Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ High School Royalty: The Royal Students ❯ CONGRATULATIONS! Welcome to the Royalty! ( Chapter 2 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Chapter Two
Min yoo ran down the long stairway to her oppa. She was extremely glad that he was here. She was still dizzy from the attention and felt like she needed someone she actually knew.

"Oppa!" she shouted. "I missed you!" she clung onto him like a hook. "Were you worried about me. oppa?" she looked up and asked.

Min Ji smiled and flicked her head. "Yah! Quit trying to look cute, you dork!" he smirked trying to get Min yoo angry.

"Yah!" Min yoo frowned. "I’m the dork? what about you?!" she put her hands on her hips. "You're more of a dork than I am!"

"Cute..." Hee Jin smirked and gazed at Min yoo for a moment. "Yah, Min Ji!" he nudged Min Ji with his shoulder.

"Hm?" Min Ji cocked a brow and turned to Hee Jin. "What?" he asked.

"Do you think Min yoo is cute enough for me?" he whispered. Min Ji pushed Hee Jin away. "Hell no! You keep your hands and eyes away from my sister!" he huffed and tried to shield Min yoo from Hee Jin.

"Relax!" Hee Jin scratched the back of his head. "I was only hypothetically speaking!"

Min Ji rolled his eyes. "I bet you don't even know what that means!"

"Oh shut up, you dork!" Hee Jin stuck his tongue out and mocked him.

Min Ji growled and was about to tackle Hee Jin to the ground when someone called for Min yoo.

"Yah!" Yoon ah shouted. "Min yoo! We want you and your brother to meet the rest of us..." she exclaimed and signaled for them to follow her.

"There's more of you guys?" Min yoo asked. "wow..." she muttered.

Hee Jin tickled Yoon ah from behind. "Min yoo looks like she's royalty material..." he grinned. "Can she join?" he asked.

Yoon ah shrugged. "I don't know yet... Yun San never said anything and besides," she stopped for a bit. "She hasn't even met Ji Hyuk yet." she continued.

"Ji Hyuk?" Min Ji cocked a brow. "Yeah," Yoon ah and Hee Jin turned to look at Min Ji. "The Leader."

The four students walked through the halls of So Nyeo high and they watched as other students gasped and watch them walk to the basketball courts.

"Where's is Yun san and the others?" Min yoo asked. Yoon ah yawned. "There waiting for us at the basketball courts..." she replied.

As they walked into the basketball courts, Hee Jin started to scan every student there. "AHAH!" He shouted and pointed at a serious looking boy who was reading a book and was sitting next to the Yun San and the others. "Mr. Lonely!" he ran toward the boy.

"I've told you..." the boy closed his book and sneered at Hee Jin. "My name's Sun Ki..." he muttered and put his book away.

"Whatever!" Hee Jin grinned and hugged him. "Carry me!" he shouted and positioned himself to make his legs pulled up so that he was entirely off the ground.

Sun Ki rolled his eyes and dropped Hee Jin on the ground. "You are one big idiot..." he groaned and sat back down next to a pretty looking girl.

"Ow!" Hee Jin shouted and rubbed his butt. "My butt's dislocated thanks to you!" he scowled.

"That's not sexy..." Hyuk Jin shook his head. Hyuk Jae smacked his cousin. "Will you quit the sexy act, already?" he sighed.

Min yoo giggled. They seemed like really friendly people, so she decided that she should make friends with all of them. Yoon ah, Min Ji, and Min yoo finally arrived to where Yun San and the others were at.

Yun San looked up. "Oh!" she smiled. "Hello Min yoo!" she waved a hello. Min yoo smiled politely and greeted her back. "Hi!"

Min Ji smiled. "Hello!" and he bowed. Yun San grinned. "You really are good looking!" and she laughed.

Min Ji turned red with embarrassment. Yun San stood up and went in front of everyone. She clapped her hands to get everyone's full attention. "Yah! You guys! This is Min yoo and her brother, Min Ji!" she explained. "Introduce yourselves!" she commanded.

Sun Ki stood up first. "My name is Park Sun Ki." he said in a serious voice. "I'm am the oldest in the Royalty and-"

"He likes to be called Mr. Lonely!" Hee Jin interrupted him.

Sun Ki turned to Hee Jin and growled. Hee Jin shrugged. "You dislocated my butt!" he smirked. "NOBODY... Messes with the butt!" he said firmly.

Sun Ki shook his head. "Anyways..." he turned back to Min yoo. "I don't like to be called Mr. Lonely, and Hee Jin's an idiot... don't listen to him!" and with that he sat back down.

The pretty girl who sat next to Sun Ki stood up and ran her finger through her hair as if she was really nervous. "Um.. My name's Jung Na Rin," she smiled but looked down at her feet. "It's really nice to meet you, Min yoo... You too Min Ji..." she said still looking down at her feet.

Hee Jin spoke up. "She may seem shy because she's looking at her feet and she looks pretty and everything... but once you get to know her a little better, she's mean and cold hearted-A complete Heartless witch!" he stated.

Na Rin bit her lip and turned to look at Hee Jin slowly. "You're dead to me..." she muttered. Then she turned to Min yoo. "It's nice meeting you!" and she sat back down.

Yeseul was sitting next to Na Rin so all she said was "I already met you earlier!" and it went on to the next person. Another good-looking boy stood up. He gave a completely mysterious smirk. "My name's Oh Won Su and I'm good at being mysterious..." he grinned and went closer to Min yoo. "You're really cute, wanna go out sometime?" he asked in a sly smooth way. Min Ji started to feel a little uncomfortable. He couldn't let Min yoo go out with this creep!

