Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Legends Academy ❯ Revalation ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Begin chapter seven...

BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP! "GOOD MORNING EUROPE! It's six in the morning and time to rise and shine! Now, lets party!" A loud techno song started, and I groaned softly, opening my eyes.

Darkness greeted me warmly.

It took me only a moment to realize that the curtains were closed around my bed, enveloping me in semi-complete darkness. I reached over and drew the fabric back. The sound was coming from an alarm clock on the table next to my bed. I pressed the "alarm off" button, getting up.

Across from me I could tell Angel was trying to open her curtains. I opened them for her and she looked up in shock, which quickly turned to gratitude.

I looked out the window, a feeling of dread rumbling inside of me.

"Something's wrong here, Angel."

From the corner of my eye I saw her nod. "Last night, when that storm hit, who attacked us?" She shrugged, getting up and walking to her dresser. Rooting through her clothes, she said, "I don't know. I passed out right after you yelled."

I got up too, walking to the dresser that was inevitably mine. "I guess you're clothes are finally here." Said Angel unnecessarily while I looked for something to wear. "We'll probably be able to think clearer after we eat something. Let's get dressed and go see what's cooking." I nodded, searching through my clothes.

Finally I selected a silvery white tank top, with lace in the place of the straps and around the neckline, and a dark gray mid-length skirt. My shoes were just another pair of black ballet flats. Nothing out of the ordinary, really.

While Angel took her shower I plopped down on one of the couches, putting in my earrings, necklaces and other assorted trinkets. Last was my watch. Once I had that secured around my wrist, I picked a smallish book randomly off a shelf. Glancing at the title, "Artemis Fowl", and started reading.

A while later...

I closed the newly-finished book, glancing at my watch. 7:30 AM! I gasped. Angel had been in the shower for an hour and a half! "Angel! Are you done yet?! It's been over an hour!" I cried. I heard the bathroom door open, and Angel walked over, fully dressed, primped and awake.

"Yup." She said, sitting down next to me. "Sorry I took so long, but I haven't had a good long shower in a really long time. Lately I've had five minutes at most. By the way," She added, grinning broadly, "There's no more hot water." I grimaced. "Great." I said sarcastically, getting up.

"Sorry." Angel said.

"It's okay." I said. "Now, how about we go get some food? If we wait much longer I think my stomach shrivel up." Angel laughed, leading me out of the room.

We followed the same path as yesterday, save for the last turn. Instead of walking strait, leading us into the main room, she turned.

Opening a large door we stepped into a dining hall. As I gaped at the sheer size of the room Angel walked to a table at the other side, where breakfast had already been laid out.

As I sat down I noticed that we weren't the only people in the room. Only a few feet away there was a pair of teens, a boy and a girl, about our age, sitting at the next table conversing quietly in a foreign language. From their accents I would say they were French.

On out other side, was another two teens. Judging by their clothes and the fact that I understood their lingo, I was pretty sure they were European too.

Now that I really looked, I noticed there were several twosomes, of dozens of nationalities irregularly placed throughout the room. Spanish, Canadian, Brazilian, even Japanese were all speaking to their comrade in their native tongue.

There was only one person sitting on their own. A tall, teenaged boy with shoulder-length brown hair, a Russian accent and beautiful eyes who was brooding silently in the corner. How did I know all that? I'd met him before.

I nudged Angel across the table and she gave me a questioning glare, mouth still full of oatmeal. "Look, Markarov's over there." I said. She swallowed.

"So? Just ignore him." She advised, returning to her breakfast. I sighed. 'I don't believe I'm even considering this.'

I picked up my plate, fork, and coffee, walking over to the nearly unoccupied table.
When I sat down he looked up at me. I could practically feel the sadness coming off of him. I fidgeted a bit under his gaze, but soon got over it.

We sat there for at least ten minutes before I broke the highly uncomfortable silence.

"So where did you disappear off to?" I asked. But I had said it so quietly that I hardly heard it. I was about to repeat myself when Markarov answered.
"Nowhere. I just went to my room." He said neutrally.
"You have a room here too?" I asked.
He looked shocked. "What, you didn't know? It's right across the hall from yours."
"Oh." I said stupidly. I lapsed into silence, thinking about the resent events. My train of thought broke down when I thought of yesterday.
"Markarov. You forgot something. I heard you. You and whoever that was. I know what you have to do." I said, eyes tearing up.
Feeling depressed that he didn't tell me the truth about what happened, I quickly finished my breakfast.
"I hope you choose the right path." I said.
Completely ignoring the tears running down my face, partly from crying, partly from me chugging my hot coffee, I got up and walked back to Angel.
"Artemis, you're crying. What's wrong?" She asked as soon as I was near.
"Huh? Oh, nothing. I just, um, had a conversation with Markarov. He knows I know." I said, wiping away the tears that caressed my face.
Angel, seeing I was distressed, excused herself from the conversation she was holding with the French girl from one of the other tables.

Quickly, she got up and led me back to our room.
Moments later she closed the door softly.

"Artemis, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have let you go over there on your own." She said, helping me to the couch. Once I was seated, she walked over to the kitchen. I heard her bustling in there for about five minutes. Then she came back and handed me a cup of hot chocolate.

"It's okay. You couldn't have stopped me if you wanted to." I paused, taking a drink of the warm liquid. "I get this weird feeling when I'm around him. And I'm...sort of drawn to him."

Angel gasped, "You don't mean..." I gazed down into the depth of my drink. "I think I might. Even though he was told to kill me Angel, I think I'm..." She looked at me in a way that suggested she would slap me if I said the wrong thing. "No, never mind. It's stupid."
Suddenly I felt yet another hand lain upon my shoulder. I looked first at Angel. She was keeping her hands to herself. Then I looked at the hand on my shoulder. My eyes followed up the arm to see...


"W-What are you doing in here?" I asked, looking up into his deep, beautiful eyes. Wordlessly he lifted me over the back of the couch, so that I was standing in front of him.

I was acutely aware that we were barely an inch apart. He still hadn't let go of my hands either. "This." He muttered, closing his eyes.

He leaned in and gently pressed his lips to mine.
The world faded around me. All sounds, feelings and thoughts were drowned out but the darkness that was closing in.

Except one. 'No! Not now! Not during...my first...ki-.' But that thought wasn't even finished before I blacked out.

Or so I thought.

My body shook and I opened my eyes. Angel was looking at me with her head leaned to one side.

"You okay there, Artemis?" She asked, looking confused.

"Uh...Yeah, I guess I just had a really weird daydream, that's all." I said, praying to any and every god that she wouldn't figure out I just had a fantasy of Markarov kissing me.

'He's supposed to kill me. I'm supposed to hate him, right?' I thought slowly. 'Uggh! This is just my luck! Why me?!' I mentally cried, sparing a quick glance at the ceiling.

Suddenly Angel gasped, remembering what we were talking about just then. "What, or should I say who, was it about?" She asked, eager and anxious at the same time.


"Oh-Er-That is to say...um...Nothing! I mean nobody!" When I finished saying that I cursed under my breath, "When did my life get so damn irritating?"

End Chapter seven...
Yeah, I'm finally done with it. Let me know if you get any ideas, kk??????