Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Bound Together ❯ His and Our Memories ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2
His and Our Memories
“Tai-Tai!” A young boy's voice called out.
“Quiet Tai-Shi…” Another warned.
“Tai-Li!” Master Kay's voice rang through the halls as he passed by the room Tai-Shi and Tai-Li were hiding in.
As Master Kay's footsteps faded, Tai-Li ran towards the door and looked out, to make sure their father was gone. Tai-Li was dressed casually today. He didn't need to wear anything fancy and he just wanted to run around and play. He wore a loose fitting tan shirt with dark brown trousers. His feet were covered with a light shoe, just a covering to keep from sliding around on the wooden floors. His hair tied back into a ponytail with a green ribbon, most likely done by a maid earlier that morning. If his hair weren't tied back, his long brown hair would lay lighting on the boy's shoulder. Tai-Li sighed, opened the door wide, and turned around to find that his younger brother was no longer in his sight. The room was filled with oil candles ands and the scent of cherry's. This was a woman's room, or had been, no doubt. The room had been closed off from all the workers in the castle and Tai-Li knew that this would be the only place where Tai-Shi and he could play without anyone finding them.
“Tai-Shi? Tai-Shi!” He ran to the middle of the room and he saw a door open and a pile of clothing outside it. “Tai-Shi?” Tai-Li was about to look into the room when a familiar blond popped out of the pile of clothing.
“Look Tai-Tai!” He spun around in a small circle wearing a light blue summer kimono with yellow flowers imprinted on it. A yellow belt wrapped around his waist matched the young boy's blond hair.
“Shi-Shi…why are you wearing that? Only girls can wear that…” Tai-Li sighed as he walked over to his brother and tried to tug off the garment.
“No! Tai-Shi a girl! Tai-Shi will be loved by father and will marry Tai-Tai!” He pouted staring up at Tai-Li with his light blue eyes.
“Tai-Shi…wearing that will not make you a girl.” Tai-Li laughed looking at the pout on Tai-Shi's face.
“I am a girl!” Tai-Shi yelled.
“Shh…quiet Tai-Shi…we don't want father to hear.” He said trying to quiet Tai-Shi.
“Is Tai-Shi pretty? Will Tai-Shi make a pretty bride?” Tai-Shi spun in a small circle and held up his arms slightly.
Apparently, the kimono Tai-Shi was wearing was meant for an actual draught when she would be born. The Kimono was still a little big on Tai-Shi but it fit him nicely.
“You need to fix your hair.” Tai-Li teased as he walked over behind Tai-Shi and began pulling Tai-Shi's golden locks up. Tai-Shi's hair wasn't as long as Tai-Li's, but it looked cute when it was made to fan out over the top of his head.
“Yay!” Tai-Shi laughed as he turned and watched Tai-Li put up his hair in a small mirror. “Will Tai-Tai be my broom?”
“That's groom Shi-Shi.” Tai-Li corrected him.
“That's what I said…groom. Will Tai-Tai be my groom?” Tai-Shi turned, grabbed Tai-Li's hand, and stared up at him with his light blue eyes again.
“Tai-Shi…” He sighed and looked away, slightly red in the face, and answered. “Alright…”
“Yay!” Tai-Shi danced around Tai-Li and hugged him. “Tai-Tai is pretty. Is Tai-Shi pretty?”
Tai-Li looked at Tai-Shi and looked away, “You're cute…stop asking me questions like that Tai-Shi.”
“Tai-Tai's a prince right? Like in the fairy tales?” Tai-Shi shook Tai-Li's hand gently, smiling widely up at him.
“I guess you can say that…but I'm just-”
“Then I'm Tai-Tai's princess! The prince always kisses the princess…just like in all the fairy tales you told me.” Tai-Shi pointed to his lips and puckered up like a small gold fish.
“Tai-Shi…” Tai-Li whined, trying to hold back laughter from the sight of his brother's face.
“Tai-Tai has to kiss the princess…” Tai-Shi began to whine.
