Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Destiny's Call ❯ Entry the Eighth ( Chapter 8 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Entry the Eighth.
My story, my characters, etc etc etc. enjoy the randomness! Lol!
I headed out, to relieve our “sentry.” Stanetly went back to his quiet place, which I happened to know was near the boiler. I, as I said, went outside. I climbed atop the roof of the overhang, and simply sat outside the front door, looking out over the shadowed landscape. I was followed. Tarius, Matt, Rugged, Chubs, Reggie, Luscious, Berney, Leon, Chris, Rocky, even Nick. Walker and AA came out too, followed by a few others. Craig huffed out last. For a while, everyone was silent, trying to absorb what Leon had so aptly summed up.
Rugged spoke first. “So these ADs think they can just come in and make us sacrifices?”
“Probably slaves too. The big ugly evil dudes usually like slaves too,” Chubs tossed in.
“I'm nobodies slave,” replied Rugged.
“Good. Then we don't have to worry about that then.” I smiled down at them from above.
“You. How much of this did you know?” Rugged and I had never actually been exactly friends. He looked ready to finish those fights we had freshman year.
“I knew what each order was, what the High Guardian was, and that all the creatures we'd fought so far were fakes and imitations. Except for that Urani.”
“What about him?” Reggie's voice floated up to me.
“He felt… Human.”
“WHAT!?” came the many voiced reply.
“Sorry, just a feeling. I'm just letting my imagination get a little too wild.”
“Whatever. So, what are we going to do? We're stuck here, how can we get out to do anything?” Everyone looked around. Several started staring at Leon.
“It's simple. Leon and I will head out, through the blockade Walker and the Major told me about, and try to find this refugee camp supposedly located out past Grain Valley. I'll contact the military forces, and try to prove to them we have survivors, and that they are worth rescuing.”
Rugged looked about to voice dissent, but Chubs held him back. “How? How will you get out?”
This time Tarius answered. “With a bike.”
Now nearly everyone was confused. Chris asked, “What's this about a bike, and how does it help?”
Matt answered, “This is probably the most complex, high tech, and ingenious bike yet. Just believe me and Tarius, it can get through. With leon riding, both it and Corben would be invisible.”
“Why can't Leon go alone?” Nick spoke, his voice full of hidden anger and frustration.. He was instantly rebuked.
“nobody goes anywhere alone. And Corben's the leader here. If anybody should plead our case, I think it should be him.” AA had added his piece.
“Nick, just shut up, stay quiet. We don't need opinions like that.” Chris looked ready to punch Nick.
“Geeze Nick. Even if I can make myself effectively invisible, I'm still not going to go out alone.” Leon didn't look happy. His scales were showing, but by now, everyone was used to it. We'd been seeing it for over two months after all.
“Anyways, What do we do if we can evacuate everyone?”
“Get them the hell out of here, then do something about the rest of the invasion.” Tarius said like it was obvious, which, it was.
“you remember Stanetly said the ADs couldn't cross the seal without tons of sacrifices? Free sacrifices? Millions of them? Well, I'd say the people who've just disappeared from the city, they won't work. I doubt they're “free.” So what works?”
“New York? There are over 6 million people in New York. Considering they have enough lizards to completely close off access inside KC, who's to say they can't do it in New York, except this time, maybe they didn't actually go into the City.” Berney's answer actually made sense to us, but it made us cringe too.
“Regardless,” Leon chimed back in, “We have to figure out our own situation first. So, Tarius, how soon will you finish that thing?”
“I think I said two days.”
“You never gave a time.”
“oh. Well, two days then. Come on Matt, let's get to work.”
“Wait. We all know this is going to be insane, and I know this sounds completely corny, but I want us to make a pact.” People blinked at me.
“What kind?”
“That we won't stop fighting till we beat these things, save the planet, and that we'll live through this too. All of us.” They looked at each other.
“I'm in.”
“Me too. Considering all the magical forces and stuff shooting around everywhere, it might actually increase our chances or something, you know?”
