Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Kuroi Tamashii Kodomo/Black Soul Child ❯ Wildheart's Awakening ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

As the two reached the elementary school they saw a single young, but very small child swinging at the swing set by herself. “Anne, time to go.” Justin called her over seeing that she was by herself. “Coming brother.” Anne jumped off the swing then ran to her older brother's side. Anne was about the size of Justin's leg, having soft blonde hair, golden orange eyes, and was wearing a junior sized uniform.
“You know Justin, you're very handsome and your sister's just so adorable.” Megan said as she smiled holding Anne's small left hand while Justin held the right, walking home together. “Yeah…” Justin murmured quietly under his breath starting to blush some. Anne looked at her brother's face then giggled cutely at him.
Later that night around 11:30, Justin was half asleep on his sofa having been watching different thing on the television he had. Anne was already fast asleep while Justin was restless as he usually was, for he always thought over the death of his parents; that happened to be in a strange incident that no one could explain.
“Justin… Justin,” A mysterious voice called out to him, as he was about to fall asleep. “Who's there… Who are you?” Justin looked around slowly speaking very faintly then he laid his head down then drifted off into a deep sleep. Soon Justin found himself surrounded by the black void of his dream and then an autumn forest appeared. He could hear leaves crunching as someone or something was approaching.
“Who's there?” Justin shouted as he searched around the trees and area frantically. “Justin Shikyo, I am your Genii.” An animal's voice spoke to him. “Gen-what?” Justin blinked confusedly seeing nothing but trees and falling leaves. “Genii, your guardian spirit.” A mysterious wolf said revealing himself appearing as a black wolf with hardened lava for fur that appeared to still be active. It's fangs and claws were a dominant yellow color while its eyes were an orange nova color and had a jet-black mane of fur.
“Those eyes they're the same as mines when I get angry.” Justin realized as he gazed into the strong wolf's eyes. “Yes that is our combined resolve or what you call the will of fire.” The wolf returned his answer then approached him. “Tell me spirit, what name do you go by?” He'd question the wolf as he slowly reached out to pet his guardian. “Wildheart,” The wolf replied calmly as he let Justin touch his hardened skin and his jet-black mane.
“Wildheart…” Justin whispered to himself in amazement then rubbed Wildheart's head. Suddenly Justin woke up and he noticed the apartment was burning. “Fire?! Anne! Anne!” Justin shouted as he jumped off the couch and looked around seeing noting but fire and smoke.
“Justin, quick! The window!” Wildheart's voice echoed into Justin's mind. Justin was gagging; looking around for an escape route. “We're too high up!” Justin yelled as he made his way towards the window to look out of it. “Just trust me,” Said his guardian brimming with confidence in his survival. Justin nodded then kicked out the glass in the window then dove out right as the apartment exploded. As he fell down three stories below, he somehow managed to flip in mid-air and landed on his feet on ground below without hurting a muscle.
“Whoa, how did I do that?” Justin looked impressed then looked back up towards the burning apartment. Suddenly a hoard of soldiers covered in all black body armor with the four symbols “SBAD” on their chest plate tags, surrounded him with fully loaded automatic assault rifles and sub-machine guns.
“What's going on? Where are Anne and Megan?” Justin roared at them in anger as he swung his arm to the side. “Let me handle this boys.” An armored down Kato came from within the line, pulling off his protection helmet revealing his young face with his spiky red hair and green eyes, surrounded by a pair of reading specs. “Kato sir, this one's too dangerous to take alone.” One of his subordinates tried to warn him as he stepped in his way.
“His so called Genii hasn't awakened yet, this'll only take two minutes.” Kato replied to the soldier as he tightened his black leather gloves with iron plated knuckle ends to them. “yes sir,” The soldier dropped back into the line formation without further question. “Who are you and what the hell is going on here!?” Justin cried in rage as his eyes burned once more with determination becoming the orange nova color yet again. “Only his eyes have been empowered by the Genii, interesting.” Kato analyzed Justin from his own perception noticing the change of color from the boy's eyes.
“Well answer me already!” Justin exclaimed furiously. “I am Kato Shinosuke, of the Second Black Arms Division, and sadly I've been ordered to capture you, your sister, and your friend.” Kato explained as he pushed his specs closer on to his face. “Where are they?” Justin yelled growing angrier by the moment. “Sadly, I'll have to bring you with us, but don't worry, you'll see them soon.” Kato said as he dropped his standard-issue handgun and put up his fists.
“I don't know if I can win with odds like this.” Justin gulped at the thought then he brought up his fighting stance. “Justin Arashi Shikyo, second degree black belt in the style of Shihai-Tekina Ryu.” Kato grinned already knowing of his rank and style then charged him on in a full burst of momentum making across the ground with only seconds for a counterattack to be made.
Justin used that timing to bring up his arm while shielding against a hard side kick coming from Kato's left leg and foot. “He's fast,” The two thought at the exact same moment. Justin pulled into a hard turning sweep kick trying to coup de grace Kato. Kato quickly jumped over the boy's leg, moving in closer and kicked his chest while still in mid-air. Justin slid backwards almost being knocked off his feet. He then held his chest wheezing in pain.
“What's the matter, need a break already?” Kato taunted him with a superior-induced laugh. “It's not over…!” Justin panted then unclenched his chest and retook his stance still wheezing a bit. “I'll give him credit, after that kick using energy to cause damage to his lungs, this will be fun.” Kato began to smirk after the thought ran through his mind and he stood his ground. “This guy must have trained far longer than I have… This is ridiculous,” Justin, thought nervously as he was wincing from the pain he felt trying his hardest to catch his breath.
“Guess I'll end this with my next move, look sharp boy.” Kato gave a sharp smug look then he began waving his arms in opposite circles as energy came about and then dissipated as he returned to his ready stance. “What is he going to do?” Justin watched trying to anticipate how to block his next attack.
“Get Ready!” Kato warned him as he shot towards Justin moving too fast for even Justin's eyes to track. Justin put his guard up high not sure where he was going to strike. Within an instance a loud crunching and whirring could be heard as Kato's fist impacted with Justin's stomach going right under his guard.
“Anne… Megan… I…” Justin looked to Kato as his vision began to blur and he slowly fell backwards and passed out after getting a last glance of Kato's face. “Job's done, take em' boys.” Kato grinned as he kicked up his handgun off the ground and up into his hand skillfully. He looked back as he put his gun in its holster. “That was interesting, but still you were no match for me.” Kato shook his head slowly as his men picked up Justin then carried him and placed him inside an armored vehicle.