Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ If it kills me ❯ Preface ( Chapter 1 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Kill or be killed.
That's what my instincts are telling me right now.
They say bad things happen for a reason. And this…this is the result of my forbidden actions.
I should have done what I was born to do…what I was made to do.
I struggled to catch my breath as I tried to anticipate my opponent's next move.
I analyzed the structure of this old storage building. The open areas are too wide - it would give me too much exposure. A cargo box was sitting near my left side. I took a chance and ran swiftly behind it.
Damn. My left rib hurt as I panted. Judging on my wounds, I'm pretty sure I don't have enough time.
I searched the building for my opponent.
Where is he?!
I didn't like the feeling of not being able to see my attacker.
I'm good at this. I'm supposed to predict my enemy's next move.
And just like that, I felt a surge of loss hit me.
A pair of crystal blue eyes caught my attention. Her eyes were neither bright nor dull - it was empty. It was lifeless.
It can't be. I failed her. Damn!
I mustered all my strength and lunged at my opponent as I sensed him lurk behind me.
Kill or be killed.