"Won Su has igneous feet!" Hee Jin blurted. Min yoo bit her lip and Won Su growled.

"KWON HEE JIN!" Won Su tackled Hee Jin. "N-No!" Hee Jin groaned and tried to get Won Su to the ground. "No! NO! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" Hee Jin screamed like a girl and a boy... it was sort of a mixture of both.

Hyuk Jin grinned. "Woah!" he gasped. "That sounded like a dead pig dying! SO SEXY!" he grinned widely.

The sophisticated looking girl stood up. "First of all, how can a pig sound like it's dying when it's already dead?" she scoffed. "And second, why must you think that everything is sexy? Could someone tell me what's so sexy about a dying call of a pig?"

Everyone became quiet for a moment until Hee Jin broke the silence. "OIIIIIIINK!" He snorted in a high pitched voice similar to what he sounded like when Won Su tackled him.

"Ahahahaha!" Everyone laughed but the sophisticated looking girl scoffed and smacked Hee Jin's head.

"Owwie...." Hee Jin pouted and rubbed his head. The girl rolled her eyes and smiled at Min yoo and Min Ji. "Hello!" she greeted them. "My name is Ah Eun Chan and I am the Royalty's-"

"UGLY BITCH!" Hee Jin shouted still rubbing his head. Eun Chan glared at Hee Jin and turned back to Min yoo and Min Ji. "Hee Jin is mentally disabled!" she said with a fake smile. "So whatever he says mean nothing!" and with those cold words, she glared at Hee Jin one last time and sat back down.

The girl who sat above SunKi and next to another girl stood up. She had trouble getting down from the top bench. After what seemed like FOREVER, she finally got down to greet Min yoo and Min Ji. "Hello!" she smiled and ran her fingers through her hair. "My name is Mi Han Sarang, and I'm the nerd of the Royalty!" she exclaimed with a smile.

Hyuk Jin interrupted. "Sexy!" he blurted. Everyone's attention was now at him. Hyuk Jin looked around innocently which was really hard for him to do since he was well... sexy. Hyuk Jin coughed and shifted uncontrollably .

Han Sarang rolled her eyes and smiled. "Hyuk Jin's my boyfriend but if he won't stop fooling around I might just break up with him!" she smirked as Hyuk Jin bit his lip in shock.

Hyuk Jin whimpered. "That wasn't sexy!" he pretended to cry. Han Sarang ignored him and shook Min yoo and Min Ji's hands. "I hope we can get to be good friends!"

Hyuk Jin jumped up next to Han Sarang. "Hey!" he snapped at Min Ji. "You keep your eyes off Han Sarang!" he pointed at Min Ji accusingly. Min Ji backed away. "YOU TOO!" Hyuk Jin pointed at Min yoo.

Min yoo protested. "But I'm a girl, if you haven't noticed!" she frowned. Hyuk Jin shook his head. "How would I know you're not lesbian, huh?" he squinted his eyes.

Min yoo frowned. "What?!" she shouted. Han Sarang smacked Hyuk Jin. "Will you stop it?" she asked politely.

Hyuk Jin bit his lip and glared at Min Ji and Min yoo one last time and snagged Han Sarang by the arm and took her back to her seat.

Min yoo and Min Ji exchanged quick glances and waited for the other girl to introduce herself. The girl stood up. "My name's Moon Mi ra and I can break you down mentally!" she said cheerfully.

Min Ji frowned. 'How could this cute girl torture people mentally?' he thought. Mi Ra sat back down and leaned on Yun San's shoulder as if Yun San were a pillow.

Min Ji spoke up. "Is that all the members?" he asked.

Yun San shook her head. "Nope..." she said. "Ji Hyuk is still playing basketball..."

Min Yoo cocked a brow. "Ji Hyuk?" she asked. Just then, Someone came up from behind Min yoo. Min yoo froze. "Did someone call my name?" the voice asked. Min yoo turned around to see a Good looking sweaty boy who only had pants on. Min yoo blushed.

Hyuk Jin grinned. "Oooo! Sexy!" he said rather loudly. Everyone glared at Hyuk Jin. "SHUT UP, HYUK JIN!" They shouted.

Ji Hyuk cocked a brow at Hyuk Jin and looked at Min yoo who was now completely red. Ji Hyuk smiled and played with Min yoo's hair. "Who's this cutie?" he asked.

Yun San grinned. "She's the new transfer student! Shim Min yoo!" she exclaimed. "And this is her brother, Min Ji!" she put her hand on Min Ji's shoulder. Min Ji waved a hello at Ji Hyuk.

He looked at Min yoo. "My name's Kim Ji Hyuk, I'm the leader of the Gods..." he said in a sweet-soft voice no woman could ever resist.

Min yoo was only half a woman because she only gave in part way. Ji Hyuk smiled. "Come on, Min yoo... Why won't you look at me? Am I that ugly?" his lips formed a smile.

Min yoo was now every-inch a woman for she couldn't help but smile and look up at Ji Hyuk. "There we go!" Ji Hyuk smiled. "Now I can see that cute face of yours..."

Min yoo laughed. Sun Ki coughed which signaled that he was trying to get Ji Hyuk's attention. Ji Hyuk eyes Sun Ki and turned to Min yoo and Min Ji. "Could you guys excuse us?" he asked and he went to join the Royalty.

They all bundled in a group and they started to talk in serious tones and whispers. They took quick glances back at Min yoo and Min Ji. Min yoo and Min Ji were curious about what they were talking about. They pretended not to look too interested but failed. They really wanted to know what they were talking about.


