Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Lady of Darkness ❯ chapter 8 part 2 ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“I hope she's ok.” You sigh and sit on the couch in the living room and watch some TV.
It's been about three days and Alex still hasn't called. Its about 6:00 pm, you ate dinner and you were washing the dishes when you heard a strange noise. You dried off your hands and followed the sound. “What is that noise?” you muttered under your breath. Finally you came to your back door. You looked out of the window to see… nothing. “That's odd, the noise stopped too.” you thought. Suddenly the doorbell rang.
You hurried to the front door and looked out the peep-hole. There was a tall man wearing a black cape. You opened the door. “Can I help you?” you asked. He smiled, showing off his pointed teeth. You gasped “Who are you?” He chuckled “My identity means nothing to you, Clara.” Your eyes widened “How do you-.” In an instant his body morphed into the boy that you had saw talking to Alex at the library. “Rick!” you gasped. He chuckled again. You tried to slam the door, but you were frozen on the spot. “What happening? Why can't I move?” you thought. The last thing you saw was his evil grin and you blacked out.
*//Alex's POV//* “The next thing I knew, I was locked up in a room and he started asking me questions, like `Where is Alex?' and when he left I thought `I have to get out of here!'” Clara paused for breath, “And then I remembered something that I read in that book, something about telepathy. So I tried to call out to you and I guess it worked!” she smiled. You chuckled “Yea, I guess it did.” “Darokei can send messages to others with their mind if they have a strong enough connection with them.” Kazuko stated. “Well, we have known each other since we were in elementary school.” you said thoughtfully. “Hey wait a minute! Does that mean that…” you looked at Clara. “No, she is completely human. But your connection with her is very strong and the telepathy works both ways.” Kazuko explained. “Oh.” you said and looked up into the sky. “I'm going to go to sleep.” you said and stood up.
But instead of going inside the hut, you made your way to a patch of soft grass and laid down. “Clara, you can sleep in the hut tonight. I'll have to build another one for you tomorrow.” you said. “Um, ok, goodnight Alex!” she said and went into the hut. “Goodnight!” you said and closed your eyes. About a few seconds later you felt something lay down next to you. You smirked and said “Goodnight Kazuko.” He replied with a peck on your cheek and he wrapped his arms around your waist and placed his head above yours. You snuggled up closer to him and fell asleep.