Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ KuroOokami ❯ Revenge... I can taste it... ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 3
They sat together for a little while longer. Staring deep into each other's eyes. Kuro was so happy. He still couldn't believe that he had found another half-breed.
After 10 more minutes of staring, Kuro decided to ask Koinuyami about her past.
He cleared his throat. Koinuyami looked up. “How did you become half-breed?” he asked, with a quaver in his voice. Koinuyami looked up at the ceiling behind Kuro, but remained still, not yet saying a word. She looked back at Kuro, took a deep breath, and started. “ My mother mated with a wolf demon. After I was born I never saw my father. When I was 11 years old, my mother was killed by a group of men, because they thought she was evil for mating with a wolf demon.” Kuro could see a tear start to form in Koinuyami's eye. “I watched them kill my mother while I was hiding in a small cupboard in our hut. They didn't find me. After I saw them kill my mother, I ran away. I was too scared to stay; I thought those evil men would come back and kill me too. So I ran away to look for my father. While I was searching for him, two tiger demons found me and raised me until I was 16 years old. When I turned 16, I continued my search for my father.” Koinuyami took a drink from a glass of water, wiped her eyes, and continued.
“After 3 months, I finally found him. We have been living in the city ever since.”
Kuro was very sad. Hearing that Koinu saw her mother get killed saddened him and made him sick at the same time. He couldn't believe it. “Why don't you hide your tail or ears? Aren't you afraid that you will get ridiculed or killed or…” Kuro's sentence trailed off. Koinuyami giggled. “ No I am not afraid of being different. I have 2 human friends that accept me for who I am, and they help me out when I am being teased. I also have 3 full-demon friends that watch over me and keep me safe. But I have never seen a half-demon like me before.” Kuro seemed confused. “So I am half-demon, not a half-breed?” he asked. Again, Koinu laughed. “It's basically the same thing. Your parents were full demons. If they weren't demons and just regular everyday wolves, you wouldn't have to worry about no curse. The Curse you told me about seems familiar…. But I just don't know who told me about it before. So you can call yourself Half-demon or half-wolf. I prefer to use Half-demon. It just sounds more interesting.” Kuro decided to ask one more question about Koinu's past. “Did you ever find the men that killed your mother?” Koinuyami's head shot up. A fire burned in her eyes, and one of her ears twitched. “No. But when I do, I am going to kill every last one of them. I will shred them to bits. They are all going to die. I don't care how long it takes me to find them.” Kuro seemed scared. On the outside Koinuyami looked happy, and nice. But deep inside she wanted revenge. She wanted to taste the blood of the men that killed her mother. Even if she had to go to the end of the world to do so.