Yun San took a quick glance back at Min Ji and Min yoo. "Do you think they are official enough to be royalty?" she asked.

"That doesn't matter!" Hyuk Jin protested. "Do they look royalty to you?" he asked. Hee Jin seemed to disagree. "They have to be funny to join!" he stated.

Won Su shook his head. "They need to be smart!" he exclaimed. Hyuk Jae frowned. "No way!" he shook his head. "They has to have good personality!"

"It's they need to have good personality!" Eun Chan corrected Hyuk Jae. Hyuk Jae looked at Eun Chan for a moment. "See?" he pointed her with his thumb. "She agrees with me!"

Hee Jin ruffled Hyuk Jae's hair. "Who cares about what you think?" he snorted. Hyuk Jae gasped. "Don't snort at me, you little oinker!"

"Yah!" Hee Jin shouted. "I ain't no oink!"

"You're not an oink!" Eun Chan corrected him. Hee Jin put an arm on Eun Chan's shoulder. "She doesn't think I'm an oink either!"

"Yah! Everyone shut up!" Sun Ki's voiced boomed in everyone's ears. Ji Hyuk wiped the sweat of his chest with the towel that was hanging from his right shoulder. "I think they should be Royalty..." he shrugged. "and besides... We need a new God."

"So are they in?" Won Su asked. Yun San and Ji Hyuk exchanged quick glances and a smirk formed on their lips. "Yes." they said in unity.

Yeseul frowned. "How are we going to tell them?" she asked. "We can't just say 'Oh, you guys are in the Royalty now! Welcome'!" she rolled her eyes. Yoon ah smiled. "Why don't we surprise them?" she suggested. "Just to make them shocked and stuff!"

"Yeah!" Na Rin grinned. "Let's do that!" she agreed. "But how do we do that exactly?" she cocked a brow.

Ji Hyuk shrugged. "We'll just tell em' like we told everyone else!" and he walked to Min yoo. Min yoo smiled. "What were you guys talking about back there?" she asked.

Ji Hyuk shook his head. "Nothing important," he grinned. "Do you guys wanna go eat pizza with us after school?" he asked.

Min Ji and Min yoo looked at each other for a moment and smiled. "Sure!" they said happily.

The royalty walked around the school and talked and explained to Min yoo and Min Ji about... mainly everything. When the bell rang, they went to their own classes.

"You know where to meet right?" Han Sarang looked at Min yoo. Min yoo nodded as a response.

"Alright then," Everyone nodded. "We'll see you guys after school!" Ji Hyuk waved his hand and went his own way.

Min yoo and Min Ji smiled at each other. "How cool is this that we get to hang out with THE ROYALTY after school? And it's our first day here too!" Min Ji smiled.

"What if we get to be royalty too?" Min yoo asked her brother. Min Ji shrugged. "Who knows?" he replied. "Maybe we just got lucky or something..."


When Min yoo finally arrived to her class everyone was looking at her. Min yoo looked around innocently. She sat down next to her desk and all eyes were on her.

'Oh great!' Min yoo though. 'I'm the center of attention again!'

Hae Joon sat down quietly next to Min yoo. "Yah, Min yoo!" she whispered. Min yoo sighed. "Yes?"

"Did you become a royalty yet?" she asked. Min yoo shot straight up. "Is that the reason why people are looking at me wherever I go?!" she shouted angrily.

Hae Joon frowned. "It's a good thing if you become royalty!" she exclaimed. "You get everyone's respect and attention-"

"I don't want any attention!" Min yoo groaned. Soo Hae patted Min yoo's shoulder. "We're sorry, we just saw you and this other guy hanging out with the royalty today, we just assumed that you were-"

"Well I'm not royalty!" Min yoo interrupted Soo Hae. "I want to be in the royalty, though..." she muttered. "I think they were talking about how uncool and ugly I was..." she sighed. "And besides, what would a dork like me be doing with a bunch of beautiful people like them?" she added.

Sun Ya shook her head. "Don't say that!" she frowned. "You know, a lot of people thought you were cute!" she grinned.

Min yoo sighed. "I wish I were in the royalty..." she sighed. The teacher came in and everyone sat down in their seats and face the front. As soon as the bell rung, Min yoo rushed out to the front of the school... the place she was going to meet Min Ji and the royalty.

Min yoo panted and she checked her watch. "It's already been fifteen minutes!" she frowned. "They're late!" she swung her arm down and bit her lip.

Little did she know that someone was there before she had gotten there. It was waiting for the right time to attack Min yoo from behind; when she let her guard down. It silently approached Min yoo and BAM!

"AHH!" Min yoo screamed as she felt a cold tickly sensation come down her back. "HAHAHA!" Hee Jin laughed.

Min yoo turned around and she screamed. "Hee Jin?!" she said with shock. "How could you do this to me?" she took the ice cube that went down her back and held it in front of Hee Jin's face.

He Jin smiled. "How could I not?" he laughed harder. Min yoo was lost for words. She opened her mouth to speak but out of the corner of her eye she could see Ji yuk and Min Ji talking and walking together.

Min Ji laughed. "So that's why you guys are always late when you make afterschool meetings?" he asked. Ji Hyuk laughed. "Yup. I'd feel really sorry for whoever came second to the meeting!" he smiled. The two boys laughed until they saw Min yoo and Hee Jin.

"Uh..." Ji Hyuk hesitated and took Min Ji and they both turned their backs on Min yoo. "I'm guessing Min yoo just got pranked by Hee Jin..." Ji Hyuk exclaimed.

"Most likely." Min ji rolled his eyes.

