Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Love Bites ❯ Excitement ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 2
By the time Alinko was finished with the nurse, it was already half way through first block. She lightly touched her nose and winced. It was still sore from when Kaito's head cracked against her own and gave her a nose bleed.
“What was with that look he gave me when he saw the blood coming from my nose…? Is he squeamish? Maybe he is…”Alinko thought to herself as she walked to her class.
Alinko pulled a school map from the back pocket of her black jeans and glanced at it to see where she was.
“…well….room 211 is in the next hallway…so I need to cut through here…and go through that hallway…and then go down a flight of steps. I think I can handle it….but this school is so big….I hope I don't get lost…”Alinko thought it through before folding the map back up and heading for her class.
The hallways were wide with faint green lockers lining them. Straps from backpacks could be seen sticking out from below the lockers and the occasional scraps of lost homework littered the floor. Alinko found her way quite easily throughout the messy hallways.
“Finally….”Alinko declared as she stood before her first block door. The teacher's enthusiastic chatter leaked from the behind heavy wooden entrance. Alinko inhaled deeply before she lightly knocked on the door.
“Come in!” The teacher's voice sang.
Alinko silently opened the door and poked her head in the door way.
“…Hi…I'm the new student…”Alinko whispered meekly, losing all of her confidence.
“Oh! Well then, come on in! No need to be shy, now.” The teacher whistled, waving her hand signaling to come in.
Alinko walked in slowly and the mumble from the students unsettled her. She walked over to the teacher's desk and stood there for further instructions.
“I am Mrs. Campbell. What is your name, dear?” She said sweetly.
Alinko stared at the floor turning bright red.
“My…name is Alinko Vasha…and I'm sorry that I'm late…I…”Alinko began but was cut off by the teacher.
“Oh, I already know the whole story, Alinko.” Mrs. Campbell explained.
Alinko blinked and looked up.
“Y-you do? How?” Alinko gasped.
The teacher laughed a soft laugh and continued.
“Mr. Kaito informed me that you two were involved in an accident and that you were temporarily at the nurse.” Mrs. Campbell chuckled.
Alinko heard a musical laugh sound from behind her. She slowly turned around to find that Kaito was sitting in the row of desks after her. A skeptical smirk spread across his marble face as Alinko stared at him, mouth agape.
“Alright Alinko…Now…where shall we seat you.” Mrs. Campbell said, tapping her foot lightly.
Alinko wringed her hands nervously as Mrs. Campbell selected her seat.
“Ah…why don't you sit next to Miss Chisa in the last row?” Mrs. Campbell suggested. A girl with short blonde hair perked up in the back row and waved. Alinko smiled at the welcoming gesture and headed for her seat.
The teacher continued her lecture on Shakespeare and all of his works.
“You're Alinko, right?” Said the girl Mrs. Campbell called Chisa. A smile spread across her face at the thought of a possible new friend.
Alinko nodded and returned the smiled.
“I've just moved here….and I really don't know anyone.” Alinko explained in a quick whisper.
Chisa grinned.
“You just moved here, but you've already made acquaintance with Kaito Venin! Wow…I've never seen him so worked up before…” Chisa laughed quietly.
“What do you mean?” Alinko asked, pulling out her notebook to take notes as Mrs. Campbell rambled on about Romeo and Juliet.
Chisa scrawled down the notes on the board before answering.
“He usually sits as still as a statue in his seat. He's fidgeting a lot today. And he never talks. Not for himself, not for anyone else. He just comes in and does his work and he's always the first one out of the room. The fact that he came in looking distressed, and gave the teacher a hurried explanation says it all.” Chisa explained. She gnawed on the end of her pen and continued to copy the notes.
“All what? I don't get it.” Alinko asked, capping her pen.
Chisa gave Alinko a blank stare.
“Kaito likes you.” Chisa said.
Alinko's face became beet red.
“WHAT?”Alinko screeched.
The class fell silent and the teacher gave Alinko and Chisa a glare from the front of the classroom. Mrs. Campbell crossed her arms and sighed.
“Miss Vasha, please lower your voice. It's your first day and I don't think that you want to leave a bad first impression, do you?” Mrs. Campbell snapped before returning to the white board.
Alinko glanced up from her notes and scanned the room. Chisa was working vigorously on her notes to get caught up. Kaito was at the front of the room staring at the board. He seemed to twitch when Alinko's eyes fell on his back. Alinko quickly looked away. The other students seemed relatively normal for the most part. As she continued her analysis of her peers, her eyes stopped on a male student sitting three seats away from her. He looked very much like Kaito, but had softer features. His hair was dark, like Kaito's, and he had the same shaped eyes. He sat and neglected his work for the sake of looking out the window.
Curious, Alinko leaned partially over and whispered to Chisa.
“Who is that boy sitting by the window?” Alinko whispered.
Chisa lifted her head and careened her neck to see beyond Alinko.
“Oh…do you mean Akito Venin…? Yeah….he's cute…” Chisa whispered, gazing at Akito.
Alinko's eyes flashed over to Akito's seat to discover that Akito was returning their stares. Alinko whirled around and faced forward.
“Chisa…he's staring. Stop!” Alinko whispered in an embarrassed hurry.
Chisa blinked and mimicked what Alinko had just done.
“I'm sorry….I didn't realize what I was doing…” said Chisa, turning strawberry red.
Akito continued to stare at the two with fierce eyes. In the front of the room, Alinko noticed how Kaito was slightly turned towards Akito. Kaito nodded once and turned back around.
The bell suddenly rang for second period. As Chisa had said before, Kaito was the first one out of the door. Chisa stood up and gathered her books.
“Who do you have next…?” Chisa asked, taking Alinko's schedule. Alinko shoved her text books into her backpack and stood beside Chisa.
“Hmm…you seem to have art class with Mr. Lopez…wait…I have that class too!” Chisa explained. She quickly grabbed Alinko's hand and bolted out the door.