Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Madison: The Lost Tra'lapp ❯ Terra ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Madison stared fixedly out of the windshield as Roxie and Demetrius were in the backseat. The bag of water over Demetrius' head was working surprisingly well. His voice didn't even really sound bubbly, just a bit muffled. The rain had stopped no doubt due to the fact that the Hag and her…thing…had been defeated. Madison knew in her bones in a way she couldn't explain that Demetrius had only bought them time. The question is, how much?
There was also the silent question nobody wanted to ask but everyone was thinking. Why did her mother keep such a huge thing from her? It was a lot to take in, and having to swallow so much so quickly only heightened the feelings of betrayal. She had had an easy relationship with her mother. They had both been devastated when Mathew disappeared without a trace one day. His car had run off the road during a thunderstorm one night, and although a body was never found, the police wrote it off as a murder. Madison had always known better, and it would seem that Demetrius had proven her right.
She smiled wanly and tightly gripped the steering wheel. You knew where he was mother! Twenty three years you've known about Tra, and six years you've known where he is, and you never told me!
Roxanna crawled forward and settled herself in the front seat.
“I thought Demetrius would like having the backseat, so he can stretch his tail.”
Madison only nodded, and Roxie glanced uncertainly at her. What would help Maddy the most right now, when the bottom was falling out of her world? Aha, I know. Roxie smiled softly and said “Punchy, kicky, bite, it'll all be alright.” Madison gave her a look.
“Roxie, we made that rhyme in third grade, and we haven't said it since middle school. What hat did you pull that out of?”
“I pulled it out of my Roxie Hat. It's everywhere and has everything.”
“That would come in handy,” remarked Demetrius from the backseat.
“That's right, it comes in handy. Listen to the pretty merman, Madison.”
Madison rolled her eyes, and couldn't quite stop the tugging at the corners of her mouth. Friends; can't live with `em, can't bury `em in the back yard.
By the time they pulled up in front of the comfortable home of Terra Acreage, Madison was tense again. There was a slight pause, and then Demetrius piped up from the backseat saying “Excuse me…should we have called ahead? I'll need a fairly large basin of water, and Miss Roxie will need a change of clothes that aren't covered in mermaid blood-“
“I know that! I just…I need a little time, okay? This is huge. God, what do I even say to her? How can I face her?”
Roxanna's face was solemn as she said “You face her like you face every problem. Head on, teeth bared, fist flying!”
Madison took a deep breath and said firmly “You're right. Lets get fishy back there and talk to my mom.”
Terra Maxwell stretched and crossed khaki clad legs. Ah, it was nice having the house to herself. No crazy teenaged mood swings just easy soli-
The door burst open and Madison staggered into the hallway, dripping water everywhere and holding something glittery.
“Madison Ja'nee Acreage, what do you think you're doing?”
Madison didn't even spare her a glance, continuing to call instructions to someone outside the door. A male voice yelped as the shiny thing struck the door, and soon the shiny moved forward into the hallway to reveal—a torso. No…oh no.
Terra sat down heavily on her couch, hand pressed to her heart as her daughter and her daughters' best friend carried a merman down the hallway and into the hot tub in the master bedroom. The sound of the jets being turned on floating to Terra's ears, and then a loud splash came soon afterwards. Madison's voice drifted down the hallway, calling “Mom, come to your bedroom bathroom, please. I need to speak to you.”
Terra paled, but stood, taking a deep breath. Now wasn't the time to fall apart. She needed to be strong, just like when Mattyu disappeared. She strode down the hallway with slow, dignified steps, passed through the tastefully decorated master bedroom and into the spacious attached bathroom. She nodded politely at Roxanna and the merman in her bathroom, and then turned to face Madison. Her face was smooth and calm, though she felt like crying on the inside at the look on her daughters face.
“Is there something you would like to say, Mother? Hm? Is there a little explanation for the scale—covered guy in your tub? How about for the evil whack job chasing us? I would really like to hear what you have to say about this. Really, I would, Mother.”
Terra took a deep breath and said “I know you're upset, Madison, but I heard a very good reason for keeping this from you. I didn't want you to know because I knew you would go after your father immediately. You were only a teenager, not nearly old enough too—“
“I could have saved him! I could have gotten to him before the Hag had years to kill him and I could have saved him! Even you could have mom, Demetrius said you have powers, why didn't you even try to help him?” Madison angrily wiped away her tears. Demetrius and Roxanna exchanged miserable glances as Terra stood silently, letting her daughter rant.
When Madison had tapered off, Terra said tightly, “I did that because I couldn't bear to see you leave, Madison. Your father traveled a lot--you thought it was for his job, but it was for his succession as Tra'lapp. He was in and out the hospital all the time because of injuries from training or various enemies. He always had to look over his shoulder, and I don't want that life for you! In fact, I must wonder how you found out at all.”
Terra shot the merman a cool glare. Demetrius nervously flicked his tail, and then said uncertainly “Ma'am, it was necessary. The Hag is getting worse, and is starting to organize a mass genocide against those she considers `half human'. Something had to be done, and with Mattyu…incapacitated Madison was the only hope of the Flow.”