"Yah!" Min yoo shouted. "You're talking about me, I know it!" she frowned. Hee Jin patted her back. "It's sucks to be the youngest doesn't it?" he gave off a goofy grin.

"Oh shut up!" Min yoo pushed Hee Jin. "Just because you're good-looking, doesn't mean you can go and put ice cubes down people's backs!" she sneered.

Min Ji and Ji Hyuk laughed. Min yoo spun around. "Yah! Why are you guys laughing?!" she was furious.

Ji Hyuk scratched his head still trying to figure out how he could explain everything to her. "Well, you see. The only reason why we came to the meeting really late was because Hee Jin pranks the first person who comes her." he stated.

Min yoo turned to Hee Jin. "You stupid idiot!" she growled. Hee Jin rolled his eyes and flipped his bangs. "Psh! Whatever, bitch!"

Min Ji cocked a brow. "Did he just flip his bangs?" he looked at Ji Hyuk. Ji Hyuk nodded. "Hee Jin started this trend last month." he exclaimed. "Girls flip their hair so he decided boy should be able to flip something as well... flipping your bangs is a guy version of hair flips." Ji Hyuk chuckled.

"Heh...." Min Ji couldn't help but laugh. He stopped laughing when he felt a small hand on his right shoulder. he turned his head slightly to the right to see who was touching him.

"Boo!" Yeseul grinned. "I'm sorry!" she laughed. "Did I scare you?"

"Heh, ho..." Min Ji smiled back and turned his back to Yeseul and face Ji Hyuk. "OMO!" he mouthed out the word silently.

"Yah!" A familiar voice was heard.

Ji Hyuk, Min Ji, Hee Jin, Min yoo, and Yeseul all turned to see who that was. "Hi guys!" Yun San jumped up and down waving her hand. She was with the rest of the royalty.

"Ew!" Hyuk Jin backed away from the jumpy Constellation. "That's not sexy!" he shouted.

"Han Sarang rolled her eyes. "Shut up, will you?" she ruffled her boyfriend's hair. "hmph!" Hyuk Jin scoffed and stayed by Won Su who was far from Han Sarang.

"You and Hana fought again?" Won Su asked still facing forward. "Yah." Hyuk Jin pouted. "It wasn't sexy at all!"

"Again with the sexy!" Mi Ra rolled her eye. "It's non-stop sexy for you isn't it?" she bit her lip. "you have no life what-so-ever!" she glared at Hyuk Jin.

Hyuk Jin looked down at his feet. Mi Ra's piercing eyes were really... intimidating. Na Rin went ahead of everyone else and became the first to reach Min yoo.

"Did Hee Jin play a prank on you?" She asked. Min yoo nodded. "Yeah, I was just minding my own business and he comes at me from behind and decided that it was funny to put ice cubes down my back!" she snapped at Hee Jin.

"Aw, it's okay!" Na Rin patted her back. "He pranks us all the time!" she smiled. "Now that everyone's here... Let's eat!" she bounced in the air slightly.

Yun San hugged Min Ji from behind. "We have something to tell you guys later on!" she grinned and slapped Min Ji on the head playfully.

"So... where are we going?" Min Ji asked. "Were going to Sun Ki's house to eat..." she was quick to reply. "Is it far from here?" Min Ji asked.

"Yeah!" Yeseul said cheerfully. "Sun Ki's limo is going to take us to his house!" she jumped and skipped for a few seconds.

"Wow!" Min yoo and Min Ji mouthed out together. Sun Ki closed his book. "The limo's here." he muttered. A long, black limo appeared before their very eyes. The driver came out and opened the doors for the royalty to go in.

The girls went in first then the boys. Sun Ki was the last one to enter..

"So how do you guys like the limo so far?" Won su turned to Min Ji and Min yoo.

Min yoo smiled. "It's really roomy in here!" she looked around. "And the seats are really soft!" she muttered.

As they were going to Sun Ki's house they got bored. Hee Jin turned on the radio and started dancing. Yeseul smacked Hee Jin's butt. "Sit your ass down!" she yelled. "We don't have room for you to dance in here!" she added and crossed her legs. "Really, Hee Jin! How are you going to get a good future if you keep goofing off like this?"

Hee Jin stuck his tongue at Yeseul. "And this is coming from the party girl?" he exclaimed.

"SHUT UP!" Yeseul threw a pillow at Hee Jin. "HEE JIN!" she shouted and wrestled him to the ground. "AHHH!" Hee Jin lifted a hand to shield himself from Yeseul but unfortunately, Yeseul slapped that hand away and Hee Jin became a goner for sure. "Help! The party girl's attacking me!"

"..." Everyone ignored his cries for help. Min Ji leaned in. "So how does Sun Ki's house look like?" he asked.

"Omo!" Yun San put her hands on her cheek. "His pool house is the best!" she exclaimed. "That's where we get to eat and hang out every time we go there!"

"And we get to swim in it too!" Hyuk Jae exclaimed. "Before we eat, We would always swim in the water!" he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Cool..." Min Ji and Min yoo murmured. Won Su couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "Hyuk Jae's lying to you!" he exclaimed. "Hyuk Jae doesn't even know how to swim!"

Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at Hyuk Jae. Hee Jin and Yeseul stopped attacking each other from the bottom of the limo to look at Hyuk Jae awkwardly. There was silence among the Royalty.

Hyuk Jae bit his lip and glared angrily at Won Su. "You stink! When you get to Sun Ki's house, TAKE A SHOWER!" he shouted and crossed his arms.

