Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Cove ❯ Blood Choir ( Chapter 91 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kasumi tried to listen for the pulsing of the knot. He must have hidden it, but she could still feel it. It was faint, but it was there. Come on, where are you? She tried to close her eyes and focus. A faint laughter filled her ears. She didn't turn around. That didn't stop them from talking to her.

He is waiting for you. She knew this. The woman took a deep breath and tried to focus. The air felt like static around her. The pulsing grew louder. But where was it? Her mind's eye looked to the left and then the right. Too much static started to cloud her vision. Kasumi pushed herself hard to focus. She needed to find the knot. She needed to find it fast.

Suddenly, her body went stiff. Something or someone stabbed her in the back. Kasumi couldn't move. She glanced behind her. There was no face in the hood. Still, the eyes seemed to glow in the dark. Low hissing escaped into the darkness. Kasumi already had a guess of what was happening. She was snatched up and vanished into thin air. Her group didn't even notice.

Moments later, the woman felt tremors in her body. She hadn't even opened her eyes yet. Buzzing filled her left ear. Kasumi tried to open her mouth, but it had been forced closed. She could only move her eyes underneath her lids. That's when she sensed someone floating in front of her. An airy hand turned her face forward.

Open your eyes!

Kasumi snapped open her eyes against her will. There was nothing in front of her. Still, her breath hitched in her throat.

Of course you would be the one to track it. I should've killed you sooner.

There were three more behind her. All of them mimicked her panic. One of them still had their claws in her back. Kasumi tried to center her mind and refocus. She still had to find that knot. That was the only way to get back. There was too much white noise in her head. He was seeing to that himself.

Why do you keep doing this? She will not answer. Kasumi keeps looking for the knot. Karasu really hid it well this time. Still, she wasn't going to back down. She needed to find that damned knot. The woman redoubled her efforts. Kasumi took in another slow breath. She could feel her heart beating slowly. His voice became faint at first. Despite this, he wouldn't stop talking.

Answer me.

"No," she said.


There was the pulsing again. The problem was Kasumi still couldn't move. The claws in her back kept her place. Her chest started to ache.

"You heard me." The laughter rang out in her ears.

Foolish woman!

Kasumi gritted her teeth. She put her focus back together. The woman dug in deeper. If there was just some way to... The laughter and his voice wasn't helping. Their chanting grew worse.

Just give up. Just give up. Just give up. Just give up!

"Shut up!" The heavy shot through the air. There! The arm in her back went cold and stiff. There was a strangled gasp behind her.

What? How did you break away from all of that? His captive smirked. She closed her eyes and began to focus once more.

What... What are you doing?

Kasumi pushed through with her mind. Her heart was barely beating. She started to get lost with herself. Everything froze around her. Her mind's eye was the only thing she had to guide her in the darkness. Everything around her was silent. She just let everything stop. Kasumi didn't know how to do this. She just let her instinct guide her. She just needed a little bit longer.

A pounding pulse ripped through the air. Kasumi jerked open her eyes.

"There!" She raised her right arm and pointed two fingers to the goal. A silent boom shook around here. There was a scream but it only lasted a second. Everything returned around her as cracks began to form. Kasumi smiled to herself. Now the playing field had been leveled. However, she didn't get time to fully take it in. Her body began dropping into the empty void. The woman didn't even try to fight it. Kasumi just let her drop into the endless nothing.

Before she knew it, she was swallowed up into the silent empty.


Kasumi awoke on the ground.

"You alright?" Ryuji asked as he stood over her. His crush slowly nodded. He reached down to help her up. She took his hand and helped him pull her to her feet. The girls surrounded them.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Haruko asked.

"Yeah," Kasumi said in a small voice.

"Are you ready to go?" Ryuji whispered in her ear. She nodded once. The group continued walking down the dark road.

Chapter Ninety-Three: The Blood Choir: