Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Kitsune Koden ❯ The Legend Begin ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

(Authors notes: Just R&R please. If I don't get any I won't know what to do next! So send them to me. No flames ether. Well you can but ill just use them to heat my cold house.)
Kitsune no Koden

Bundan Ichi

Beginning of the Legend
"Uggh, w-where am I?" asked a boy as he sat up. His hair was a snowy white color. His eyes were obsidian black and he wore a button up white shirt with fitting white pants. If you looked closely you could tell he had no "Human" ears. Instead a pair of Snow white fox ears sat on top of his head and wiggled. He had a snow white fox tail. He also had on white shoes. His skin was pail. The only black thing he had were his eyes.

He turned his head and looked a puddle. He saw his ears and then his eyes widened. "HOLY CRAP!" he shouted as he stood up quickly and pointed at the puddle.

"What the hell!?" he shouted as he touched his ears. He then reached behind him and felt his tail. That's when he froze and then turned his head the best he could. "Ok ok I need to wake up and returned to my..." that's when all the images of his family being killed entered into his head.

"T-that had to be a dream." He muttered.

Soon however he fell to his knees. "It just had to be. It had to be a dream! It would never happen Not in a million years!" he was shouting again. Some where in side him however he knew it was true.

He stood up and then wiped off the stray tears the fell from his eyes.

"Ill need to figure out where I am first" that's when he took in the area around him. It was like a sewer and a dungeon combined. It had high brick walls but had pipes that leaked water in them.

He had three different door ways he could take. One of Darkness, One of Light, and one of the in between.

He looked in one door way and saw nothing but blackness. Then he looked in the other door way and could see nothing but light. And the last door way was just a long dim tunnel.

The white haired fox teenager sighed. What was he going to do? He could take the path of light that may lead him out side. Or he could take the path of darkness that may take him deeper into this place. Or he could take the dimmed tunnel. He shrugged.

"Oh well" he then picked the middle path. The long Dim tunnel. As he walked he could hear constant dripping that annoyed the crap out of him. He also had to make sure to watch his step. He had almost tripped a few times and sense his clothing was all white; the water would probably stain them. And he wanted to look not like a slob.

After what seemed like an eternity(but was actually only about thirty minutes) he came to the end of the tunnel. At the end was a gigantic wooden door. It had to be as tall as a 10 or 15 story building. The handle to open the huge door was gigantic. Almost as big as he himself was.

The door was open though. Some one had been big and strong enough to pull the door open. That in its self was a great feet He thought as he walked threw the door way. In it the room was just as tall as the door was. But the room's length was unbelievable. It had to be at least 400 or 500 feet wide.

What amazed him the most was the piles and piles of rolled up white parchment. They were scrolls he concluded. They were even arranged by that was on them. He noticed the kanji's that were above each section of scrolls.

They ranged from Math, to Cooking, from swordsman ship to kung fu. Their were tons of them. He looked around and concluded there were at least a million scrolls there if not more. He knew he'd never be able to read them all.

"Well just great. How am I going to find a way outta this place?" he asked to no one in particular. He turned and just then he saw something he hadn't seen when he entered the room. A lone scroll all by its self. There was no sign over it so he had no way of knowing what it is.

"Well guess I better get started." he said as he walked over to the scroll and picked it up. He eyed it for a few moments before he plopped down right were he was and then undid the scroll.

As he read it he began to understand what happened....only a little though.

Dear Kojima, Makoto

If you are reading this then
I assume that you survived your wounds. Now before you draw any conclusions of where you are just hear me out. You are probably trapped in side your head. I had to put you into a coma like state before I could heal you.

"...so this is what my mind is." The teenager now known as Makoto said looking up from the scroll and looking around. “I must have a very messed up mind for my mind to be like this” he said. He then turned his attention back to the scroll.

”You were however too deep in death for me to properly heal you. So I did the one thing I could do to save your life.....I gave you my power. This is why you have a pair of fox ears and a fox tail.”

“Oh great I get this gift from some creature” Said Makoto. He sighed and then continued to read the scroll.

”Before I go into anything further. Ill tell you who I am. I am the great Kyuubi no Yokai. The keeper of legends, the greatest demon of lore. Despite what the legends may say I am actually not as evil as people take me to be.”

“Well at least I got some power out of the....”Makoto shook his head. “Never mind.” He then began to read on.

”I shall continue. In order to save your life I had to give you my powers. With this I used the very last bit of my powers to heal your wounds so that you wouldn't die right then an their. Now sense you have my powers. You also get the ability to call upon all of my tails. There are a total of 8 total transformations you can call upon. There is no real name of the transformation. But anyways on to what they are. There is one transformation for each element (oh and I know Neutral isn't an element but I don't know what else to call your normal form). Neutral, Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Lighting, Light and Darkness. “

“With each Transformation you get new powers. Your normal form is what you look like now. In this form your sense's are heightened to that of a foxes.
You're seeing range is increased. Your hearing is increased. Smelling is also increased. You also have the agility of a fox. Being able to move fast without or with very little sound. This form is always on in less your in any of the other 8 forms. “

“The second transformation is Fire. In this form your tail hair and ears turns red and the tip of your tail has a little flame on it. This form allowed you to control the element of fire and with stand its heat at any temperature.”

“The third transformation is Water. In this form your tail, hair and ears became blue, the tip of your tail becomes a little water drop. This allows you to doge just about any physical attack. Because it in ables you to separate your molecules and then re-form them together.”

“The fourth transformation is Earth. In this form your tail, hair and ears become brown and the tip of your tail becomes that of a rock. In this form your strength increased 10 times then normal.
You could probably demolish a 2 story brick building down with one punch.”

“The fifth transformation is Wind. In this form your
tail, hair and ears becomes Gray and the tip becomes a small swirl of wind. This allows you to fly and you became more agile then your normal form. However you can only fly as fast as the wind will move you.”

“The sixth transformation is
lighting. In this form your tail, hair and ears become blond and the tip has a lighting bolt. You are able to become a lighting bolt and move as fast as light can but it only works in short moderations.”

“The seventh transformation is Light. In this form your tail, hair and ears became a green color. You posses the ability of to heal anybody of any wound. However you can not stop somebody already deep in the depths of death without killing

“The Eighth and last
transformation is Darkness, in this form your tail, hair and ears become pitch black and you have the ability to take the life of any one you wish just by touching them. However, some people have the ability to resist this ability. So be careful with this form.”

“I have sealed all of the forms so you can not access them tell you are ready for them. Do NOT try and force them open ether. You'll probably kill your self in the process. Just train your mind and your body. You will know when one of the seals opens. When it does. Make sure you train your self in it.”

“This is all
I've got to say. Good Luck on your adventure kit. Make sure you have a big family to pass on my Genes for me!”

Makoto stood there re reading the scroll over and over again. He also pinched him self a few times to make sure he wasn't dreaming. “Geez he didn't even tell me how to get out of this place!” Makoto then looked down again and saw something there.

“PS: To get out of your mind you just need to meditate a bit. Use your Sixth sense to find the path out of this place using the holes that are left in any person's soul. To get back in just look for another one of the holes with your Sixth Sense.”

Makoto sighed. “Well damn it I hate meditating. But geez” He rolled the scroll up and set it down where he found it. He then closed his eyes and got into a meditation stance. He then began to search threw out his soul for those holes the damn demon spoke of.

After what felt like to be an eternity Makoto found a hole. He quickly sent his mind threw the hole. Back into reality.