a chair with a high back and plush upholstery. The group still milled around her, but seemed to have settled down. Marco had come beside her to take the seat next to her. And it was then that she realized there was no older man, a father, about. The group had been mainly women with a few younger men mixed in. One she recognized as Justin of course.
“Paola, the girl looks frightened to death,” said a third woman that looked like a practical triplet to the grandmother and mother... The aunt?
Marco's mother responded by moving to the head of the table. These move seemed to command people's attention. Th group was already quieting as she said, “Everyone, it's time we eat. Leave are new guest be for a bit. Let her adjust.” Paola sat in a chair similar to everyone else except hers had arm rest. Suited for the head of the table. It was become clear that this family ran as Paola as the matriarch. No one questioned he authority as she told them to basically settle down. With a silent cue she wasn't sure off two servant girls began to wheel carts out filled with food. They moved them to the table. Setting the many dishes in the middle of everyone. And when there carts where empty, their jobs where done. They left as silently as they came.
Paola took up a bottle of wine a poured some into a glass. “Would you like some, Schuyler?” Said glasses was offered to her.
“Yes, ma'am.” Trying not to be rude, to took the offered glass. Everyone quietly watched.
“No ma'am need. Paola is just fine,” said she with a small chuckle, and began spooning food onto her fancy china plate. This was the family's cue to start eating. Everyone picked up a dish a began serving themselves.
Schuyler picked up something that looked like stewed tomatoes. Putting a bit on her plate, she passed the bowl to Marco, who in turn gave her a plate of roasted meat. To say the least, everything smelled heavenly.
Soon enough everyone was settled in with their plate of food. Conversation drifted from topic to topic, and Sky was pleased that everyone treated her equally and accepted not as an outsider, but as an actual family member. Justin was behaving. The cocky bastard from early that day was gone. Perhaps because his mother was around. Sky also learned that Paola and her sister Margaret were actual twins. Though Marco's grandmother could have easily made it triplets.
“So my dear, tell me about your family,” Paola said, and sipped on her blood red wine. Everyone turned eyes on her. Obviously everyone wanted to know, but no one wanted to ask.
She blushed, suddenly put on the spot, “Uh... Well, I'm an only child. I grew up with my mother and her boyfriend, and I'm actually from Kansas... There isn't much else to tell,” she finished sheepishly.
“What happened to your father?” Why did it suddenly feel like an interview?
“He passed away when I was eleven...”
“Ah, I understand. My husband, Marco's father, passed when he was about eight. A tragic loss to our family,” the petite woman looked grim and gave a brief head nod.
Schuyler, having nothing to say, remained silent. Everyone did for a moment. They only stared very intently at Sky. While in the beginning only a few golden hued eyes were prominent, it seemed that everyone's seemed to take on an eerie glow. Some blue, some green... But all creepy. All penetrating.
“Marco, when do you plan on biting and mating with this lovely creature?”
Though nothing was in her mouth, she felt herself choke. Schuyler's eyes widened to an impossible size. “E-excuse me!?”
Paola smiled, oddly enough her teeth appeared sharper. Her canines looked longer. Marco cleared his throat.
“She doesn't know yet, Mother.”
And that's when the head of the house made a guttural, menacing noise. Very close to a growl.