Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Kuroi Tamashii Kodomo/Black Soul Child ❯ The Wolf, The Fox, and The Angel ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Justin slowly woke up feeling a bit groggy while his vision was still blurred. “Where am I?” He thought to himself. He glanced towards Megan and Anne who were on tables in a circle around his. Though they were unconscious they were still breathing while being strapped down. Justin a bit more relaxed to see them okay, went back to sleep closing his eyes.
Megan looked around being in a void of darkness in her dream and all of a sudden she could see herself in a forest full of sakura trees and the petals fell like snow all around her. “What is this place?” Megan gazed around holding on to her arm nervously. She gazed to the night sky seeing the full moon that was up high. “This is your sanctuary inside your heart.” The voice of a woman said to her from the distance. “Who's there?” Megan shrieked growing nervous as her knees began to shake.
“Don't worry child, I'm not here to hurt you.” The voice came closer as a four-legged animal's shadow could be seen coming towards her. The animal revealed itself being a red fox with paws of stone and having rocky shoulder blades coming from its shoulders. “Wait, you're a fox, but your feet and shoulders are covered by rocks.” Megan pointed out as she looked at the strange but beautiful creature.
“I am a Genii, your guardian spirit. My name is Igneous.” Igneous introduced herself as she came up to Megan and nuzzled her head into her leg. “Igneous, are they're other Genii besides you?” Megan pondered as she knelt down and scratched behind the vixen's ears. “Yes, there are many Genii besides I, your two friends Justin and his sister both have Genii as well.” Igneous told her as she sat on her hind legs.
“Igneous…” Megan said softly starting to smile. “Megan Kurosama, its time for you to awaken your power.” Igneous spoke softly just before fading away from her sight and she returned to consciousness. As Megan had awakened she saw that Justin and Anne had managed to free themselves from their confinement. “You alright Megan?” Justin asked as he ripped the straps off clean from over Megan's body freeing her. “Yes… I am fine.” She smiled contently as she was helped off the table then stood up. “Brother, how do we get out of here?” Anne asked as she looked around the expansive white room that seemed to have no doors what so ever.
“I guess we'll blast our way out of here.” Justin said as he held his arm out straight then it began to transform becoming incased in hardened magma and the lava inside of it glowed bright yellow and his nails became ebony claws of hardened rock. “Justin your arm!” Megan looked shock not understanding how his arm changed all of a sudden. “Did you see it too?” Anne came beside Megan tugging on her skirt. “See what? Oh wait! The Genii!” Megan realized it now that they all had special powers that no one else had then she nodded her head.
“Haaaa! Take this!” Justin howled as bright gold flames surged into his fist then he would thrust it forward releasing a concentrated wave of heat and flames and it crashed into the wall from the distance. The wall exploded and shattered open as a veil of light showed an exit from the path he had created with the blast. “Let's move!” Justin took the lead then ran towards the exit. “Let's hurry Megan.” Anne told her as she ran after her brother then blondish gold angelic wings sprouted from her back and she took flight, gliding after her brother.
“But what can I do?” Megan wondered as she ran following the two. As they reached the outside of the holding room they came into what appeared to be a forest like greenhouse. “Another room?!” Justin slid to a stop then looked around the jungle like room. Suddenly drone heads popped out of the ground each having mini machine guns equipped and began cambering rounds at them being at least 10 bullets per second. “Oh no you don't!” Justin quickly slammed his fist into the ground raising the earth around him into a rocky wall letting the bullets hit the rocky mound. “Anne, take care of those drones!” Justin shouted as he took cover with Megan. “Got it!” Anne replied then took flight once more while the drone turrets began to turn and fire at her.
Anne spun, tucked, and swooped under bullets then she would form a bow of light with her energy and fired arrows that pierced into the drone's heads malfunctioning them and causing them to explode. “It's clear!” Anne shouted from the air and flew on ahead. “Justin, what's going on?” Megan grabbed Justin's arm before he could go any further. “I'll explain later, but now we just have to make it out of here alive.” Justin explained then gave her a reassuring smile then held her hand and ran forward.
