Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Crimson and Indigo ❯ I Do Love You ( Chapter 10 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Page 10: I Do Love You
It was already 8 PM when somebody knocked on my door. I looked outside, and saw Kai, down there with a guitar. “I was about to shout at you, but I didn’t…” I thought.
“Sorry Sai, I need to come here. I have something important to tell you.”
“Umm, ok? So you want to go in?”
“No, not really. Please listen to me.”
“OK, I’ll listen.” I went outside and sat on the bench. I looked at him with a smile. Then, he started singing.
“When I first saw your smile,
I felt a different feeling
A feeling I once dreamed
Of having, not so long ago
Oh yes, this feeling is new,
But I know what to do
Because I now know
What I’ve been looking for
It’s your voice I want to hear
It’s your hands I want to feel
Oh how I love to see you in my arms
And seeing your beautiful smile at me
And the only thing that I can do
Is for me to be with you
And make you happy in my arms
I’ll stay with you forever, my love
And so I sing this to you
Since you know I do love you...”
“That was wonderful.” I told him.
“Thanks… So, umm…”
“My answer is yes, if you and I are thinking the same.” I said it, before he could finish. I know he’s shy about it.
“So, what were you thinking?”
“You are proposing to me, right?”
“You read my mind.”
“Teehee. But, it’s too sudden.”
“We’ve been together for... 3 years. Don’t you trust me?”
“I do trust you, but... let’s not rush. We haven’t graduated yet, and we have no stable lifestyle, so we are not yet prepared. I’m just thinking of our future together.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right.”
“But still, at least I now know that you will be my future husband, Kai-dear.” I walked to him, and gave him a little kiss in the cheek, for all his efforts.
“Thanks. So, we’re still together then?”
“Of course, silly. We didn’t break-up, right? Or you want to?”
“NO! NO!”
“It’s just a silly joke. Don’t take it too hard.”
“Umm… Sai, May I ask a favor?”
“Yes, anything.”
“Umm… I’m alone tomorrow, since my parents will go abroad and won’t be back for 2 days. Can you stay at my house?”
“?” I blushed.
“I won’t do anything bad, I promise!”
“Hehe, I’m just kidding with you. Of course. I’ll go tomorrow, after class.”
“Thank you. Good night Sai.”
“Good night too.”
The next day, at school, I arrived earlier than others. While waiting, I looked at the sky blankly, thinking of what might happen this day. Then, thoughts started clouding up my mind. I know I am just staying in his house for 2 days, but still I can’t imagine what’s going to happen later.
I still can’t think straight during class. I can’t stop thinking about it. Finally, class ended. Kai was waiting for me outside.
‘Umm, I’m sorry to bother you with this…”
“Don’t worry. We talked about this yesterday, didn’t we?”
“Yeah, but…”
“So, let’s go. I’ll cook you dinner.”
“Well, actually I was thinking that mom did that already, but I bet she left early today. Well, anyways I would like to taste her cooking…” He thought.
We walked home. I seem to notice that he’s getting more and more nervous as we go closer to his humble abode. I tried to ignore it, because I was thinking of other things, like what’s going to happen later… I’m so nervous!
Finally, we reached his home. Well, it was a bit more extravagant than I ever expected. “Sorry about the house. I haven’t cleaned this up yet.”
“It’s ok. I don’t mind anyway.” We dropped our bags, and Kai toured me in his home. “Well, that’s pretty much it. So, what to do next…” He mumbled.
“Why don’t you take a bath while I prepare dinner?” I suggested. “Well, ok. I’ll hurry up. I can’t wait to taste your cooking!”
“Don’t hurry. Take your time. And make sure you’re squeaky-clean after taking your bath.”
“Geez, you sound like my mom.”
“Really? Then take your bath now. I’ll cook up something special for you.” He went through the bathroom door. Now it’s my time to shine, time to cook!
I cooked him 3 dishes. I know he eats a lot, judging from his looks. He finally went out of the bathroom.
“So, are you done?” I asked him while I fetched his clothes. “Yup, and I see you’re done too. It smells so good!”