Won Su smirked and just shrugged it off. They finally arrived at Sun Ki's house. Ji Hyuk got carsick and he got out of the car in a flash. He hated the air in the car. Which is why he owned a car with a convertible top. He took in the fresh air and sighed.

Won Su walked through the gate that separated the road from his mansion. Sun Ki, who was still reading a book, walked into his house and through the living room.

A man came and asked Sun Ki what he and his friends wanted to eat. "They are going to swim first," he replied not even bothering to look at the man. "While they are swimming I want the chef to make everything on today's menu." and with that he led his friends into the pool house.

Yun San pulled on Min Ji's arm and led him to the pool. Min Ji blushed lightly while Yoon ah grimaced at the sight of Yun San hogging Min Ji to herself.

Min yoo followed the royalty into the pool house. "Ah, I don't have any bathing suit!" she frowned.

"Who needs a bathing suit?" Hee Jin grinned. "Just swim naked!" he laughed and took off his clothes and ran into the pool. "WOOO HOO!" Hee Jin said in a high-pitched squeal.

"What the hell was that?" Mi ra frowned. She was a total observer and she always noticed things.

"What the hell was what?" Hee Jin's head popped out of the water and piped in cheerfully. Mi ra shook her head. "I thought I just heard a dolphin... that's all..." she closed her eyes.

"Okay then!" Hee Jin smiled and dove back down into the water. "WHEEEE!" he squeaked again.

Mi ra looked up. "OMO!" she pointed at Hee Jin. "DOL-PHIN!" she gasped.
Ji Hyuk ruffled Mi ra's hair from behind. "Hee Jin sounds like a dolphin?" he asked. "No he doesn't-"

Mi ra retaliated quickly. "Maybe you have too much earwax in your ears, Ji Hyuk! In case you haven't heard, THAT'S what DOLPHINS sound like!" she snorted.

Ji Hyuk made a sour face and backed away from Mi ra. She's definitely one dangerous girl.

Min yoo couldn't help but giggle. "Hee Jin did sound like a dolphin!" she laughed. Mi ra pointed at Min yoo. "See? She agrees with me!" she pointed out. "You're such a big dummy, with no life!" she added.

Ji Hyuk frowned. "So you agree with Mi ra because she's a girl right?" he looked at Min yoo.

Min yoo shook her head. "Nope! I agreed with Mi ra because it's true!" she exclaimed. The three people laughed. Hee Jin really did sound like a dolphin, it was only funny because it was Hee Jin.

"What's so funny?" Hee Jin's head popped out the water again. He brushed the hair that was stuck to his face and blocking his view. "Why were you guys laughing?" he asked.

Mi ra and Min yoo shook their heads. "We weren't laughing!" they said in a dead serious tone of voice.

Hee Jin cocked a brow. Was he hearing thing? oh well! He swam around for a while, before everyone changed into their bathing suits except for Min yoo and Min Ji.

Sun Ki looked up from his book. "I have extra bathing suits." he muttered. "Just go look in the bathing suit department inside the house." he added.

Min Ji and Min yoo's mouthed dropped open. They were thinking the exact same thing 'DEPARTMENT?!' Ji Hyuk found their expression amusing. He smiled as he thought of something to do to Min Ji with his mouth open. Ji Hyuk looked at the m&m he had in his hand and he threw it at Min Ji.

As you should all know, Ji Hyuk was the captain of So Nyeo high's basketball team. The m&m was shot straight into Min Ji's mouth.

Min Ji winced as the m&m hit his sensitive teeth. "AHH!" he screamed. Na Rin rolled up the magazine she was reading and whacked Ji Hyuk on the head. Min Ji and Min yoo sneaked away into the bathing suit department without anyone noticing.

"Ow..." Ji Hyuk rubbed the spot Na Rin hit him. He pointed at Won Su who was busy taking a tan. "He told me to throw it!" he lied.

Won Su's ears perked up, and he took his sunglasses off. "Yah!" he pointed at Ji Hyuk. "BULLSH-"

"Censored!" Hee Jin shouted when his head popped out of the water and he dove back down into the water again.

"Na rin!" Won Su shouted at the girl with the magazine in her hand. "Don't believe anything Ji Hyuk says! He fu-"

"Censored!" Hee Jin shouted when he popped up again.

Won Su still continued. "-ing lies every single fu-"


"-ing- day!" Won Su snapped. "Every single God-"


"-mn day!" he finished. "Man! You can get so-"

"CENSORED!" Hee Jin's head popped out of the water once more.

Won Su turned to Hee Jin with an Omo-you-are-so-freakishly-stupid look in his eyes. "Just for your information, I haven't said anything bad yet! and I wasn't even going to swear!" he scoffed.

Hee Jin let out a high pitched giggle similar to a dolphin's. Everyone froze at the shrill sound that came out of Hee Jin's small mouth. Sun Ki, who was on the beach chair reading a book, looked up and made a funny look at Hee Jin.

Mi ra, who had just put on sunscreen, was about to jump into the pool but stopped when she heard Hee Jin.

Na rin, who took a sip of fruit punch spewed it out when she thought she heard a dolphin. She looked at Hee Jin suspiciously.

Ji Hyuk and Won su were bickering about Hamtaro being a boy or a girl. They stopped to look at the cackling Hee Jin.

Yoon ah and Yeseul who were fixing their hair were alarmed at the sound and they immediately turned to Hee Jin.

Hyuk Jin who had just put on his sunglasses took them off and stared at Hee Jin. We all knew what he was thinking... 'Not sexy...'