“Don't whine Tai-Shi…alright alright…I'll kiss you…” Tai-Li wasn't too thrilled, but he didn't want Tai-Li to make to much noise. He leaned forward, closed his eyes, and lightly pressed his lips against Tai-Shi's. He pulled away quickly and rubbed his mouth.
“Yay!” Tai-Shi said dancing around in circles.
“Tai-Shi…quiet or—” Before Tai-Li could finish his statement his shoulder was grabbed and he was thrown back.
“Who let this filthy dog in!” Master Kay howled as he stared down at Tai-Shi.
“Look father! I'm a girl. I can marry Tai-Li now! Father can be happy n—” Tai-Shi was thrown back against the wall. He let out a small cry as he fell to the floor.
“Dogs must be taught a lesson.” Master Kay grabbed the nearest candle and through it at Tai-Shi.
Tai-Shi looked up and the last thing he saw was burning oil. He cried out in pain as he felt the burning oil, and the flame upon him.
“TAI-TAI!” Tai-Shi cried amongst his wailing. He rolled around on the floor, hysterically crying as Master Kay watched.
Master Kay turned on his heal and ignored Tai-Li as he left. Tai-Li didn't wait for his father to leave before he ran over towards his brother and immediately tried rubbing the oil off.
~ * ~
Tai-Li jumped with a start screaming.
“Tai-Li!” Tai-Shi said, rattling the chains, trying to free him self from the restraints.
Tai-Li gagged and held his stomach as he slowly realized everything was all right. He slowly removed his hands from his waist and looked at the remaining scars from thirteen years ago. He slowly looked up. He saw Tai-Shi's left blue eye staring at him in worry and he soon looked back at his hands.
“Tai-Li…Tai-Li! What's wrong?” Tai-Shi cried out, rattling the chains above his head.
“Tai-Shi…” Tai-Li said weakly. He turned back to his brother and stared back up at the scared face that belong to his younger brother.
Tai-Shi noticed what he was looking at and turned his face away. “I'm not good to look at…” He said quietly.
Tai-Li crawled over to Tai-Shi and slowly rose to his knees and wrapped his arms around Tai-Shi's waist.
“I'm sorry I couldn't protect you…I have to grow stronger…before I can protect you from father. When I gain the right to be called Master…I will set you free and make you an official member of the Kay Clan.” Tai-Li said burying his face into his brother's stomach.
“No.” Tai-Shi simply said.
“No? Isn't that what you want Tai-Shi?” Tai-Li pushed himself away and stood looking at his brother.
“I want father to recognize me. Father will be the only one to accept me into the family. Father is the only one I want to accept me for me. Tai-Li already accepts me. Father will see Tai-Shi as myself one day.” Tai-Shi said with a gentle smile.
“Tai-Shi…you're always the fool…” Tai-Li said as he turned around and walked towards the door. He found the hidden keys behind a stone in the wall and turned back to Tai-Shi. He smiled and twirled the keys around his index finger and returned to his brother's side. “Now to get you out of these chains…” Tai-Li reached up and unlocked Tai-Shi's right hand, and then his left. He let Tai-Shi fall onto him and Tai-Li gently set him on the ground a little ways away from the middle of the room.
“Why didn't you unlock me earlier…” Tai-Shi whined as he rubbed his wrists.
“If father would have came back…he wouldn't be happy if you weren't in the chains. Now that it has been a while, father will have forgotten after his nightly drinks.” Tai-Li sat against the wall and sighed.
“Tai-Li…you had a dream again didn't you?” Tai-Shi asked, looking at the pained look on Tai-Li's face.
“Yeah…” Tai-Li said looking away.
“You couldn't have done anything Tai-Li. You were young and you couldn't stand up to father.” Tai-Shi said softly, trying to comfort Tai-Li.
“That's exactly why…I couldn't stand up to father…” Tai-Li placed his forehead on his knees and wrapped his arms around his legs.
“It's nothing you can help…you're not to blame Tai-Shi…if only I was born a gi—”
“Stop saying that! I don't care if you were born a girl or a boy…” Tai-Li said with his voice muffled by his legs.
