Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Kuroppoi ❯ The Prologue to the Prologues! History of the World! ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: We Own the Characters, plot, and world!
Kayzer Kotetsu stared up into the night sky above, wondering why things were so... wrong. From a young age he had been a parentless thief, before entering the Warrior's Academy. A year later is when they discovered the humans, beings thought to have died out long ago, living in high tech cities underground. Negotiations with the humans started off well... till the murder of High King Vale, a human by the name of Geno the cause. Seeking redemption the Animas demanded Geno being given to them for execution... The Humans denied. Humans saw the Animas nothing more then the animals they had evolved from, so what Geno had done was not murder in thier eyes.
War began
At the age of but 15, Kayzer had been drafted into the war due to his great skill, rising through the ranks along side his close friend Lamia Usasgi and his fighting rival Kimah "Red Moon" Akuma. It was at the age of 17 that he, Lamia, and Kimah had been some of the men assigned to the battle of Zerasu, the humans capital. That night he never wished to recall, what the humans had done to the Captured Anima's... It made him sick to his stomach. Before then he had never seen Lamia not smiling... the look of anger on his friends face had suprised him along with his disgust at what he had seen. Kimah... Kimah had found his fiance... or what was left of her. Kimah was their greatest fighter, his skill with his two blades had slain more then the rest of the army combined... well not counting himself and Lamia, though compared to Kimah they too stood no chance against him.
Something changed in Kimah, many had assumed he was one of the rare Celestials like Lamia, but the sight of Kimah's now pointed ears, fangs, an extra eye upon his forehead, and the Demonic wings sprouting from his back, showed what he truely was.
Kimah had died, leaving only the Overlord of Destruction- Mikah of the Red Moon
In a few hours Mikah, as Kimah began refering to himself, had slain every human within the city before suddenly vanishing. The next day the Anima's had gathered the remaining humans, herding them them up in order to reveal that they would allow the last 5000 humans to live with the Anima's on the grounds that all the humans technology be given to them, luckily they all accepted it. It took 20 years but the humans and Anima's had finally gained peace with one another, though Mikah had suddenly reappeared with a legion of Youkai at his disposal. Yet another War began, Kayzer taking the place of the one time General with Lamia right beside him. Kayzer, Lamia, Kayzer's fiance Akane, and a small group of fighters had led an army of Anima's and Human's against Mikah's demonic army, While Kayzer's group faced against Mikah in his floating Castle. With but Kayzer and Lamia left standing, Akane and the rest having fallen before Mikah's power, Mikah had finally tired out. Using the last bit of thier power, Kayzer and Lamia disconnected the soul of Mikah from his body, before sealing his body, soul, and swords into seperate areas of the world.

Kayzer had no idea why, but for some reason neither him or Lamia aged after the battle, leaving them 37 years old (though they looked but in their early 20's) for over 50 years. Eventually both him and Lamia left the known world, going beyond the map before discovering an invisible floating isle. They rested upon it, discovering two Cat Anima like beings calling themselves Dark and Damon and thier female feline servants. Since then they have lived upon the isle, living each year doing whatever they could to pass the time.
A Century later
Kayzer left the isle to see what the world had done to itself, telling Lamia he would return in a year. He found the world worse off then they had left it, Humans had lost their numbers, only 10% of what he had left surviving. Not only that but alot of the world had become vile, filled with nothing but scum, Goverment existing in but a few places. Kayzer left in abut a week, taking with him a young female Fenrian (A type of Wolf Anima from another world) who he had found about to be forced to service a group of Hyena Anima's.
It has been 12 years since then and Kayzer has raised Mai, the now 19 year old Fenrian girl, as his own daughter. Lamia has felt the declining human race, but 50 left living due to inbreeding with Anima's. Dark, since Damon rarely spoke to them, had informed them that a demon, apparently Kimah's long lost brother, had perished in battle 50 years ago, and had been reborn to a Fenrian father and Human Mother, with strangely a twin Fenrian brother. Such a strange occurance meant only one thing... something big was about to occur.

The desert is one place you did'nt want to get lost in, The heavily black cloaked figure admitted to himself, and considering the dark colors he was wearing... even worse for his predicament. Why again did they agree to meet in a small Oasis like village in the middle of this damn Desert?
"Because Oasises rule!", A shadowed red haired figure stated with a fanged smirk.
/End Flashabck/
"I'll kill him", The wanderer cursed, letting out a growl of annoyance.
The First Prologue! The Bringer of Darkness- ZEN!
Zen: I'm gonna kill him
???: I wanna be first!
Dark: Please review