Yun San shifted uncontrollably on her chair. It was obvious that Hee Jin's dolphin laugh made her feel uneasy.
As for Han Sarang, Eun Chan, and Hyuk Jae... They were busy doing homework. They care about their grades a lot and they usually would ignore the sounds around them... But, the dolphin sound was just too... freaky...

Everyone stared at Hee Jin for a long time. Hee Jin still kept laughing with his eyes closed shut, unaware that he was being watched by everyone in the pool house.

Min Ji and Min yoo came back into the pool house with bathing suits on. They talked to each other a bit while walking but then stopped when they saw everyone looking at Hee Jin.

Everyone's gaze slowly shifted to Min yoo and Min Ji as they entered into the pool house. Min yoo and Min Ji exchanged weird glances and looked at everyone else.


Then Min yoo and Min Ji noticed that annoying squeaky sound and found that it was coming from Hee Jin. Everyone looked at Hee Jin again. Hee Jin still kept laughing and laughing. He finally stopped when a few tear drops came out from his eyes. "Aha.. that was funny!" he wiped a tear from his eye.

Hee Jin open his eyes to see that everyone's eyes were on him. Hee Jin looked around innocently. "Was it something I said?" he asked.

Everyone shook their heads. "No, no.... it's something... we heard..." everyone shuddered at the last part.

Hee Jin smiled sheepishly. "Okay! I believe you guys!" he smiled and splashed water with his feet.

Mi ra shook her head trying to get the dolphin sound out of her head. She sighed and glanced over at Hyuk Jae. She smirked evilly knowing that Hyuk Jae had a little crush on her. Mi ra walked over to Hyuk Jae and pulled on his arm. "Hyuk Jae!" she frowned. "Can you come with me for a bit?" she asked.

Hyuk Jae cocked a brow. "Okay?" he shrugged and stood up. Mi ra walked him over to the pool side and pulled Hyuk Jae into the water.

"AHHH!" Hyuk Jae panicked trying to keep himself afloat. He desperately looked at Mi ra for help but she kept laughing and laughing at the poor boy.

Hyuk Jae closed his eyes as he coughed up and sucked in the horrible taste of pool water. He knew it was the end... and no one cared. He could hear someone calling to him but couldn't make out who was calling him.

"HYUK JAE!" The voice shouted. Hyuk Jae could feel someone pull his head from under the water and back to the surface.

Hyuk Jae opened his eyes and took a breath of fresh air. He could see Hyuk Jin and Mi ra standing next to him in the water. Remember... they were standing. Hyuk Jin winced at the sight of Hyuk Jae with red eyes.

"You idiot!" Mi ra splashed water at Hyuk Jae's head. "I pushed you into shallow water! Do you have any idea how deep the water is?" she snorted. "The water is only 4 feet deep!"

Hyuk Jae looked down and saw that he was bending his knees so that he couldn't stand anymore. He stood on his two feet again and found that the water only reached up to his stomach.

Hyuk Jae smiled sheepishly at Hyuk Jin. Hyuk Jin shook his head. "Not sexy..." he muttered and swam to Hee Jin.

Mi ra shook her head with a 'tsk' and joined the other two boys. They started splashing water at each other and played *Dolphins*. According to Hee Jin, he was the dolphin pod leader.

Min yoo and Min Ji grinned at each other and jumped into the pool. They made a big splash. Hyuk Jin moaned as the water wet his hair.

He closed his eyes and shook his head slowly and leaned his head back to get some of the water off his hair. Hyuk Jin open his eyes and glared hole through Min Ji and Min yoo. "THAT WAS NOT SEXY!" he shouted.

Min yoo backed away from Hyuk Jin while Min Ji just chuckled and swam into the 11 feet section of the pool. Hee Jin patted Min yoo's back and smiled.

"Don't worry!" Hee Jin said as if he was reading Min yoo's mind. "You see Hyuk Jin's moobs?" he pointed accurately at Hyuk Jin's chest.

Min yoo squinted her eyes and nodded. Hee Jin smiled. "Well, when his chest sticks out more than usual like how it is now, it means that he's on his period." he exclaimed. "You know how people act like when they are on their period right? They get mood swings and act bitchy!" he patted Min yoo's back again.

Min yoo giggled. Hee Jin dove down underneath the water and popped up where Mi ra and Min Ji were at. "TA DAH!" Hee Jin splashed water at the two.

"HEE JIN!" Min Ji and Mi ra shouted. "Tihihihi hee!" Hee Jin swam away laughing like a dolphin. Everyone froze. No one ever got used to it yet.

Eun Chan, Na rin, and Yun San were sitting down by the poolside with their feets in the water. Won Su and Ji Hyuk were talking about ways to annoy Yun San and the other two girls.

Won Su cleared his throat and started talking loudly to Ji Hyuk. "Yah, Ji Hyuk! Did you know if you weigh more than 200 pounds, you're going to die?"

Ji Hyuk pretended to be shocked. "Really, Won Su?" he forced out a gasp. "I did not know that!"

"It's true!" Won Su nodded his head. "I can prove it to you! look!" he turned his head to face the three girls who looked back at their stupid conversation. "Yah, Na rin!" he shouted.

"What?" she sneered. Her hazel eyes flared with annoyance. Won Su smirked. "How much do you weigh?" he asked.

"forty-five kilograms..." she replied. "What's your point?" she asked. Won Su scratched his head. "Oh, If you weigh more than two hundred pounds, you're going to die!" he exclaimed.

Na Rin rolled her eyes. "But I already told you how much I weigh! I weigh much less than two hundred pounds!" she exchanged glances with Yun San and Eun Chan.