“Guess that's that seconded and thirded. All in favor?” Leon put his hand in the middle. I added mine, and the hands piled up. Nick added his last. “We here swear to do exactly as Corben stated. We'll defeat the ADs, their minions, anybody who joins them, save the planet, save humanity, and Live through this. We'll do this by and with the power we have, the power we may gain, and the allies, and the power of those allies and friends, that we garner. Here we swear.”
“here we swear,” echoed all.
“Alright then, let's get to work.”
“Say, I've got another idea, but this one isn't corny. Let's clear the soccer field and the field next to the softball stadium, and let everyone play some football and some soccer, have some fun, get some exercise. Maybe we can even organize all those varied game systems we “borrowed” into a proper tournament or series of them. Halo 3 anyone?” Anthony looked around for agreement. He got everyones.
“I'll start work on the video game tourney then.” Craig headed inside. Matt and Tarius got to work on the bike again, and Tarius was also working on something else too.
I had almost walked in when Super random captain Alissa appeared. “So I'm like, totally entering randomly here, and I like, tried to go shopping yesterday, but the mall was full of these weird reptile things,” I tossed a quarter past her. “and like, OH! SHINY! Gotta go!”
I continued inside, another disaster averted.
“And here's the pass. It's quite a game today, isn't Jake?”
“Indeed it is Mike, the seniors and freshman aren't going easy on the Juniors and Sophmores. It is quite the match for Ohara's first intergrade Football game. And There's Corben with the catch, he's running, running, oh and he's down! Wait, no, he's down. But it's a first Down Mike!”
“The seniors, even the rookies, are playing some tough ball here today.”
“But you can't forget that Sophmore Junior combination, quite the team up there. Giving as good as they get. Oh, the SFs are about ready to start their next play.”
Jake and mikes commentary was at that time interrupted, along with the game, by Sam, a freshman friend of mine, and Nick's girlfriend.
She dashed up to me, tugging on my shirt sleeve. “Corben, let Cheesepuff in, would you?”
“Huh? Sam, we're in the middle of the game. And who is Cheesepuff.”
“My new cat.”
“What? What do you mean let it in anyways?”
“She's stuck outside the barrier. See?” she pointed over towards a torn down section of the old fence that ran along one side of the field. A large leopard was sitting on its hind legs, looking curious, and watching Sam. It growled, and everyone could hear it. “Please hurry, she says there are raptors coming her way. And she's hurt.”
Upon looking a little closer, by of course walking closer, to look at this phenomenon, the cat was indeed injured. Her right leg, if it was indeed a she, was ripped and torn, if still “whole.” Sam walked straight up as close as she could get. The cat pawed the barrier. Yes, pawed.
Sam looked back at me. “Please Corben, let her in, she can't get away from the raptors otherwise.” The cat made a couple of sounds just then, the funny thing was that it looked like Sam understood them. Then Sam made almost identical sounds. Those paying attention fell completely silent. She looked back at us.
“Didn't you here me? she says they're almost on top of her!”
“I heard you, but that isn't what you said. You spoke in cat.”
“I did not!”
“Sam, you spoke cat. But anyways, I guess I'll let Cheesepuff in. but she isn't to touch anyone. Tell her if she wants to be trusted, and get that leg helped, she has to come in, and sit right over there.” I pointed to a spot behind me, near the sand/dirt of the softball infield. I lifted the field as Sam repeated the message, in cat. And “Cheesepuff” did exactly what I had said. I couldn't believe it. Then Sam walked over, and I was frozen and unable to respond, as she sat down and started stroking the big leopards fur. I blinked, because I could hear the purs from where I was, which wasn't exactly right next to it. I turned around, looked at one of the others. “go get Stone.”
With the “Sam's Cat” incident resolved, and our subsequent acquisition of an entire pack of dogs who'd been living in the city, who were, truly humorously, ruled by a female leopard, things went really smoothly.