“That is why father hates me…I killed mom…and if I wasn't a boy…father wouldn't hate me…” Tai-Shi said quietly, softly crying.
“Tai-Shi…you didn't kill mother…” Tai-Li looked up at his brother. He too had also begun to cry as he wrapped one arm around his brother's shoulder and pulled him close. “Mom died some other way…she was sick before you were born…”
“But I finished her off!” Tai-Shi placed his hand up to his left eye and cried harder. “It's my fault…I wasn't supposed to be born…if I wasn't then…”
“Stop it! Everyone has a purpose…you were born for a reason. Mom used to say everything had a purpose for living…and being. You just have to find it Tai-Shi.” Tai-Li said comforting his brother.
“But…because I was born a boy…you can't get married and have children.” Tai-Shi said burying his face into Tai-Li's shoulder.
“I don't care about children…growing up…I've learned that I don't need to have children to be happy.” Tai-Li said as he patted his brother on the head.
“Then how will you be happy Tai-Li?” Tai-Shi asked looking up at Tai-Li.
“I'm happy with you…you're the only one who treats me as an equal…everyone here says `Young Master this, Young Master that'…I just want to be called Tai-Li…and you and father are the only ones who call me that, but father doesn't treat me equally. He treats me as someone to mold. Something to only represents himself.” Tai-Li sighed looking up. “You're the only one I can talk to here…and would actually listen because they want to…not because they have to…”
“Of course…because I l—I am your brother.” He smiled.
“Tai-Shi…” He raised his brother's chin and made Tai-Shi look at him in the face. Tai Shi tried to hide his right side.
“Don't look…Tai-Shi isn't - ”
“Tai-Shi…you are a pretty princess.” Tai-Li smiled and kissed his brother's cheek.
“Now you're just teasing me! You would never call me a princess… never!” Tai-Shi blushed and looked away. “You're just playing with me, and why did you kiss me!”
“I said it once.” Tai-Li laughed, admitting mentally what he said had the worst taste in his mouth.
“No you didn't.” Tai-Shi turned his face back to Tai-Li and stuck out his tongue. “And you are avoiding my question…why did you kiss me?”
“I did too…you were wearing a light blue kimono and I put your hair up.” Tai-Li said smiling. “Do I need a reason? I know it makes you flustered.” Tai-Li chuckled closing his eyes.
“You remember the kimono?” Tai-Shi blushed and looked away, forgetting all else.
“Of course,” Tai-Li smirked, “A prince doesn't forget these things.”
“Stop it!” Tai-Shi laughed as he playfully pushed his brother over and tackled him.
The two wrestled for a while before collapsing from exhaustion. Tai-Shi laid to the left of Tai-Li and both breathed hard.
“I won…” Tai-Shi gasped, his eye closed.
“You did not…I did. I'll always kick your ass.” Tai-Li smiled.
“You wont always…I'll beat you one day. I'll kick your ass and I'll make sure you remember it.” Tai-Shi paused and moments latter the sound of the two laughing rang throughout the room. Their laughter died down with the rising sun as the two drifted off into a peaceful slumber.
Author's Note: Well Chapter two is finally written. It took me an hour…and a night of the Internet being off to finished the chapter but I'm glad that it's done. I'm surprised by just how long this chapter is. I thought I counted five pages…wait…never mind. It's five…just beginning six on my word doc.
Now about the chapter you just read. I added some cute and touching moments. I thought people would like the small scene between Tai-Shi and Tai-Li during their dress up. I wanted to add some humor…and the brotherly teasing to the story, so I replayed a bit at the end. Sorry folks, I don't have my main characters fall in love to quickly.
Now to the readers, I am requesting help. I want to pass time in the story quickly…but then I want to go back and tell a lot about the past. What I really need is a middle to this story. I have an ending…but I don't have anything to lead up to it…and what I do have…it's short.
Update: Another minor fix. Grammar and I confused Tai-Li's and Tai-Shi's name…and once spelt Tai-Shi's name as Tai-She* x.x arg…oh well. Fixed.