“Now, it’s my turn. I’ll take my bath, and then we’ll eat dinner.” He went to the living room and watched the television.
I never imagined the bathroom would be this extravagant. “Wow, it’s so clean!” I filled the bath tub with warm water, and started my bath.
After a few minutes, I went out. He was there, surprisingly. “What were you doing there? You almost gave me a heart attack!” I said.
“Oh I’m sorry. It’s just that I thought you needed some clothes…”
“Oh, it’s fine. I brought my own. I came prepared you know. I’m going to dress up now.” I went to the bedroom and dressed up.
After another few minutes, I went to the dining room and saw him sitting there, waiting for me. “Ok, let’s eat! You can seat here.”
After eating…
“That was good!”
“Thank you.”
We watched television until 9 PM. After that, we went to bed… but there’s a problem.
“There’s only one bed?” I said.
“Yes. I am the only one in this room, so there’s only one bed. Don’t worry, I won’t do anything bad.”
“You better promise me.”
“I just did, now let’s go to sleep.” And there we were, lying by each other’s side. I don’t feel very comfortable, not because I am with Kai [It’s what I really want], but because… I don’t know. I just feel that way.
“Can’t you sleep?” He asked.
“No, I can’t.” I replied.
“Are you cold?” He asked.
“Um, I guess so.”
“Come here.” He pulled me closer to him. “He’s so warm. Oh My Gosh!” blurred thoughts started clouding up my mind. “Feel better?”
“Yes. It’s quite warm now.”
I looked at her face. It’s so peaceful. I felt very strange, somewhat warm inside. I can feel her body heat, and smell her rosy fragrance. I want to kiss her, but I stopped. I don’t want to disturb her, not now. I want to stare at her cute face, but I feel so warm and sleepy… Not now, maybe tomorrow I can look at it.
I had to do something before I go to sleep. I lifted her hand and placed it to my chest. I want her to feel my heart beating for her. “Please don’t leave me Sai, not ever.”
The next morning I woke up earlier than Kai. I fixed him breakfast, took a bath and finally wake him up.
“Wake up sleepy-head.”
It was already 8 PM when somebody knocked on my door. I looked outside, and saw Kai, down there with a guitar. “I was about to shout at you, but I didn’t…” I thought.
“Sorry Sai, I need to come here. I have something important to tell you.”
“Umm, ok? So you want to go in?”
“No, not really. Please listen to me.”
“OK, I’ll listen.” I went outside and sat on the bench. I looked at him with a smile. Then, he started singing.
“When I first saw your smile,
I felt a different feeling
A feeling I once dreamed
Of having, not so long ago
Oh yes, this feeling is new,
But I know what to do
Because I now know
What I’ve been looking for
It’s your voice I want to hear
It’s your hands I want to feel
Oh how I love to see you in my arms
And seeing your beautiful smile at me
And the only thing that I can do
Is for me to be with you
And make you happy in my arms
I’ll stay with you forever, my love
And so I sing this to you
Since you know I do love you...”
“That was wonderful.” I told him.
“Thanks… So, umm…”
“My answer is yes, if you and I are thinking the same.” I said it, before he could finish. I know he’s shy about it.
“So, what were you thinking?”
“You are proposing to me, right?”
“You read my mind.”
“Teehee. But, it’s too sudden.”
“We’ve been together for... 3 years. Don’t you trust me?”
“I do trust you, but... let’s not rush. We haven’t graduated yet, and we have no stable lifestyle, so we are not yet prepared. I’m just thinking of our future together.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right.”
“But still, at least I now know that you will be my future husband, Kai-dear.” I walked to him, and gave him a little kiss in the cheek, for all his efforts.
“Thanks. So, we’re still together then?”
“Of course, silly. We didn’t break-up, right? Or you want to?”
“NO! NO!”
“It’s just a silly joke. Don’t take it too hard.”
“Umm… Sai, May I ask a favor?”
“Yes, anything.”
“Umm… I’m alone tomorrow, since my parents will go abroad and won’t be back for 2 days. Can you stay at my house?”
“?” I blushed.