As the two ran following Anne's trail four more drone turrets appeared, two coming from boulders and two coming from the dirt. “There are more of them!” Anne yelled pointing them out as she took cover in the trees. “I'll take em'!” Justin shouted as he jumped in the air and formed a burning whip of hot magma and then swung and cracked it into the turrets cutting them in half and making them explode. Justin then swung the whip and made it latch on and wrap around a tree branch and swung up landing besides Anne. “Brother, is there even a chance of getting out of this place?” Anne looked worried feeling their struggle to be hopeless.
“Guys you're forgetting me down here!” Megan jumped up and down trying to get their attention. “Oh right sorry Megan.” Justin laughed nervously then jumped down landing in front of Megan. “You guys… How can you use your powers and I can't?” Megan groaned then looked upset. Justin smiled softly then put his hands on her shoulders. “Just believe Megan.” He told her in three simple words. Megan began to blush as she gazed into Justin's stunning nova orange eyes.
“Hey you two! I see a gate over there!” Anne jumped for joy as she pointed out a door in the distance that resembled a large glass automatic gate. “Let's go before something else tries to kill us.” Justin smiled at Megan as he held her hand with his magma-armored hand and somehow it was cool to the touch. “Justin…” Megan whispered softly as she blushed more being taken in by his strong eyes and his kind smile.
The three then ran for the gate in an all out attempt to make an escape but as they ran even more turrets appeared trying to shoot them down, but Justin made speedy swings of his magma armor deflecting bullets from reaching him and Megan, while Anne cleared the path shooting light arrows into the turrets crushing them in her flight path. Before long they made it to the glass gate and the shooting ceased. “Now to open this gate, stand back ladies.” Justin told the girls as he stood out in front cracking his knuckles. The two girls moved clear behind him and then watched.
“Flare Claw!” Justin yelled combining his resolve with Wildheart's being synced then he swung his fist with all his might releasing a heat wave streak formed into a giant claw hand and it crashed into the glass gate full force and caused an explosion. Justin was forced back by the recoil of his attack then smoke poured out from where the blast struck not being able to been seen due to how heavy and dark the smoke was.
“Did it work?” Megan coughed after some of the smoke hit her. “What?!” Justin looked shocked as the smoke cleared and the glass remained shining clear as daylight. “It's heatproof?” Anne blinked looking surprised at how strong the material of the glass was. “Megan… Use your strength.” Igneous's voice rung through Megan's head. “My strength?” Megan thought looking clueless to what she was told. “Yes, you have the strength to crush any obstacle in your path.” Igneous responded to her surprise look. “Justin, let me try.” Megan nodded then came up to the glass gate. “Megan?” Both Justin and Anne watched unaware of what was about to happen.
Megan closed her eyes then focused hard and suddenly her left arm began to become covered in hardened stone and she punched the glass gate with all of her might. With the force of the blow the glass shattered and the wind pushed her back making her stumble as the hit caused a loud sonic boom. Justin and Anne stood their ground nearly being pushed back by the wind then stood at ease as the wind died down.
“I did it?” Megan opened her eyes then looked clueless to how much strength she had then her rocky arm returned to normal back into her soft smooth fleshy skin. “Boy… I guess women do hit harder than men.” Justin laughed nervously as his eye twitched some. “Let's go Megan, the path's open.” Anne went and helped Megan up then dusted her off for her. “It might be dangerous up ahead so you two stay close.” Justin warned them as he took the lead once more and then walked in stepping over the shattered glass. The girls followed in behind him stepping into the unknown.
They appeared in what to be a laboratory chamber now. “Where are we now?” Anne sighed then took a look around. They looked ahead and saw a large computer screen then it suddenly came on and Kato's face could be seen. “It's him!” Justin yelled as he growled at the sight of Kato's face. “Heh, welcome to Germany ladies and gents.” Kato said back over to them. “Germany?” Megan looked shocked to find out she was back in her home country. “You three are skilled to have made it this far… But the Second Black Arms Division is not such a folly itself.” Kato gave a soft grin. “Where are you hiding!” Justin barked back at him. “Hiding? Me? Apparently not, let's see you best our prototype.” Kato gave a devious laugh then the screen turned off and suddenly a pod chamber opened and a strange armored down android appeared having a demonic like appearance under its armor and parts. “What is this?” Anne shrieked then hid behind her brother.
The screen suddenly came back on and a darker enveloped figure appeared on screen. “Meet Omicron Mark One.” The strange man said and gave a sinister laugh. Soon the strange android began to make its slow march towards its victims locking on to their signatures in its robotic targeting system.