Won Su rubbed his nose and continued on. "Oh... If you weigh like... hundred something pounds... you're not going to die..." he muttered.

"And?" all three girls asked.

"and..." Won Su couldn't think of anything else so he pointed at Ji Hyuk. "This guy says he's three hundred something pounds!" he shouted.

Na rin, Eun Chan, and Yun San froze and they slowly turned back around so that the two boys were out of their sight. "That... was weird..." Yun San said finally.

"That's because they're weird..." Eun Chan added.

Sun Ki closed his book as the chef and his assistants came with the food. "The food is here..." he said.

Everyone turned to Sun Ki attentively when they heard the word 'food'. Mi ra, Min yoo, and Min Ji got out of the pool and ran to the chicken nuggets. Everyone else except for Hee Jin and Hyuk Jin got to the food. Most of them took chicken nuggets until only one remained.

Hee Jin and Hyuk Jin looked at each other and then looked at the tray that had the last chicken nugget left. "AHHH!" They both screamed and swam their fastest to dry land.

Knowing Hee Jin was the "dolphin boy" he obviously got to dry land first. But, knowing that Hyuk Jin ran fast, as soon as Hyuk Jin got to dry land, he ran to the tray and got to the chicken nugget first.

Both Hyuk Jin and Hee Jin's hands were on the last piece of chicken. Hee Jin eyed Hyuk Jin. "Yah!" he shouted. "This is MY chicken!"

"NO!" Hyuk Jin shouted back in defense. "I got here first-"

"I touched it first!" Hee Jin was quick to reply. Eun Chan happened to see what they were fighting about and rolled her eyes at the two idiots. "There's more chicken nuggets over there!" she pointed at the other end of the pool house.

"But I want this one!" Hee Jin whined. "NO!" Hyuk Jin shouted. "I want this one!" he stated. "It looks like Hamtaro... It even resembles Ham taro’s eyes!" he pointed at the top part of the chicken nugget and giggled.

"No!" Hee Jin roared. "It's a dolphin!" he exclaimed. "You can see it's dorsal fin right there, see?" he pointed at the pointy part of the chicken nugget.

Mi ra joined Eun Chan. She rolled her eyes and nudged Eun Chan gently by the shoulder. She signaled Eun Chan that Mi ra would be taking it from that point.

Eun Chan nodded. "I'm expecting that you'll be taking over from here." she smiled and joined Yun San, Na Rin, Yeseul, Han Sarang, and Yoon ah by the poolside.

Mi ra rolled her eyes and scanned the situation she had to deal with. She was thinking of how to make them stop fighting over the chicken. The light bulb over Mi ra's head just went 'ding!' and her face lit up with delight.

"I'm going to tell you guys something!" she said warning them that she was about to say something.

"Give me the chicken!" Hee Jin said ignoring Mi ra's comment.

"I'm going to say it now!" she tried one more time to get their attention.

"Give me the chicken!" Hyuk Jin said ignoring Mi ra's other comment.

"Are you guys ready???" she asked.

"GIVE ME THE CHICKEN!" Both boys shouted still ignoring Mi ra.

Mi ra grinned evilly. "My crap smells like chicken!" she said in a normal voice. Hyuk Jin and Hee Jin stopped struggling over the chicken and they looked at each other with wide eyes. They looked at Mi ra, then at the chicken, and back at each other again.

"AHHH!" They screamed and flew the chicken at the water. The girls who were sitting by the poolside screamed as the chicken flew over their precious little heads. Sun Ki growled when he saw that the chicken was obviously going to fly right into the water. Ji Hyuk, Min Ji, and Hyuk Jae who were playing a card game stood up and watched the chicken fly.

"Fly chicken, fly!" Hyuk Jae pointed at the chicken and followed it with his finger. Everyone held their breath. They knew exactly where the chicken was going to land.

The outcome was going to be horrendous. They all watched in horror as the chicken nugget flew up, up, up, and down, down, down. Won Su, who was wearing sunglasses on a bed float that was on the water, was sleeping on it; not aware that the chicken that was flying right at him.

"WON SU!" Everyone stood up and shouted trying to get Won Su to move before it was too late. Won Su took off his sunglasses and gasped. "AH-"


The chicken hit the top of his forehead and he flipped over and fell into the water below. There was a lot of splashing and shrieks.

Everyone's jaws dropped open. They saw the struggling Won Su spinning around in the water as if he were drowning.

Won Su finally stopped splashing water and he swam slowly to everyone with the piece of wet chicken nugget in his hand. He stood up in front of Hee Jin and Hyuk Jin and held the chicken nugget up at their faces. His gave a glare that said What-the-hell-was-this-doing-flying-around-and-landing-on-my-face look.

Hee Jin pretended to look away and Hyuk Jin was trying to look innocent. Mi ra who was examining Won Su's facial expression, noticed something unusual. She couldn't believe she hadn't noticed before.

"Yah!" she shouted happily pointing at the now soggy, chicken nugget. "It does look like Hamtaro's chubby cheeks!"

"SEE!" Hyuk Jin turned quickly to Hee Jin and pointing a finger at his face. "I told you it looks like Hamtaro's cheeks!" he laughed.

Hee Jin shook his head. "Nu-uh!" he objected. "You said that it resembles Hamtaro's eyes! not cheeks!"

Hyuk Jin scoffed. "Cheeks! Eyes! That doesn't matter!" he shrugged. "It's Hamtaro that really counts!"

Mi ra gasped. "OMO!" she squealed. "Now I can see the dorsal fin!" she exclaimed with a little jump.

"HAH!" Hee Jin pointed at Hyuk Jin. "I TOLD YOU THAT THERE WAS A DORSAL FIN!"

