Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Lessons Learned ❯ A Mysterious Stranger Arrives ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2- A Mysterious Stranger Arrives
It was shortly after the princess and her brothers had gone on their nightly storm riding adventure that the day of Princess Ella's birthday had arrived the entire town was of Vampcovia was bustling with excitement. However there were those who were not pleased with the amount of noise the new event had caused, the townspeople of WolvesBane were not at all pleased about the excitement of their enemy's town. “I think we should just slip quietly into the castle while everyone is still arriving and while the castle kitchens will be extremely busy we can slip some poison into the giant vat of wine they will hand out close to midnight as soon as the king proposes the toast and everyone drinks within ten minutes the entire kingdom of Vampcovia and all those wretched vampires will be so weak and helpless that we could slay every single one and then claim victory over the lands” Artemis' childhood friend Blake had suggested while he Artemis, and the twins BlackHawk and NightFang along with the solemn company of WildClaw discussed how they could take down the vampire kingdom. “Yes but you know that wouldn't work vampires are immune o all poisons and so therefore it would be useless to slip in a poison that they can fight against we'd just be costing the lives of our men” Artemis replied in comment to Blake's devilish plan for even though he knew vampires could very well be brought down he longed to see the princess once again and Artemis wanted nothing more than to be able to have the honor to dance with Ella she had appeared so beautiful to him when she and her brothers rode towards their castle just a few days prior. Oh how Artemis longed to see her again, “yo Artemis you okay man you seem dazed” BlackHawk asked his friend as he lay across the soft warm green grass of the fields while his long dark brown tail swished from side to side his orange eyes focused on his friend.
“You're still thinking about that Vampcovia bitch aren't you?” Blake asked rudely he hated the vampire kingdom and wanted to put an end to this war, “ how dare you talk about Princess Ella that way she is nothing more than an angel meant to roam the darkness for when the moonlight shines upon her, her skin glows and her hair appears as if it is a curtain of black velvet and white silk” Artemis said as he sighed happily thinking of how the princess had saved him and his two sisters from being hurt. “You do know the ball for the princesses birthday is going on tonight right?” a voice said softly the boys looked behind them to see who had spoken and there walking towards them was Artemis' eldest younger sister Ebony and she had Luna by her side! “Yeah but those vampires would be able to spot us especially on a night like tonight `cuz tonight's the full moon Ebony” Blake snapped harshly at the soft spoken young female “yes I know that I can already feel my power beginning to increase but what you don't know is that I have developed a potion that will enable you to appear as a vampire I have already told father of this breakthrough Artemis, I even went so far as to suggest that tonight would be the perfect night to infiltrate the vampires castle and try to gain some information as to what their weakness is they already know ours and yet we have found out nothing on them except that the vampires will turn to ash if they step out into the sunlight that's when their king had a spell cast upon the entire land so that it would remain dark at all times” Ebony replied coolly as the wind began to stir the leaves in the trees surrounding them. “Well what did father say about this idea of yours?” Artemis asked curiously yet he wished he could be the one to go on this mission for he wished to see Princess Ella again so desperately at times whenever Artemis slept she would haunt his dreams as if she were nothing but a mere phantom and he yearned to touch her skin to see if it was as soft as it appeared. “Well Father decided that since you are old enough now that you can go and handle this ordeal; but you are to be extra careful the security around the castle will be much greater tonight they will be on the watch for anything or anyone suspicious, and father said that you could bring these friends of yours but he wants Blake to be watched very carefully” ebony answered smoothly as she saw Blake's red eyes flash with anger and he began to growl at her showing his fangs. “Why should I have to be watched I have done nothing wrong” Blake protested angrily “because Daddy knows how stupid you are and knows that you'll do something that could get someone hurt” Luna said as she giggled at Blake's stupidity. “Father has even asked me to make clothes that will help to disguise your scent and appearance as well, I have already finished them and they are waiting in your rooms since this is a masked ball you have each been given a mask all of them bearing the Vampcovia crest so that will bring down the suspicion factor on your part just don't do anything stupid” Ebony said as she and Luna turned to head back to the castle the boys including Artemis followed to two young women back inside so they could get ready for their mission to begin, for while the group walked back to the castle the moon began to grow brighter overhead. “I wish this night to go by very quickly I detest having to dance with all the bachelors in the entire kingdom” Ella said to herself as her maids helped her to dress for tonight's extravagant ball “I'm sure it will go well princess you must have faith and patience” Tirana said as she helped the princess into her shoes and then began to dress her hair then upon finishing Ella's hair Tirana placed the white sparkling mask across the princesses nose and carefully tied the two strings underneath Ella's hair behind the base her neck, “I hope that your are right Tirana, I sincerely hope you're right” Ella sighed sadly as she gazed out her bedroom window.