“I won’t do anything bad, I promise!”
“Hehe, I’m just kidding with you. Of course. I’ll go tomorrow, after class.”
“Thank you. Good night Sai.”
“Good night too.”
The next day, at school, I arrived earlier than others. While waiting, I looked at the sky blankly, thinking of what might happen this day. Then, thoughts started clouding up my mind. I know I am just staying in his house for 2 days, but still I can’t imagine what’s going to happen later.
I still can’t think straight during class. I can’t stop thinking about it. Finally, class ended. Kai was waiting for me outside.
‘Umm, I’m sorry to bother you with this…”
“Don’t worry. We talked about this yesterday, didn’t we?”
“Yeah, but…”
“So, let’s go. I’ll cook you dinner.”
“Well, actually I was thinking that mom did that already, but I bet she left early today. Well, anyways I would like to taste her cooking…” He thought.
We walked home. I seem to notice that he’s getting more and more nervous as we go closer to his humble abode. I tried to ignore it, because I was thinking of other things, like what’s going to happen later… I’m so nervous!
Finally, we reached his home. Well, it was a bit more extravagant than I ever expected. “Sorry about the house. I haven’t cleaned this up yet.”
“It’s ok. I don’t mind anyway.” We dropped our bags, and Kai toured me in his home. “Well, that’s pretty much it. So, what to do next…” He mumbled.
“Why don’t you take a bath while I prepare dinner?” I suggested. “Well, ok. I’ll hurry up. I can’t wait to taste your cooking!”
“Don’t hurry. Take your time. And make sure you’re squeaky-clean after taking your bath.”
“Geez, you sound like my mom.”
“Really? Then take your bath now. I’ll cook up something special for you.” He went through the bathroom door. Now it’s my time to shine, time to cook!
I cooked him 3 dishes. I know he eats a lot, judging from his looks. He finally went out of the bathroom.
“So, are you done?” I asked him while I fetched his clothes. “Yup, and I see you’re done too. It smells so good!”
“Now, it’s my turn. I’ll take my bath, and then we’ll eat dinner.” He went to the living room and watched the television.
I never imagined the bathroom would be this extravagant. “Wow, it’s so clean!” I filled the bath tub with warm water, and started my bath.
After a few minutes, I went out. He was there, surprisingly. “What were you doing there? You almost gave me a heart attack!” I said.
“Oh I’m sorry. It’s just that I thought you needed some clothes…”
“Oh, it’s fine. I brought my own. I came prepared you know. I’m going to dress up now.” I went to the bedroom and dressed up.
After another few minutes, I went to the dining room and saw him sitting there, waiting for me. “Ok, let’s eat! You can seat here.”
After eating…
“That was good!”
“Thank you.”
We watched television until 9 PM. After that, we went to bed… but there’s a problem.
“There’s only one bed?” I said.
“Yes. I am the only one in this room, so there’s only one bed. Don’t worry, I won’t do anything bad.”
“You better promise me.”
“I just did, now let’s go to sleep.” And there we were, lying by each other’s side. I don’t feel very comfortable, not because I am with Kai [It’s what I really want], but because… I don’t know. I just feel that way.
“Can’t you sleep?” He asked.
“No, I can’t.” I replied.
“Are you cold?” He asked.
“Um, I guess so.”
“Come here.” He pulled me closer to him. “He’s so warm. Oh My Gosh!” blurred thoughts started clouding up my mind. “Feel better?”
“Yes. It’s quite warm now.”
I looked at her face. It’s so peaceful. I felt very strange, somewhat warm inside. I can feel her body heat, and smell her rosy fragrance. I want to kiss her, but I stopped. I don’t want to disturb her, not now. I want to stare at her cute face, but I feel so warm and sleepy… Not now, maybe tomorrow I can look at it.
I had to do something before I go to sleep. I lifted her hand and placed it to my chest. I want her to feel my heart beating for her. “Please don’t leave me Sai, not ever.”
The next morning I woke up earlier than Kai. I fixed him breakfast, took a bath and finally wake him up.
“Wake up sleepy-head.”