Won Su felt pathetic right now. There he was, holding a piece of soggy chicken nugget the resembled Hamtaro's cheeks and had its very own dorsal fin, while a crazy girl was busy admiring the chicken nugget's features, AND the two stupid idiots that started this whole chicken thing.

"YAH!" He shouted trying to get their attention. Hyuk Jin and Hee Jin stood up in attention. All the three boys looked at Mi ra who was still admiring the chicken nugget.

Won Su rolled his eyes and casually asked Mi ra. "Do you want it?" he offered.

Mi ra's eyes widened. "Me? REALLY? I can have it?" she asked and looked up at Won Su with sparkling eyes.

Won Su shrugged. "Sure." he replied. Mi ra took the chicken carefully and looked at it. She frowned. "Do you take me as some kind of idiot?!" she shouted angrily.

She took the chicken and smacked Won Su across the face with it. Hyuk Jin and Hee Jin brought their hands up to their mouths. The two boys gasped. "Yah!" Hee Jin spoke up. "Don't hit him with a chicken!" he said trembling.

Mi ra shook her head. "He should know that I was only pretending. I'm not that stupid!" she scoffed and kicked Won Su's stiff, limb, body once more. Won Su winced at the pain. Mi ra shook her head. "You big dummy..." she muttered.

Hyuk Jin and Hee Jin took a step back and gasped. Won Su suddenly opened his eyes widely and stood up. "Oh no she didn't!" he shouted

"Apparently, I did!" Mi ra crossed her arms. They stood looking at each other face to face... well.. err, actually face to chest. Mi ra's head only reached up to Won Su's chest. She was tiny compared to Won Su!

Sun Ki groaned and closed his book. "Yah, yah!" he shouted. "Everyone just shut up and eat before the food gets cold!" and he sat down again.

Mi ra and Won Su eyed each other carefully. Mi ra huffed and turned away and stomped to the girls who were at the poolside.

Won Su goy flipped his hair and stormed back to his friends. Ji Hyuk shook his head. "We shouldn't annoy Mi ra anymore... It's kinda getting scary..." he shuddered.

"Tell me about it!" Hyuk Jae shook his head. "Dangerous one, that girl!"

"I know, right?" Hee Jin piped in. "Out of sight, out of mind you know?"

The boys all sighed and drank from the cups that the butler gave them. Meanwhile, the girls were having their own conversation.

Min yoo looked around innocently. "Does this happen all-the-time?" she asked.

"Pretty much, yeah..." The girls replied with a sigh. Eun Chan turned to Min yoo. "Hanging with the Gods, is like hearing that same, annoying buzzing sound in your right ear over and over again!" she exclaimed.

Han Sarang crossed her arms. "At least you're not going out with one of those idiots!" she said giving a look at Hyuk Jin. "Watch this." she said and walked up to Hyuk Jin.

"Yah, HYUK JIN!" she shouted and smacked him on the stomach. "OUCH!" Hyuk Jin looked down at his stomach and then looked back up at Han Sarang angrily. Then he shrugged. "At least you only hit me on the fat part!" he laughed sheepishly.

Han Sarang gave a look at the girls that said I-told-you-he-was-an-idiot. Han Sarang walked back to where the girls were sitting and sighed. "Well, whatever... at least he's sexy-"

"AHAHA SEXY! AHAHA!" Hyuk Jin laughed along with the other boys. The girls looked back to see that they were laughing and rolling around for absolutely no reason.

Eun Chan shook her head. "Tsk, tsk... they are real idiots..." she muttered and cupped her hands around her mouth.”You guys suck!" she shouted

"We know..." the boys muttered sadly. Yun San patted Eun Chan's back. "They already know, Eun Chan... They already know..." she nodded her head.

While the guys getting to know Min Ji and the girls getting to know Min yoo, they all decided to come together as the entire royalty again.

Sun Ki closed his book. "So are we going to tell them or not?" he groaned. Ji Hyuk shrugged. "I don't know! should we?" he wiggled his eyebrows.

Min yoo and Min Ji looked at each other confusingly. Yun San laughed and put an arm around Min Ji and Min yoo. "We actually have something to say to you guys!" she smiled.

Everyone gathered around the innocent siblings. Min Ji and Min yoo started to feel uncomfortable. Hee Jin popped up in front of the two and grinned widely while making a dolphin squeal. "CONGRATULATIONS!" he squeaked. "Welcome to the Royalty!"

Min Ji smiled and hugged Hee Jin. "WOO HOO!" he shouted and started jumping around.
Hee Jin joined him and then the two boys started to squeal. Min Ji then turned around to see Won Su and the rest of the guys with their arms crossed.

Min Ji scratched his head and cleared his throat. "It's all cool, man..." he said coolly. Won Su smirked and laughed. He gave a high-five to Min Ji and they both hugged (in a guy way).

"So are you guys in?" Hyuk Jae asked and looked at Min Ji and Min yoo with puppy eyes. Min Ji grabbed Hyuk Jae by the shoulders and shook him violently. "Hell yeah!" he shouted.

Everyone cheered and then looked at Min yoo expecting a 'yes' to come out of her mouth.
They all smiled at her. Han Sarang grinned. "Well?" she asked. "Is it a yes?"

Min yoo gave off a blank stare and looked up smiling. Everyone had though that by doing this; she meant that she would want to join the royalty more than anything else but... Min yoo still didn't give an answer.

Ji Hyuk cocked a brow. "Min yoo, say something! Are you in?" he asked.

Min yoo simply smiled and looked up at them.
