Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Last Stand ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Just who do these hostile aliens think they are! Invading our home, demanding we worship some tarnish waste of organs or surrender? Surrender my scales! You want our resources! Ye will have to fight us to our last breath for them vermin!
The met with our call, a blue flag with a silver emblem flew, and a giant green mechanical fish like being dropped onto our world with a mighty roar.
He introduced himself as the Military Attacker Chaos Kill or something like that. He had a long name that all I know. As far as we were concerned, he was a fish out of water wanting our minerals. We shouted for him to retreat or else. It was the last warning we would give them, an alert to our allies we had already sent out. The gundam threw back several insults, calling us cowardly scaly handbags. Why would someone make a handbag from a reptile? Mammal skin is much nicer.
My home was rich with various minerals, abundant to the point we could make mindless trinkets from them and have more then enough for our galactic trade. We would by no means let these pirates take them!
The battle ranged on from before the first of our suns rose to the setting of the second. We, the natives of Sauris, proud and mighty Quern stood fast and managed to hold the alien force back, until the alien attacker roared something about on lining. Even now I know not what it meant to our attackers, but for us, it meant the tide turned drastically.
That damned riveted fish! It plowed through our forces that originally held him back and rapidly approached our primary mines. If he made it there, we would lose fast access to the minerals our planet had an overabundance of. If they had asked politely instead of demanding, we would have gladly agreed to trade with them, those arrogant fools.
No. We cannot and will not lose the primary mines; this was not by any means an option! We were forced to retreat and hold ground at the mines. Where were our allies! Had the message been intercepted? Did these invaders shoot them down? Anything could have happened in the turmoil of this near full day long battle.
The doors to the mines were sealed off, more of the troops went to secure the secondary and tertiary mines should these feigns try to get them as well. I stayed at the primary mines entrance, watching a waiting.
A sudden quiet fell over the planet. All that was heard was the wind whistling just beyond the steel and titanium doors. We stood, and waited, tense and on edge. Every so often someone would shuffle; a tank operator could be heard checking everything. I was next to the tank, my claws gripping my assault rifle. The commander ordered that everyone check there ammo, I was full, some needed to reload.
The ground shook, we all jumped to attention once more. My commander shouting “Steady!” was all that was heard. The giant was coming closer, his footsteps creating minor earthquakes as he walked. I glanced to a monitor showing us the outside. The fish gundam looked to be in a daze as he walked almost like he had no purpose. I falsely hoped that he was growing tired. Two soldiers approached the doors and signaled to the tank operator. Those of use standing close took a knee, bowed our heads, and covered our ears. The doors were opened letting the outside wind in, the tank fired and the ground shook, I felt the recoil through the ground, doesn't help I was one of the few standing right next to it. After the smoke cleared we looked up, fully believing the point blank tank shot had destroyed the gundam fish. At least until, his glowing yellow optics shined through the night.
“Destroy him!”
We opened fire but the fish never faltered, many of our shots ricochet as it held its ground in a shielding attack. Only a couple cut through and brought dark oil smelling liquid to the surface of the gundam's skin. We all to soon ran out of ammo, and the tank was ordered to fire again. The gundam lunged in at the split second moment of opportunity and grabbed the tank barrel in its might grasp, tugging and soon ripping the barrel and part of the cock pit off of the tank. With the makeshift club, he swung it feverishly; we dived to dodge, several of my comrades getting it and their heads cracked opened against the wall leading down into the mind, others being squashed into the ground like flies. I screamed in fear and fled down into the mine, many others followed. We heard a loud crash of metal against metal, then the `fwoosh' of a fireball, we got our backs scorched, thank goodness for our scaled hides, and heard the fish gundam scream out as the blaze hit him as well. We continued to run as static come over the radios.
“No good! ... We lost… Where did this fire! … It's racing across… the land scape! Our home! . . . Fire engulfed … everywhere!” One of the higher officers ordered us to return back to the entrance. We rebelled at first but she was very convincing. What was left of our squadron returned to the entrance, the source of the fire was apparently sparks and gas in the tank. That explains the rouge fireball at least.
We darted back out, more of those villains bearing the blue and silver emblem had arrived. This fish gundam was gone. Or so we thought. We opened fire on the alien invaders without second thought. I was deaf to all but the fight I was facing… until I heard that foreboding roar once more. In fear a turned… my eyes shrank in fear, screamed and coward into a ball. Someone shot him away from me, then I felt that brave comrades blood on my skin. Another pulled me away as the fish gundam dropped his fist to where I just was. I looked up as I was being dragged, the gundam looked weak and tired… its allies, our foes, stood in front and fired at us. We fired back, and watch as the gundam that had cause our home to be scorched and our mines lost to the aliens, crumple under his own weight and fall to the ground. I heard more shouting as I rediscovered my feet and ran. We hid and waited… we had lost our home, the fight, the one day war. We heard more of their ships pass over head… and waited. Low on ammo and energy, we waited and watched the door closely. Listening as the pounding march grew closer. Here was our last stand. The race of the Quern will soon be no more.