Roxanna turned to Demetrius and said “What did you say about a Flow? I haven't heard about that.”
Terra's gaze sharpened and she said firmly “Madison will not be joining your little resistance group! I've been keeping tabs on Tra and it's turning to chaos! The Tra's can barely keep their lands from being overtaken by the Hag, and the Tra'ayne has only just been accepted to the throne! There isn't even a guarantee that Madison has powers, much less that she'll pass the water trials! It's a long shot at best, and I wont allow it!”
Demetrius burst out with, “Mrs. Acreage how could you? You were born in Tra! You sang in the Ayne parades, you made charms in the Mystic Caves, you met Mattyu in Tra! How can you do nothing now, when it was your home?”
“I can do whatever I want too, because I'm a mother. Any mother will tell you that first and foremost, the child must be kept safe!”
Madison raised blue eyes from the floor to look her mother in the face. Wet, dirty, and bedraggled, she still held a determination that couldn't be ignored. Her blue eyes shone fiercely as she raised a hand to push back dark clumps of hair.
“I'm going, mother. First we're going to give Demetrius legs, and then I'm going to Tra to save Daddy. I don't care how I'm supposed to get there, and I don't care how long it takes. I'm going, and if you wont help me, I'll go anyway.” Madison's voice was low and calm, though her mothers' expression pleaded with her. Don't do this Maddy, don't do this. Can't you hear my silent plea? I only want you to be safe…but I see now there isn't anything I can do now.
Terra sat down on the edge of the tub and said “I'll help you. If you insist on going, then I don't have a choice. At least…” she cleared her throat and tried again. “At least I can make sure you're prepared. So many things will seem strange to you, so if I want you to survive I have to make sure you're prepared for anything.”
Madison smiled and said softly “Thank you, Mom. Thank you so much.”
After hot showers, and a quick spell to give Demetrius legs, Terra immediately began filling four packs with the equipment they will need. Madison couldn't talk her mother out of going, but she was determined to stop Roxanna from putting herself in danger.
Roxanna stood her ground firmly and said “I am coming, no matter what you say! You'll need me Madison, you can't even throw a decent punch without hurting yourself—“
“Roxie you don't even have powers, how can you defend yourself?”
Roxie snorted, “Do you have powers? Even if you do, can you use them? Heck, you couldn't even find your hiking boots until I told you they were in your closet.”
Madison stuttered for awhile, and was saved by Demetrius dragging a backpack up the stairs with a loud grunt. Roxanna and Madison exchanged looks, and Terra came up the stairs holding a blanket and a waterproof flashlight. She stuffed them in the backpack Demetrius wasn't holding and dusted off her hands.
“There, that should do. Plenty of food, flashlights, batteries, and everything else you'll need. There will be hotels, cities, and whatnot, but some parts of Tra are left wild to preserve the wildlife. You'll have to hike it, so make sure you keep up with the map. Demetrius, will you be taking them to the Flow?”
Demetrius sighed before answering “Yes, I will. They'll be happy to hear I found Madison, although I don't look forward to going back.”
Roxanna heaved on her pack and strapped it securely while Terra hugged Madison tightly.
“Maddy, are you sure about this? I can go by myself; I know the terrain better then you.”
“Yes mom, I'm sure. Dad needs me; I can't let that Hag keep him. She could be doing anything.”
“I understand honey, but—oh never mind. You wont listen anyway. “
Terra moved her hands in a slow circle, and said softly “Tra, show me the way home.”
A glistening circle slowly began to open on the wall in the living room while Madison and Demetrius reached for their pack. Madison's hand froze as a sharp, familiar feeling arced up her spine. She had felt it at crucial moments in her life, most recently when the Hag came after her in the parking garage. It was the `The to Run like a Bitch' feeling.
A roar filled the air, shaking the walls and floor. Terra fell over with a pained cry as Roxanna tripped over a rug.
The roof was suddenly ripped apart, debris falling all around them as a harsh cackle filled the air. The Hag landed lightly on the floor as swarms of creatures dressed in dark blue began to swarm from the sky.
“Meet the Tra'lapp Army! Don't worry; they'll catch all of you. Highly trained and totally loyal, you know. “
The Tra'lapp army was everywhere; flat eyes listless as thousands of them seem to flow in through the ruined walls and dropped through the gutted ceiling. Terra lurched to her feet and began flinging her hands at the thickest clumps of soldiers. Wherever she gestured huge pillars of earth impaled and threw dark—blue clad figures into the air with unnerving silence. The Hags laugh permeated all around them. Terra looked over her shoulder and snarled “The gateway is open—go! I'll hold them off as long as I can!”
Madison shook her head wildly. “No, we can't leave you! Mom—“
“GO!” Terra said, and when Madison began to run toward her, gestured abruptly at Demetrius, Roxanna, and Madison. A wave of earth lifted them and threw them past the swirling boundaries of the portal. The Hag's cackle began an enraged shriek as her prey was once again lost. Madison's last view of her mother showed her mother being wrestled to the floor by two of the Tra'lapp soldiers, and the last thing she heard was the sounds of the Hag's cackle begin again.