Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Wife ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Get up already, Claire!"
"...Ugh, five more minutes!" A great tuff of brown hair was the only part of the young 26-year-old that wasn't under the thin sheets of her twin bed. She had almost stayed silent, forgetting - as she always seemed to on tired mornings - her new name.
"We're gonna be late!" Chelsey, the owner of the scolding voice, glared down at her with piercing dark eyes. Chelsey was your average Dominican with long, shiny black hair that reached her shoulders, a curvaceous form, and a cute face with pouty lips and thick lashes framing dark pupils. Though she was Hispanic, Chelsey's English had lost its Spanish accent since long before. She grabbed the closest pillow and started hitting the lazy woman with it. "I'm-not-staying-extra-hours-for-y"—
"Okay, okay, okay!" Rea defended herself from the assaulting pillow with her hands now that she had scrambled from under her covers. "I'm up, I'm up!"
"Then get moving!" Chelsey threw down her weapon. "Leo just called. Stef and Caroline are taking a sick day. We're needed big-time. Pronto."
"Jeez, can't Leo do the dishes himself?!" Rea purposely fell back onto her bed with a huff.
"Hunh, we're not doing dishes today. It's go-time." Chelsey smoothed down her ponytail and walked toward the door of the small bedroom. Her side was in pristine order, but Rea's side of the room was still in a mess.
As soon as Chelse was out of earshot, Rea took up her pillow and muffled her scream with it. Not only did she hate the early Monday-morning shift, but bustling around Leo's restaurant as a waitress made that so much worse; it would make her even more exhausted than she was at present, if that was even possible.
Knowing Chelse would lose her nerve if she took more than necessary to get ready, Rea took a quick shower, got dressed in clothes identical to her friend's, and fixed her bed and hair, all in her famous five-minute cram-prep time. She thought about the day ahead as she applied light makeup. Rea was a fine American woman of African descent with smooth brown skin that sensually gloved her high cheekbones and slender figure. Her plump lips and large brown eyes made for the perfect puppy-dog faces, but were seldom used that way. Though chemically tempered, her hair cascaded down her back in waves, varying between all shades of brown. Her long legs and D-cup breasts were popular with men, but her serious and determined face kept most at bay when she willed it.
"You done yet?" Chelsey peered into the room and heaved a sigh of relief at uniform-clad Rea.
"Good. Let's go."
"'Kay." Rea surveyed her face in the mirror, approving the sheer layer of powder over her cheeks and small round nose before securing her bun once more and heading out the door alongside Chelsey.