“Okay here are your potions I see you all enjoy the suits I had made for you” Ebony said as she and Luna stood at the border of their lands to wish their brother Artemis and his friends a safe journey and a good trip back home. “When does the potion wear off?” Artemis asked as he inspected the vial of dark red liquid his sister had just handed him and his friends, “it wears off at exactly midnight that means that you have three hours to get to the castle and dig up some information on how to defeat these wicked vampires” Ebony replied Artemis and his friends pulled off the tops of the vials and the without second thought all five men downed the vials contents in one quick gulp. A few moments passed before Artemis and the others felt themselves begin to change their fur disappeared, their skin became paler, their fangs became smaller and much sharper, their hair colors changed to either bright dark blue, bright crimson red, or dark brown, their eye colors changed as well they all had either crimson red, deep green, pale blue, or sapphire eyes, and finally their tails shrunk and disappeared as well then their body types transgressed and matched that of the male vampires. After all five young men had changed they looked at themselves and each other, Blake had bark brown shaggy hair, pale skin, and crimson red eyes, the twins had long crimson red hair but while NightFang had bright green eyes, his twin BlackHawk had pale blue eyes, WildClaw had long raven black hair, tan-beige skin, and sapphire blue eyes, Artemis however was the most outstanding of them all he possessed long pure silky white hair, tan skin, and amber colored eyes! “Now that you have seen your temporary forms you will each need to create a fake name to use while on this mission you cannot use your real names for this and I suggest you get going now before your time runs too low I shall await your return at this exact spot three hours from now” Ebony replied and then with Luna by her side the two young women returned to the castle to await the return of their brother and his friends, “well guess we should get going c'mon if we run at full speed we should get there within a half hour” WildClaw said as he and the others turned and raced off towards the castle of Vampcovia. Half an hour later the five young men stood just outside the castle gates thankfully Ebony had been able to forge them all an invitation to the party in the princesses handwriting “very well proceed and have a good time tonight gentlemen if you are lucky you might have a chance to dance with Princess Ella good luck” the guard at the entrance said as he read each of the men's invitations, “announcing the arrival of Lords EagleEye, Drake, MoonShine, Erebus, and SkyNight” the announcer called out as he announced the young men's arrival the women in the room stared as the five young men descended the stairs to the ballroom floor below. “I'll go with Drake to the king's library the rest of you mingle to make it appear as if we are they believe us to be” WildClaw (temporarily known as Erebus) said hurriedly to his fellow companions, Blake (code name Drake for the mission) and WildClaw hurried off to make their way to the library before they became noticed, EagleEye, MoonShine, and SkyNight (EagleEye-NightFang, BlackHawk-MoonShine, Artemis-SkyNight) made their way onto the dance floor the twins were immediately surrounded by vampire females all of them had their eyes set on catching one of these five fine men for their own. SkyNight however scurried off in hopes of finding the princess so that he might confess his feelings for her. “I am pleased that you are enjoying yourself my daughter this is a wonderful opportunity to arrange you an appropriate suitor” King Orion said as he and his daughter made their way off the dance floor “father I would like to get a bit of fresh air if you please it has become quite stuffy in this room” Ella replied coldly “of course my pet just make sure to be inside as soon as possible I wouldn't enjoy having one of those damned Werewolves try their hand at capturing you” King Orion replied Ella nodded and then raced off towards a balcony she knew no one used. “I hate this ball this is the worst birthday ever!” Ella sobbed as she sat down on a stone bench outside on the terrace, “Perhaps I could make it better?” SkyNight said as he slowly approached the princess “how did you find me I thought no one else used this balcony” Ella replied as she gazed at the handsome sight before her, “yes I presumed that as well I wanted to get away from all those women they throw