Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Life in the Game ❯ My name is Latoya Diamond Anderson ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
BEEP! BEEP! Ugh it's way too early to be waking up for school, Latoya thought.
"Hey Latoya, brush your teeth, wash up and when you done your breakfast will be ready," Keyshia said.
"Alright mom!" Latoya yelled. When she went downstairs her hot breakfast was hot and ready just like her mother said.
Fifteen minutes later Latoya was walking to school just wondering about her english assignment. Her thoughts got interrupted by Willie the dirtiest crackhead in Mayville.
"Got some change?" Willie asked holding his hands out. Latoya shook her head thinking about how bad he was strung out on drugs.
"Sorry I have no money for you today only my lunch money," Latoya replied.
"Yeah whatever!" Willie shouted.
"Why you always have to be so mean?" Latoya asked.
"Because life is mean, I mean look at me! Why would God put this crack on earth if we would turn out like this? Does he not care about us? How can something be so good but kill you slowly? Bye Latoya," Willie said and walked back to his normal spot for begging. Latoya thought about everything Willie said and she wanted to tell him that God did not create that poison.
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"Well Mrs. Fisher I just wanted to say that drugs not only destroy yourself, but also your family," Latoya said.
"Wrong! Drugs make people ugly and stupid!" Jackie shouted.
"See you are right, but also you need to study about what you're talking about before you say something. Drugs become very addictive to people especially cocaine. Their body starts to become dependent--"
"No you can stop using drugs whenever you want to. They just choose to keep using it because they get dumber and they don't know what they are doing," Jackie debated.
"Excuse me but can I finish?" Silence. "Thank you but let me finish. Their body starts to get dependent on the drug and it's very hard for them to stop. So when a person thinks that taking drugs is cool for the first time they are wrong because the very first time you use it you can get hooked on it and it will mess up your life. Oh and if the person even wanted to stop they can also die in the process because the body starts to get use to it," Latoya said. The class started to clap because Latoya was one of the smartest person in the class.
"Good job! Latoya once again you proved that people can do more with their life than just doing drugs and dropping out of high school," Mrs. Fisher excitedly said.
"Hey Latoya i wanted to apologize to you if I offended you, I was just saying what was on the top of my head," Jackie said.
"Yeah you know it's okay girl. Wana come over?" Latoya asked.
"Sure lets get out of this school." Jackie said.
"Oh I wanted to go to the jewlry spot to get this nice necklace for my mom. She been clean for about three months and I want to get her this necklace that said: number one mom. Lets go to Maple Street real quick.
"Alright I'm down with that."
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"This is the one you want?" The man asked. He pointed to the silver necklace.
"Yes that's exactly the one!" Latoya said. Her eyes was sparkling when she saw the necklace.
"That will be $69.99," The man stated.
"What I'd thought it would be $40. Please mister just let me get it for 40 bucks please," Latoya begged.
"No! If you don't have enough money don't come in this store. Now either buy something or leave!" The man yelled.
"Come on Jackie lets go," Latoya said furious with the man. Latoya and Jackie left the store wondering why the man was so mad.
"Can I stay the night?" Jackie asked.
"Yeah my mom is not going to mind, you're my best friend forever!" Latoya said.
"Thanks I can't stay in my house no more my mom is getting on my nerves so much!" Jackie stressed.
"It's okay. What she do?" Latoya asked.
"She just start--"
"Hey you sexy ladies. Where yall going" Gary and Micheal asked.
"None of your business so leave us alone!" Latoya yelled.
"Hey now there's no point of trying to make a scene." Gary assured. Gary moved his hand around Latoya waist while he moved his head slowly down her light brown skin to smell a wonderful sweet scent.
"Get off of me!" Latoya screamed. While Latoya was talking to Gary to get off of her, Micheal started rubbing on Jackie chest. While slowly kissing on her chocolate neck he whispered in her ear," What's your number?" Jackie wanted someone to give her affection so bad that she was going as low as dating Micheal. She gave him her number and he started to walk off.