Craig's team tied for first with Steve's team in the Halo 3 tournament team rounds, while Craig took straight first in the single player tournaments. Smash brothers brawl was just plain wild.
Two days passed, in which people had lots of fun, and enjoyed themselves. Anthony was quickly becoming as popular or more popular than myself, because he seemed to be able to do most of what I did, and he was a lot more easygoing when he had the chance.
Tarius and Matt finished it. I walked in on day 3 for a look at the final product.
I looked at Tarius after I saw it. “you're right, you do have to get one of these.”
“it has a built in radio, and radar. I've got proximity sensors, a ground sonar system, and a caterpillar drive. Seats two.”
“And the wheels?”
“separate drives, omni directional. Can go spin in any direction, and both drive. They're held in place with a magnetic push pull system, so the bike floats over them. The electro static connection is what steers them. Made of titanium. Same with the rest of the bike. I call it, the BTM-000. But I still think it needs a real name before she sets off.”
“how about… Leviathan?” I looked it over, visualizing etching its name into it.
“I like it. The Leviathan. But what made you choose that?”
“Because there's already a super bike, fictional, named Behemoth.”
“shall I test drive it? We've cleared the gym.”
“go for it, I want to see how this thing handles.” Matt helped me guide it out and down the hall, and into the gym. A small crowd gathered for a look. I switched on the engine, which really was silent, and grinned. A throttled, and hit the acceleration with my foot. It shot forward, and I twisted the control, and flipped another activator, so that the back wheel swung out and the bike drove sideways. I nearly hit the bleachers, but I swept the bike up a wall, with no energy loss, as I'd hoped, and tried to flip. I crashed atop a field some ten feet in the air. There was a small measure of gasps from onlookers, but I just grinned, waved, and started it up again. My and hadn't left the bike.
I practiced all day and into the night in the gym, and then took it through the hallways, sweeping and slicing around people. I still couldn't handle complicated maneuvers, but I could drive it better than I expected. I had already figured out how to use my fields, timed precisely, to flip some of the switches and activators.
I left the bike in the workshop for the night, because Tarius wanted to do some final tuning, and Leon and I discussed a few plans, then got a good nights sleep.
“Here.” Tarius handed me a cloak, a large one, and a pair of fancy looking goggles. And a helmet. “I get the helmet, but what's the rest?”
“The helmet is just a helmet. The goggles and ear piece include night vision, heat vision, a comm. linkup, and a complete database of all the uglies we've encountered so far. There's a camera to record everything you see built into the goggles. They're made to work with the cloak. The cloak can stiffen to provide a sorta “pseudo armor” that will stop blades and points to a degree, so you don't have to rely on fields. And it also includes a “Shadow system” that will help blend you into shadows, mask your heat signature to a degree, and disrupt your scent, so it will be hard to track. It's the closest to what Leon can do that I could offer with the materials I have. Good luck Corben.”
We clasped hands, then I turned to Leon, nodded, and hopped onto the bike. He climbed on behind, and cloaked us both. Combined with the caterpillar drive and almost invisible heat signature of the bike, and me via my new cloak, we were almost invisible. I also noticed that the cloak was apparently regulating the temperature under it so it didn't cook me, probably part of masking my heat.
I gunned it, and we sped out of the school, down onto the road, and off.
We stayed silent as we “flew” above fallen trees, wrecked houses and cars, carnage, and raptor patrols, both on the ground and in the sky. It took us less than half and hour, by way of extremely fast speeds of this bike, and driving on my fields it was a straight shot, more or less, to home. We drove past the obvious “blockade” which was full of roving and patrolling creatures. We drove up really high for that one. We reached our hometown, it was empty. There wasn't chaos and destruction, it was just, deserted. We drove around for a while.
We didn't find anymore, but there were more signs of wreckage. The creatures had come through here, but from the corpse traces we found, and some of the wreckage, something had driven them out so people could evacuate. We drove off towards Grain valley, and the purported “refugee camp.” We finally found it. And It left us jaw dropped speechless in sheer amazement.