themselves at you and expect you to just accept them” SkyNight replied as he handed the princess his handkerchief which Ella took gratefully but when she tried to hand it back SkyNight refused “keep it you seem to need it more than I do” SkyNight chuckled. “I thank you kind sir you have been of much help and comfort to me this night” Ella replied smiling. Meanwhile Drake and Erebus searched the library for something that could help them to weaken the vampires, “have you found anything yet?” Drake complained as he stood tapping his foot impatiently waiting for Erebus to finish, “no not yet make yourself useful and help me look” Erebus replied sharply as he continued rummaging through the papers he had searching through Drake began lazily looking around and when he placed his hand on a book on the shelf nearest him it sank back into the wall and upon the desk where the king wrote his papers a small stand which an old dusty book sat on covered by a delicate glass jar. “Nice job Drake” Erebus said grinning evilly as he carefully pulled off the glass jar and plucked the book from its seat then after replacing the jar he stashed the book into a pocket on the inside of his coat. Then a sound was heard from outside the library the two young men quickly dashed out of the room and raced down the stairwell back towards the ballroom for they had heard the clock in the hallway strike half past eleven, the two men raced off to find the twins who they found at a table in the back of the ballroom surrounded by women. “We have to go now!” Drake and Erebus snapped as the twins then pulled themselves away from the women and the four men raced off towards the exit when Erebus and the twins skidded to a halt “Where's SkyNight?” Erebus asked the twins shook their heads for they did not know that their friend was dancing with the princess on a secluded terrace.
“I see my bad dancing as not affected your beauty princess” SkyNight said as he and Ella danced to a song that had only begun to play “I see that I have been lucky enough to dance with a man as charming as yourself” Ella replied smiling sweetly. “Princess I must confess something to you” SkyNight said solemnly as their dancing slowed “what is it SkyNight?” Ella asked her curiosity and feelings of love were beginning to grow for this mysterious stranger, “I must confess that I love you deeply princess for I have loved ever since I laid my eyes upon your beauty many days prior to this magical night” SkyNight replied then he suddenly heard someone call his name from underneath the balcony SkyNight looked at the ground to fine his friends were waiting for him ushering him to come because time was running out before they would revert back to their true forms. “I'm afraid I must leave my love” SkyNight said as he made his way to the edge of the balcony, “when shall I see you again?” Ella asked “you shall never see me again princess for I am the one who cannot have you but I still yearn for you I am the prince of WolvesBane I am Artemis” Artemis said finally revealing his true identity to the princess “I do not understand how did you, oh Artemis please do not leave me it is so horrid here take me with you please I beg of you” Ella pleaded with her lover as tears streamed down her face, Artemis simply took her delicate face in his hands and brought his lips to hers delivering the kiss of love and sealing his fate. “ I love you Ella if only when this war ends can you and I be together I hope that day comes before either of us marry another” Artemis replied and then turned and jumped off the balcony to the ground below Ella watched him as Artemis joined his companions and before turning to race off towards home Artemis blew his forbidden lover a kiss then raced off with his companions.
Ella sank down onto the stone bench on which Artemis had found her “I have a love but it is a forbidden love” Ella said to herself as she watched the five figures race off into the night. “Way to go man we cut it very close there we could have gotten into a hell of a lot of trouble I hope your one night with the princess was worth it Artemis” Blake growled as he shed the confining clothes that hugged his changing body, “I did Blake this has been a night that shall stay in my heart until the day of my death arrives” Artemis replied smiling to himself remembering the feel of Ella's lips against his own, “just wait Ella you and I will be together and I will not allow anyone to stand in my way” Artemis thought to himself as he and his friends raced across the vampires borders into their own. End of Chapter 2