Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ KuroOokami ❯ Bringing Back Memories ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 4
Just thinking about the death of Koinu's mother sent chills down kuro's back.
The thought stayed in his head all day, and he kept picturing a little girl hiding in fear whilst watching her mother getting murdered. He couldn't understand why they had to kill her. It didn't seem fair.
After spending time with Koinu, Kuro decided to head home and look through old pictures from when he was little, to help him rid the awful images that were trapped in his mind.
He started looking through old boxes. The boxes contained pictures of his birth, his first birthday, and even pictures of his family. From the corner of his eye, Kuro saw a leather box, which looked like a very old suitcase. There was a very strong lock on it. “What could be in here that would need such a big lock?” He wondered. “There must be a key.”
Kuro searched for the key all day, but came up with nothing. He decided to break the lock off. Kuro ran down to a construction site and found a sledgehammer. “Perfect. This will break that lock off with no problem.” Kuro ran back to his house and positioned the case on a rock. He swung the hammer, striking the lock, which unleashed a shower of sparks. The lock was open. Kuro removed the lock and opened up the case. Inside was a small, black velvet bag. He opened the bag and found a hunting knife. Beside the knife was a note. It read:
My Dear Kuro;
By now you probably know that you are different. This is not your fault. If you don't know by now, your father and I are wolf demons. You were meant to be a wolf demon, but we are cursed. The curse hit you the hardest. We are sorry that this had to happen to you. You might think that we abandoned you. But that is not true. We only left in hopes that you could lead a better life. With this note, you might have found the knife. This was your father's. Keep it with you to keep yourself safe. The Knife is silver tipped, which can protect you from wolf demons that try to harm you. This is no game. You may be the only half-demon out there, and that could spell trouble, as not many others know about your breed. Try to stay safe. Your father and I love you so much. Don't let anybody tell you differently.
Kuro folded up the note and began to cry. He clutched the hunting knife in rage. He wasn't mad at his parents. No. He was outraged yet again thinking about Koinuyami.
He had to do something to help her. Even if it meant dying in the process. He wanted to make his parents proud. The only way to do this was to protect Koinuyami. For she was a half-demon like him. And they were alone in the world.