"No! Just leave me alone!" Latoya yelled at Gary again.
"Lets go Gary!" Micheal yelled.
"You know you want me and I'll be waiting when you do," Gary whispered and walked away.
"Hey did you give Micheal your number?" Latoya asked.
"Yeah," Jackie responded.
"Eww why would you give that creep your number?" Latoya questioned.
"Because Latoya I'm not as pretty as you are. I'm dark skinned and no one wants me. I have no boobs or no butt. Who wants the ugly dark person? No one and you know that! You're lucky everyone wants you, you're popular, smart and beautiful," Jackie told.
"Listen just because you're darker than me don't mean you're ugly. Everyone is beautiful to someone. Jackie what's wrong?"
"It's just that you're the one that gets all the attention and everyone loves you. Why can't everyone love me? Why am I the ugly one? No one wants me when we're in school everyone thinks about how pretty you are, well aint your life just so easy!" Jackie jealously said.
"Wait now, my life is not easy! You should be the main one to know that! My dad is somewhere here on the streets begging someone to get some drugs! I don't even know where my mom work because she so secretive with everything! My sister dead because my father didn't walk her across the street! So what the fuck do you mean my life is so easy?" Latoya said hurt and angry.
"Sorry Toya I didn't mean to say all that," Jackie apologized.
"Yes you did! You're jealous of me because I was born the way I was! You are my best friend Jackie why would you ever say that to me? I don't want you to spend the night at my house, and I don't want to talk to you anymore!"
"Toya I apologized!" Jackie shouted.
"I don't give a fuck! You know how my lifestyle is and yet you throw it in my face twice in one day! Just go the fuck home to your lovely family," Latoya said and walked away.
"Toya please dont be like that! Please!" Jackie begged.
"Whatever!" Latoya shouted.
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"Hey you're finally back from school. What took you so long?" Keyshia asked.
"Because I was walking slow mom, " Latoya lied.
"What's wrong?" Keyshia questioned.
"Nothing mom!" Latoya yelled," Now just leave me alone!" Latoya walked up the stairs angrily. Is it my fault I was born like this? Latoya laid on her bed thinking about today's events. She cried thinking about how bad her life actually was.
Three hours later...
"Wake up Latoya!" Keyshia shouted for the third time.
"Mom don't yell in my ear!" Latoya yelled.
"Come on dinner is ready," Keyshia said. At the table Dayvion, Latoya father, sat at the table eating.
"Dad?" Latoya skeptically asked.
"Yes baby it's me," Dayvion said with tears in his eyes. Dayvion was tall and young. He had a beard and a thick mustache, he was caramel toned and he had on what look like it was suppose to be brown clothes. His nike shoes had holes on the sides and he smelt like garbage. His hair was dirty and he fingernails was also dirty.
"Mom why is he here?" Latoya asked.
"I'm trying to get clean again," Dayvion interrupted.
"Mom you're going to let him stay?" Latoya questioned.
"Yes I am," Keyshia stated.
"Why? Remember last time you did that and he stole all of our stuff? Do you remember? He needs to leave!" Latoya said,"Dad the last time you came here you took all my jewlry and that was the last time I saw you in two years. So you think that you're going to fool me again? No way probably mom, but definitely not me. You are not my dad, you're a killer and a waste of a life!"
"Latoya!" Keyshia yelled.
"What mom? I'm just saying everything you want to say. You have the nerves to come in this house again and try to act like you didn't do anything wrong? Well you fucked up my life forever! Alright I won't have a problem with you staying just go out and find my little sister!" Latoya yelled.
"Listen I'm trying to change once again. I can see you have a problem with me staying here, but I have no where else to go I--"
"Well you can go where me and mom went when you took all of our stuff. The shelter." Latoya said," I'm not hungry. Oh yeah mom I'm going to need a lock to my room. I'll say a week without the drugs and he's going to be banging on our door again." Latoya went to her room and couldn't believe that her father, the man who killed her little sister, is downstairs eating like he didn't do anything wrong.
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